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Poetry Contest

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Clazy, Mar 2, 2012.

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  1. Frogdo

    Frogdo Shopkeep Stealer

    Nope, for the time being I'll remove it to avoid confusion.
  2. Beelzebub

    Beelzebub Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Zombies everywhere
    wraith spawn mechanics are bad
    oh god dead again
    UnnamedPlayer and Jackal like this.
  3. keyofdoor

    keyofdoor Haxor

    That was six not seven
    And they are migrants , not mechs.
    The game is awesome
  4. Jackal

    Jackal Shark Slayer

    (1)Wraith (2)spawn (3)mech- (4)an- (5)ics (6)are (7)bad.

    Also, he was referring to the mechanics of how wraiths spawn. He did not mistake migrants for mechanics.

    EDIT: Also, your first line had six syllables, not five.
    Birdman159 and Beelzebub like this.
  5. Beelzebub

    Beelzebub Ballista Bolt Thrower

    In his defense I edited it to correct it from "suck" to "are bad"

    ("It's changing from suck, to blow!")
    Birdman159 likes this.
  6. keyofdoor

    keyofdoor Haxor

    Oh god the irony is off the roof.
    And I seem to have broken the Haiku
    I can't wait until the winner is announced.
    Wonkyth and Jackal like this.
  7. Jackal

    Jackal Shark Slayer

    Oh god, my bad. That's funny though! Also, I originally thought that you were writing another haiku there, Door! :p
  8. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    And so we wait here, twiddling our long hefty thumbs, 'til this comp is done...
    It matters the not! We shall just pass the time of day: I wish to hear MOAR! :D
    I guess I will start!... Although it started before. Mine head is the derp. >_<
    Just below this line (I hope you will enjoy it!) is a quick haiku:
    Shield a leaf of steel
    Falls upon the man of red
    Shall he rise again?
    Haiku in English. :) How to place the kireji, I have not a clue! D:
    (See what I did thar? I hope you are all observant, there is much to see! ;) )
    It's not all like this, as they can be different: two or four are fine!
    You see this is a haiku:
    Haiku in zip form is the bomb! ^__^
  9. Mister_Meatball

    Mister_Meatball Base Burner

    Update Haiku:

    I Spawn as a Knight,
    Bomb jump two feet into spikes,
    Try it with a keg.
    Jackal likes this.
  10. spotlessline

    spotlessline Catapult Fodder

    Well...I don't really understand but I'll try my best!

    Red vs Blue, the wall is huge (1)
    The dead King Arthur's Gold is in our hold (2)
    With knights and archers, an imaginary world (3)
    Arrows fly, swords strike, until the night (4)
    Dark and tight, we squeeze into dirt (5)
    Dig, dig, dig, funnel into the tunnel (6)
    We hear them sleeping, place the bombs(7)
    Kaboom! The base is ours!(8)
    Surrender! We have you surrounded!(9)
    Take their weapons! We have them routed(10)
    A low thudding groan, a scream in the darkness(11)
    It must be a dream, but there he, the King(12)
    But he is dead, yet still alive, there is no way!(13)
    The red stained clothes, the King says "I want my Gold"(14)
    That's what they told, what happened in Fort Alpha(15)
    We now defend, the last town of Camela!(16)

    I'm in middle school and not really into poetry but I hope I did it correctly!
  11. keyofdoor

    keyofdoor Haxor

    I'm in middle school too,
    Your grammar is better than almost everyone I see at your age.
  12. spotlessline

    spotlessline Catapult Fodder

    Thanks! I'm working on my goal of being a Novelist/Storyboard person for games/movies :]
  13. Earthbound

    Earthbound Shipwright

    There is mine! (My main language is not english, but i will try)

    It was a lot of time ago,
    There was a knight who killed almost everyone.
    One time an archer got a bow,
    And shoot him in the back.

    The knight respawned,
    he was looking for revenge,
    he walked and walked
    but the archer made a change.

    He was now a knight,
    With a sword and a shield,
    He went walking to the right,
    In to the fighting field.

    The first knight became an archer in a safe position,
    The second knight went after him,
    The archer bought ammunition,
    And shoot him in the knee!
    Jackal and DarkHairedIrish like this.
  14. keyofdoor

    keyofdoor Haxor

    Then the knight, sad as he might, became a guard.
    Jackal likes this.
  15. Redigit

    Redigit is not my actual name, it's Tommasop.

    In my case Gard.:p
    GeniusofEvil likes this.
  16. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    I resent this statement but I'll give it a crack anyway.

    The King of Man recruited us
    The King of Man commanded us
    To slay the villains of red coats
    To slay the threat and cut their throats
    King of Men, why do we fight?
    O King of Men, is this really right?
    We fight not foes that tread our land
    We fight our brothers,
    You fund this war of blasphemy
    You fund this war whose reason unseen
    My fallen brothers doth die in vain
    In pointless war hath they been slain
    King of Malice, O King of Greed
    You fuel this war we do not need
    We all collect gold all the same
    We all collect gold in your glorious name
    My headcanon has always been that King Arthur pit his own armies against each other for kicks.
    AJ, jerloch, Birdman159 and 3 others like this.
  17. Jackal

    Jackal Shark Slayer

    Loved that one! Thine truth hath been spake!
  18. Clazy

    Clazy Shopkeep Stealer

    The contest ends tonight at 11:59 PM!
    Jackal likes this.
  19. keyofdoor

    keyofdoor Haxor

    Can I make edits to my poem?
  20. Clazy

    Clazy Shopkeep Stealer

    as long as it is before due date.
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