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Build 353 Released!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MM, Apr 5, 2012.

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  1. Creille

    Creille Base Burner

    Haha well hopefully you'll get to see some of the action :)
  2. Chrispin

    Chrispin KAG Guard Tester

    Yeah combat is really random. Body part shrapnel and other things constantly stunning you, and the new collision damage system creates a big frenzy where the outcome is pretty much up to chance. Getting slammed against a wall doesn't need to be instadeath, it just needs to be damaging. It should deal about a heart of damage if you get slammed against something regardless of velocity, assuming there's still a minimum velocity.

    Also movement stun needs to be outright removed from a lot of attacks. Knock-back is still fun though.
  3. ShnitzelKiller

    ShnitzelKiller Haxor

    I am blown away by the fact that you can stun your own teammates by colliding with them, causing a lot of congestion even if you're moving side by side in the same direction. Just about everything stuns or hurts you now. And since the bug causing you to fly at high speed across the ground after swinging your sword hasn't been fixed, it's really easy to "fall to your death" in the most mundane situations.
  4. Ostricheggs

    Ostricheggs Shipwright

    My problems with the new build regarding combat:

    - Slashes aren't as responsive as they were before. What I mean by that is that they don't register hits nearly as much as they should. It's appalling compared to last build how bad they are; it's ridiculous to me because last patch they were nearly perfect and almost entirely responsive outside of a few hitbox issues that have been in the game since I started. It seems like you guys further changed the hitboxes on them so they almost always hit people who are above you, but rarely lateral or below.

    - Bombs are super duper messed up. They're porting worse than they ever have been and they're going through shields. I've seen people shield at bombs that aren't moving and still die. I've also thrown two bombs around me trying to commit suicide, shielding to one side as they both explode and somehow survive taking no damage. Bombs were a bit laggy last build, but nothing compared to this.

    - Teleporting has snuck its devious way back in making combat's predictability nearly non-existent, especially in conjunction with other bugs.

    - Stuns are broken too. If a person was stunned on top of you last patch you'd recover on top of them or slide off of them unless you hit them and stunned them again (difficult given that you parry attacks in front when stunned by nearly all stuns a knight can do to another), but this build when a person is stunned on top of you they're quite literally stunned for good unless they fall off. You can essentially trap an opponent forever if they're on top of you in a 2-3 tile wide space with literally nothing they can do except wait to die. Furthering the issue is that you can pinch someone against an object and kill them nearly instantly as I'll explain later. People talk about "perma-stuns" constantly, but stuns last patch and patches before were predictable and turned combat into a chess match of timing and movement. There are very real opportunities for inane perma-stuns in this build, and that fucks knight combat up a LOT!

    - There's a lot of issues with things that increase your speed and collision in general. Shield bashing can literally send someone flying across the map at completely random, I'm not joking. Slashing can do the same thing if a person gets knocked into the air. I've shield bashed a guy trying to shield bash me and we tangled for a bit before both being sent FLYING across the map into walls and dying instantly as if we were both bomb jumping. It's unbelievable, and made 5x worse because........

    - Fall damage is FUCKED!

    Just the blunt truth. This seems to be related to the previous build's bug with dying while sliding off of a wall at an increased speed, but it's gotten far, far worse. What seems to happen is that ANYTHING that increases your speed from normal (slashes (both when you are slashing and when getting hit/blocking one), bombs, falling, shield bashing (up, down and laterally), catapults, blocking things, falling objects, bomb jumping etc etc etc) which results in you being pinched to the ground or you sliding off a wall will result in your death. What really seems to be the kicker to this issue is that ANYTHING that provides collision between you and the ground/wall, while you're moving faster than usual will kill you just like it does when you slide against walls! The best part of it too is that with walls, there doesn't even need to be anything between you and them to kill you. A common sight this build is someone slashing another, the victim flying against a wall many tiles away and dying from fall damage a la mortal combat. It's fucked up. It do think this is honestly a game breaker, it screws over everything so hard and makes combat entirely random. This is fuckin serious, it breaks the game. It seriously breaks the game. Seriously. It breaks the game.

    And yet, despite almost everything being else being broke, jabs are the most responsive I've ever seen them. It's funny, the last build was great on almost all levels aside from jabs and this build everything but jabs is broke.


    New bugs,

    - Teammates cause collision occasionally, I think on slashes and when they fall on you, but i'm not sure

    - Shops are bugged. When you buy arrows sometimes you directly respawn. The most rage inducing thing in the entire fucking world at 0 units. Also, when you buy bombs too fast sometimes it'll scarf up your extra gold when it's under 20

    - Random increases and decreases in damage is occurring far more often

    - You can create nearly double the arrows you should be able to if you knock the first two tiles on a tree twice and knock the bottom one bringing the second tile to the soil. This reverts the tile you notched back to a full tree tile ready to be mined again.

    - Corpses occasionally create collision when they've not even been touched. Also, you can get infinite gold from a corpse by smashing it over and over while holding it. ALSO when you immediately kill someone and their corpse falls on you, it deals damage, maybe not a bug but still ridiculous. Collision, as I'm sure we all know damn well by know, is a death sentence in this patch.

    EDIT part deux:

    - Knights sometimes deal 2 damage to archers on falls, jabs and slashes can insta-kill archers sometimes.

    - Arrows are porting as well

    - Doors/bridges sometimes change into enemy doors/bridges for no reason.

