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Hosting a server on Macs

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Voxxitronic, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. Voxxitronic

    Voxxitronic It's an adjective Donator

    Hosting a server on Mac and Linux is NOT the same.
    I have looked literally everywhere I can go, searched the forums, etc.

    I aim to make a server for me and a few of my friends, I own a mac, and I have no fucking clue how the Linux and Mac tutorials are the same, but I got to the part where I need to run the server file.
    Because I can't find it. If I did, I would not know how to run it.
    Help would be appreciated.
  2. Zephon

    Zephon Shipwright

    You didn't looked literally everywhere, if you overread this thread:

    I quote myself:

    The rest is described in the mentioned thread. But right now it seems that after starting a server and seeing it in the server list, while trying to connect with the "Connect To..." Option in the multiplayer menu to your own or localhost IP, it doesn't work anymore, at least not like it did before. That written, I can't help you further. Before build 319 it worked flawlessly, but now it won't, even with all fixes regarding the same IP Adresses and localhost joining. Maybe someone else can point out a way to make it work again.

    Ah, and Port forwarding is important, if you didn't do it already.
    Kouji likes this.
  3. Voxxitronic

    Voxxitronic It's an adjective Donator

    The link for downloading the Linux & OSX version didn't work. Do you have the download? If not, I could ask maqq or whoever has the server config file.
  4. Zephon

    Zephon Shipwright

    Ah, I didn't noticed. It should be better if you send him a message about it here on the forums. I'm not sure about copyrights and sharing his work, so asking anyone else could be a issue.
  5. Voxxitronic

    Voxxitronic It's an adjective Donator
