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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ghozt, Mar 6, 2012.


Do you like this Idea?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. It wouldn't work

  4. Possibly

  1. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    I hope this is the right category...
    To the point, lot's of people are asking for a "Friends" system, why couldn't you all find something already made which could do what you wanted. (Text chat, speak chat etc.)
    Some examples of this are;

    1. Steam
    2. Evolve
    3. Skype

    Most of these applications have "Groups" for KAG if the applications are able to have groups.
    They are all FREE to...!!!
    Then, you can just put your username in your signature. (Like I have)
    Last thing, if you have found any other, "Friends" systems suggest them and i'll add them for you.
  2. Tyrianstrasz

    Tyrianstrasz Shopkeep Stealer

    Problem here is that not everyone possesses or wants to use either of those three, sure by all means create a user made community on steam, I'll personally hold out for an in-game friendlist or a platform for the game to be launched on.
  3. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    Yes I see your point, but, ummm, think of it like a life support system, It might only "just" be working, but it is going to work and you only need to use it for a little while until the "Person" recovers or you might not get a friends system. (You take the Life support system away the "Person" dies.)
    "Or wants to use either of those three" that's why I said suggestions.
  4. Smokeybacon

    Smokeybacon Superdreadnought Donator

    KAG already has an official IRC channel (#KAG @quakenet), a number of IRC channels devoted to clans and such, and a number of mumble servers. Although these don't have friends systems, they help for you to get to know the various members of the community, and save us conversing in-game or in the forums.
    GHOZT and mangus like this.
  5. Mister_Meatball

    Mister_Meatball Base Burner

    Yes, I am an avid steam user and I just saw that realm of the mad god (a popular flash browser based game) Just got put on steam. Having a large indie game category, once this game gets out of beta it would be nice for this game to have steam support. For now I am using the IRC like stated above, but being able to use steam group voice chat with friends would be a great way to communicate without having to use text.
  6. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

    Well they added IRC in game so you can communicate with the community on chat and get to know everyone instead of just a couple people. If your looking for just a way to communicate with one or two friends easier, its not that hard to just tell them the server name on whatever social network i'm guessing that you use then meet up there. Also this game is still in development so there may or may not be some kind of friend list feature in the future, patience.
  7. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    KAG needs inbuilt voice communication. Let the mic spam commence.
    inactive_account likes this.
  8. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    eggnog might not be a good idea i hear screaming at your computer and swearing at griefers is rude
  9. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    Premium only feature then?
    inactive_account likes this.
  10. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    yeah it would be alot better that way
  11. Smokeybacon

    Smokeybacon Superdreadnought Donator

    In-game VOIP sucks, I know from experience. Mumble is easy to use and has very low latency. There are numerous other decent external programs as well.
    UnnamedPlayer likes this.
  12. DanPabst

    DanPabst Shopkeep Stealer

    I don't know if you were talking about the ''quality'', but if the In-game VOIP use a good plugin (i.e : like Skype) the quality can be really good and you don't need to download another program.

    But anyway, Mumble or TS , are both good to communicate.
  13. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Skype is terrible for gaming.
    I'd also still use mumble even if they implemented an ingame VoIP.
  14. Smokeybacon

    Smokeybacon Superdreadnought Donator

    I don't doubt the quality of these VOIPs. I'm speaking from a latency, resources and flexibility point of view. In-game VOIP through some external plugin is always more demanding, and by nature is confined to in-game only. Whereas a player can remain on mumble even after game crashes, or if they wish to take a break, etc. It's just an awkward system not worth the additional load.
    Eggnogg and Rayne like this.
  15. Mister_Meatball

    Mister_Meatball Base Burner

    Just to clear things up, servers for me are laggy as it is, having voip on a 48 player server would leave me with bleeding eardrums and a disconnected message every time I try to play.