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Crash on Tempesta Pre-Cache

Discussion in 'General Help' started by OldGregor, Mar 9, 2012.

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  1. OldGregor

    OldGregor Catapult Fodder

    So I boot up the game today, ready to kill me some MOLE Beef, but then it crashes on tempesta.png. I set 'Run as Administrator' and it doesn't work. Windows XP compatibility mode, and it doesnt work. I am stumped of what to do, help friends. :(

    EDIT: my friend haybales sent me his kag install, and now it works :B):
    Beef likes this.
  2. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Tried a clean install?
  3. OldGregor

    OldGregor Catapult Fodder

    Yes, twice. It KEEPS HAPPENING.
  4. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Well, the thing it crashes on is apparently just fonts;


    Save that (from mine, works fine) to kag/base/gui/fonts and replace the original. If it's not the .png being weird, it could be the font converter, and after that I'm outa ideas
  5. OldGregor

    OldGregor Catapult Fodder

    Tried that, it just doesn't want to pre cache. 10$ down the drain if I can't get this to work. :(

    Did a System Restore, Updated Video Drivers
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