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[319] Archer Tower-Top Nest

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Anons, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Anons

    Anons Unknown Member Donator

    I haven't seen this design anywhere else, correct me if someone else thought of it before I did.
    It's a pretty simple design, which allows archers a large range of freedom with their fireing arch, yet still offers decent protection from incoming fire.


    Here it is in use on top of a tower.


    Explanation Diagram


    The archer is able to stand on either the trap door (show by a line in red) which will open the top door, giving the top firing arch for far away targets or high targets. He can easily switch down onto the stone (show by the line in green) Which will open the lower door (and close the top door; Protecting from arrows from above) giving the archer a firing arch over the ground in his immediate vicinity. If build into a wall he can easily shoot straight down onto attackers attacking the structure.
    Since the room is 3 high, it can also easily incorporate a shop into it, for example a quarters to heal up and allies that need attention.

    So, what does everyone think? I've been using it recently (and when archers actually decide to use it) it has been pretty effective.
  2. It's a one of basic designs.
  3. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    It's good, as Ej said pretty basically used, but good you posted it.

    One thing to keep in mind is faggots can squeeze in if they break that door and bombjump land there.
  4. -Q

    -Q Donator

    Would be a bit more effective if teambridges were spammed all across the area.
  5. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    This is actually pretty good if you think about it.

    The one I am using is seen HERE.
    Yours has some pretty neat perks compared to mine (its cheaper for one, and allows lobbed shots, while mine allows easy exit for teammates (dropping downwards for knights for devastating drop slashes!)). The main thing I like is that archers have a way easier time doing a simple evasion from enemy archers shooting at them (just pressing down to evade ot completely). This feels way more fluent then on mine. I don't really know why you got no love for this yet, I think its pretty good.

    This is basically used? I have yet to see someone build this (with the shifted brick etc.) I usually am the only builder building things like that on servers I play on. As far as I am concerned you are in luck if a builder even includes a single archer shute to shoot out of embedded into a solid wall.

    Actually I will steal that thing that allows lobbed shots and do something like:

    killatron46 likes this.
  6. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I've always loved that perch Wyeth, and I've used it every since I saw your post on that thread so long ago. (When I first joined near the end of build 203, I took the time to look through every forum thread in the builder sub forum). :)

    Neat thing about it too in the last couple of builds, is you can ladder around there as well:


    BlueLuigi likes this.
  7. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Be careful as fuck with those outside ladders, bombjumpers can get stuck on them and break those doors to get in if no archer is on duty (sometimes even if there is one!). And the one rightmost can be used to get up on top of that stone actually.
  8. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    Exactly, that's why I think Anons building has an advantage there. I am always reluctant to place outside ladders, but if you want both controlled dropping capability and archer shutes you need them to keep archers from accidentally falling outside. I mostly only place one ladder on the left corner instead of 2 and thats it and even with that someone could bomb jump right on it and "hang" onto it. Dunno if it still works so well with the new more "bouncy" physics, but its definately a possibility.


    Yeah I actually like to browse all the old structures from time to time, since there are often things that now work and haven't worked prior etc. Or just for inspiration (especially my own ones since I sometimes forget things I did before and then rediscover them).
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  9. Anons

    Anons Unknown Member Donator

    The overhang of the nest outside your tower tends it maker it harder for builders to ladder around it. Also, with the new build bomb jumpers can squeeze down through the gap on the top, if they happen to land on top of it, which is an upside.

    After a nice design talk with Jinkies I generally end up using the nest like this.


    The second door just under the nest that archers can shoot straight down @ anyone trying to get in the door & the top spikes neuter any attempted bomb jumpers. Also of-course, no low doors.
    Wyeth and killatron46 like this.
  10. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I'm guessing by this: "Also of-course, no low doors." You mean that the door would be higher on the actual tower than your picture shows? Ideal tower height for the bottom of your door is 8. No stun for allies walking out. I have also found that hardly ever do you need the degree of firing increase you get from this:
    To this. :down::blank: /
    :castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall: /

    If you wanted to have more vertical firing, you could naturally encourage archers to go up by the spikes where bombjumper catcher is:
    Bridge to catch archers if they get stunned off the top.
  11. Anons

    Anons Unknown Member Donator

    I was referring to the overall design of the tower not having any of those nasty ground doors, lol. :)
  12. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I pretty much consider any tower with a door below 6 tiles from the ground level be have "ground" level doors. Because at that height is is extremely easy for 1-2 knights to just come in. If you build the front of your tower carefully . . .

    You can also repeat this pattern by reducing a stone block and bridge block for 7, and 6 high towers. Though 8 is by far the most effective.

    Two knights without a bomb can do nothing.
  13. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    Well it changed a little... they made shield boosting a lot less powerful... you basically "sink" through the person... so you can't just stand in front of a door and destroy it. Also in my opinion it doesnt really need to be too high. As long as its at least 3 blocks high a lone knight can't open it. Usually things don't need to just stand around and be safe by themselves but rather work with your mates. With me present the structure can't really be destroyed anyways (at least not by just a couple knights jumping up and down... since I have the principle of always making second ways around it (above it etc.) I can simply put a stone down without hindering my team and remove it later).