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[Solved] "Could not connect to Authentication server, Check your internet connection and try again"

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Hrodvitnir, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. Hawker

    Hawker Bison Rider

    are you getting Could not connect to authentication server. Check your internet connection and try again.
    (Additional info-Curl Error: Peer certificate canot be authenticated with given CA certificates)
  2. DeathBomber

    DeathBomber Shipwright

    Yes thats exactly what I am getting!
  3. Hawker

    Hawker Bison Rider

    we have same problem then
  4. DeathBomber

    DeathBomber Shipwright

    right but how to solve this :(
  5. Warren2997

    Warren2997 Shipwright

    try a little light connet to the internet on the light:B):
  6. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Here is one last thing I need you to try, especially you DeathBomber (but Hawker too)

    In your browser while on this page (the screenshots below are for firefox but chrome/opera/safari should be similar), click the button in the address bar to get the site's security information. Then click "More Information..."

    Then click View Certificate:

    Then type or take a screenshot of the certificate fingerprints, they should look something like I show below but may not be identical - that's what I need to know.

    You can do this on the forums because the forums use the same certificate as the API. Please post this info as soon as you have a chance/thanks.

    Also, I am working with MM to get an update to the game released which allows you to override the certificate validation for now, until we find the real cause of this problem and get it fixed.
  7. DeathBomber

    DeathBomber Shipwright

    I dont know how to take screenshots on desktop but I checked everything that was on the certificate( I took it from this forum page) , everythign was simmilar except Validity : issued on: 3/1/2012 , everything else was exactly simmilar.
  8. Hawker

    Hawker Bison Rider

    mine are
    SHA1 Fingerprint 50:E2:5D:EA:51:CB:8C:3F:E4:61:E3:4D:8F:F2:6E:EF:A1:C9:4E:FF
    MD5 Fingerprint 18:19:47:1A:DA:A5:B6:56:D2:49:B9:16:D1:39:82:4E
    the only difference in mine is that it cannot verify this certificate because it has expired even though in expires part it has it expires in 2013 like yours
  9. DeathBomber

    DeathBomber Shipwright

    mine is the same as his and mine expiry date is 3/2/2013....?
  10. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    You're sure the fingerprint is the same?

    The dates vary because these are probably timezone-adjusted.

    Thanks for the quick answers on these. Unfortunately I am pretty much out of ideas. I will try to work with MM to get that update which allows overriding the SSL verification today or tomorrow hopefully.

    edit:interesting Hawker, it says it expired? Can you show a screenshot of the error saying that it has expired?
  11. DeathBomber

    DeathBomber Shipwright

    SHA1 Fingerprint 50:E2:5D:EA:51:CB:8C:3F:E4:61:E3:4D:8F:F2:6E:EF:A1:C9:4E:FF
    MD5 Fingerprint 18:19:47:1A:DA:A5:B6:56:D2:49:B9:12:D1:39:82:4E

    this is exactly what was written....
    </br>--- merged: Apr 3, 2012 10:56 AM ---</br>
    mind those happy faces are : then D
    </br>--- merged: Apr 3, 2012 10:58 AM ---</br>
    and thank you for the update I seriously want to play :p
  12. nuitnoire

    nuitnoire Catapult Fodder

    well :eek: i replace my router now i can login .:D

    best of luck yall who cant login with the "cert auth"

    nuitnoire out
  13. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    very interesting, I have no idea how your router resulted in a DNS error, but ok!
  14. Hawker

    Hawker Bison Rider

  15. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Might be a leap year bug. Would be stupid though.

    The change of dates is due to the time zone difference though, I have the same dates as Hawker and everything is working fine.

    Is your windows XP updated?

    edit: or check the date your PC is set on......
  16. DeathBomber

    DeathBomber Shipwright

    extra info: my certificate has expired too
  17. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Please show me a screenshot of how/where it shows the cert as expired.

    yes, also please double-check the date your computer is set to. I was able to reproduce this by setting a winxp machine's clock to 2013 or 2011 or any other incorrect year which makes the cert expired. The date must be correct for this to work - I am willing to bet that if this is the problem, you've been clicking through invalid certs on some other sites as well.

    When you guys first visited the forums, did you need to click through to accept the "expired" certificate?
    </br>--- merged: Apr 4, 2012 11:40 AM ---</br>
    Please check the date your computer is set to
  18. Hawker

    Hawker Bison Rider

    yeah i just checked it the date it was set on was 2002
  19. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Did you set it to the correct date and try KAG again? If so, please tell us whether this fixed your issue.
  20. Hawker

    Hawker Bison Rider

    KAG works problem solved
    thank you for all of your help, i really appreciate it