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EVENT: Guards vs The World

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tur1sta, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. tur1sta

    tur1sta Random snippet here ಠ__ಠ Donator

    Here are some screen shots for you jellies!

    KAG.jpg KAG2.jpg KAG3.jpg KAG4.jpg KAG5.jpg KAG6.jpg

    I should have thought of this sooner. The previous battle just started the event off great. We breached the red fortress at initial rush but the guards where pushing us back and the tickets where:

    117 blue: 88 red
    250 blue : 150 red

    they changed it after they restarted the server.

    EDIT: I won't be on for long, so If you have screen shots post it!!! I'll do my best to copy it and past it on front, with credits to cappers of course.
    MooCowMan, Beef, Rayne and 5 others like this.
  2. Cadbury

    Cadbury You can't escape. Donator

    You seem to have misspelt something there, boyo.
    And I have a screenshot of my own.
    Beef and tur1sta like this.
  3. OldGregor

    OldGregor Catapult Fodder

    banned on north american guard v world server before i even joined :(
    Dark_Ham likes this.
  4. I'll post a video later. Its not all that much but it shows the chaos. I quit after about 20 minutes though. It got horrible. It wasnt really a game it was a buch of blues running into a wall of arrows and a few knights.
    Beef and tur1sta like this.
  5. LeprousHarry

    LeprousHarry Builder Stabber

    @OldGregor: Same for me... Needless to say that I never griefed. It is quite frustrating, since I'm missing this event for no good reason. I would certainly appreciate if someone could fix this issue, which has happened to me many times now.
  6. There was a mass ban earlier. A lot of the Premis were/are banned ):
  7. tur1sta

    tur1sta Random snippet here ಠ__ಠ Donator

    I know they had plans on banning people intentionally to give other premiums a chance to fight against them, I didn't think it would be that quick.

    Reminder: Please don't post your complaints here. If you are banned, its either a random ban or they banned you for other players to get in.
    That's content I actually wanna see.
  8. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    Server is up and working fine now, hopefully after the first reset the ping banned related issues will be fixed.
    Overlord likes this.
  9. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Should have got more pics, actually should have recorded but didn't. Anyways here you go:
    , ladies?
  10. tur1sta

    tur1sta Random snippet here ಠ__ಠ Donator

    I'm still banned which is very very odd. I guess they banned me already and made my spot available for others.
    Oh well, have fun!!!:B):

    Don't forget to post some screen shots. The interweb loves screenshots

    and videos too
  11. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    Server hasn't been reset yet I don't think. I don't know I'm on my iPhone and spending money on my data to try and help out :p lol
    tur1sta likes this.
  12. keyofdoor

    keyofdoor Haxor

    Did anyone get any screenshots of the editor spam?
    OH and thank you Fell
  13. PainGiver

    PainGiver Arsonist

    i randomly got banned as well, I know it wasnt my connection or high ping.
    Dark_Ham likes this.
  14. Dark_Ham

    Dark_Ham Shipwright

    Glad I wasn't the only one to get banned. Ah well hope everyone had fun!
    PainGiver likes this.
  15. keyofdoor

    keyofdoor Haxor

    Here's a badass castle. untitled.JPG
    Wonkyth likes this.
  16. Needs more team doors.
    Chinizz, tur1sta and UnnamedPlayer like this.
  17. MacD

    MacD Shark Slayer

    I just tried joining the NA Guards vs. World server. I guess I chose a bad time, every guard left within 10 minutes of me joining. I still had fun playing with the imbalanced teams afterwards, managed to pull off a good victory on the red team with the help of MooCowMan (It was 6v2 for most of the round until more players started joining about 2 minutes before the end).
    MooCowMan likes this.
  18. PainGiver

    PainGiver Arsonist

    I liked raping the heck out of the guards when I could, but it eventually got boring. I'd rather play even teams instead of slaughtering with 30vs10.
  19. keyofdoor

    keyofdoor Haxor

    Oh , the base was modeled after a camel, we won:B):
  20. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I highly doubt this would happen again. Not the event, but how it took place! Also some of the Guards are kind of rusty, meaning they will only get better as more events are planned.