    - When you die with an arrow charged and it fires off, it deals damage to your team
    Noburu, MooCowMan, 16th and 10 others like this.
  5. hexalslug

    hexalslug Bison Rider

    One bug I haven't seen mentioned is that sometimes a sound will be super distorted and loud. Before some sounds would randomly be disproportionately loud, but now they can sound like they have a "razor" type distortion applied to them.
  6. Ostricheggs

    Ostricheggs Shipwright

    Switching to archer until combat is fixed.

    This is quite literally unplayable. I cannot even fathom what you guys were thinking releasing this build, it's garbage ;|
  7. Hoj

    Hoj Builder Stabber

    What he is saying is that i can kill you and load you're ass into the catapult. Then shoot you're dead ass at you're alive ass killing you're ass with you're ass. You dig? Then after that i load that other body of yours into the catapults again killing you're ass to load another one of you're asses into the catapult.:B):
  8. Ostricheggs

    Ostricheggs Shipwright

    Don't get me wrong, corpses are cool, but breaking the entire fuckin game and, ironically enough, corpses themselves along with their implementation just ain't worth it. I'm not a very easy person to make mad, but needless to say I am NOT happy... The flagrant brokenness of this entire build just makes me think that no one even played it before it was released. I'd be fuckin ashamed as a nun in a porn shop for OK'ing this travesty

    The fact that this fuckin hellish aberration of KAG saw the light of day before it got pixelized buckshot to its head just boggles my mind and boils my blood.

    It also doesn't help that I had nothing better to do than to play it for a few bored, lonely hours today. Dark days
  9. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Ignoring KAG for a week until the patches that are literally just fucking troll material are gone, what a damn shame that I can't tell my server host to just hold that fucking month and put it forward until these stupid changes are done.

    A little test showed:
    Knight combat fucked, bugs worse than ever (Seriously why is there even a test build if it's never used for these sorts of things, the exact things it should be used for), bombj umping strange, running into walls fucked, fall damage fucked, everything fucked.

    At this point as much as I fucking love KAG it's almost time to pack up and call it a fucking day, Planetside 2 coming out soon and I can get my fun from other games thanks to PoE finally letting all my friends in.

    As much as I love KAG I simply can't deal with the bullshit of hopping on when I get a chance and I have to spend my first fucking 3 hours testing things because everything flip flopped, I find out it's fucking WORSE than before and then have to stop playing for a while or figure out what's worse, why it's worse and how to abuse it, this isn't fun, I understand it's an alpha, but damn.
    Noburu, Knighthart, Maverick and 4 others like this.
  10. Chrispin

    Chrispin KAG Guard Tester

    I really think we should just revert back to the last build.
  11. Hoj

    Hoj Builder Stabber

    Theres a chance reverting may cause more problems. I'm not exactly sure about that issue but its possible. Out dated clients or new clients may conflict at that point. Like i said i'm not totally sure but i agree if it will work right.
  12. MacD

    MacD Shark Slayer

    I just realized that corpse throwing makes the archer's "play dead" ability even more useless in the battlefield (when there's no low canopies to hide in). Someone's either going to try and pick them up or try to get coins from gibbing their corpse.
  13. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    I don't think this is a bug. I am not sure what to call it but i dont think it is a mechanic like bomb jumping but it is meant to be in game. I know that you are saying you are getting 5 arrows from one tree block but i am 100% sure it is not a bug.
  14. TheFilip

    TheFilip Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Does this work on Zombie-Fortress too?
  15. Acavado

    Acavado KAG Guard Tester

    And so I guess I'm the only one who likes this build.
    Contrary, Kouji and FliesLikeABrick like this.
  16. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    Nah it is a fun build i only hate the new hitboxes and clash mechanics like death from walls and floors...otherwise it is still really fun as an archer :D
  17. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I like the build quite a bit :x
  18. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    I find the build fine. I always find it awkward when everyone else seems to hate upon it, and therefore the developers must be out to get them in some way. O.o
  19. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    "For some reason bans no longer work. The commands shown below kick players form the game, but do not prevent them from re-joining, and playing, until the ban has expired. Any idea why?"

    Yes, kicking is just kicking now. Use ban or banhost for bans.

    /ban case_sensitive_name time_in_minutes
    /banhost dotted_ip_address time_in_minutes

    I'll do banid if anyone wants it. Get the IP and name from /rcon /players.


    Contrary: "the default RDM maps are kind of bad no offence. Pretty and unique but promote camping a lot. "
    Yeah, I've got to put a bit of work into balancing them, especially the mountain ones.


    Everyone: "corpses are OP"
    We'll work on fixing that soon, naturally.


    Everyone: "Stun sucks on most attacks"
    I know, but it's tied into a lot of the networking code and is tricky to cut out. I'm planning on removing stun (keeping knock) on jab, non-charged arrows and probably low damage bomb stuff too.


    ShnitzelKiller: "Fall damage causes some weird shit"
    yeah it does. Seems its not getting separated by team properly, we'll look into that next week. The stunning congestion is pretty frustrating.


    BlueLuigi: "D:<"
    Sorry you dont like it man. Had to be released one day earlier for easter so more shit slipped through than we'd like.

    In general I've had quite a bit of fun with this but there are obvious bugs that need sorting. We're going to be doing more regular releases to see how that goes so worst comes to worst at least bugs will get patched quickly.
    Noburu, Contrary, Chrispin and 9 others like this.
  20. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    I find it still fun... :o
    I have just set my expectations lower to not ever having a positive K:D or expecting to win through skill.
    Also feels weird being having your fate sealed by almost everything but atleast it works both ways.
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