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Discussion in 'Texture Packs' started by Bly, Dec 18, 2011.

  1. Bly

    Bly Ballista Bolt Thrower

    //Edit by Contrary. This is now the texture pack idea dump. If you want to see something made but are too lazy to even try to do it yourself, post it here.

    1.I think some one should do a were wolf as knight but instead of sword make it his claw and the sheild can turn in to his other claw.
    2. knight like puss and boots hat and cape.
    3. puss and boots hate and cape for archer.

    p.s try and make the knight a bit skinny
  2. Hunter0

    Hunter0 Shipwright

    These ideas aren't bad. If I wasn't so useless and lazy, I would make it myself.
    LUKEhw likes this.
  3. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    I have an idea that I've been lingering on for a while; a Spelunky texture pack. Think about it; bombs, stone, trees, coinage, dirt, and gold would all be easy to do. Team tents could be re-skinned to look like idol pedestals, in which idols are flags. Hearts could be re-skinned to look like damsels!
    Noburu likes this.
  4. Warhammer 40k.
    Ultramarines versus Blood Angels.
    Knights would be assault marines (and they would glide with jumppacks!), archers would be scouts and builders would be servitors.
    Or Ultramarines versus World Eaters (much more cooler), but I don't know very much about Chaos Marines and I can't think about any replacement for archer.
  5. The_Khan

    The_Khan Bison Rider

    Would someone please make a Texture pack for wooden blocks? It wouldn't be too hard, the textures already exist. I'm not asking for a mod, even though it will be weird that wood costs stone but it'll look awesome nonetheless.
  6. The_Khan

    The_Khan Bison Rider

    Just stone, Stone Bricks too. All the stone stuff.
  7. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    ...Title's pretty much everything, although i have already posted the request on AyesDyef's hattery and that other guy's head shop thread.

    ...Then why make this thread? Locked.
  8. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    As the title says, i've been looking around for a Doctor Who texture pack and haven't seen any - Might as well request it.

    Also, just so you know, i've only watched the reboot of the show...Most of it, at least.


    Tent: TARDIS with Lamp (Flag) (Color-Changable)
    Outpost: TARDIS (Color-Changable)
    Builder: 1990s Worker
    Knight: Tenth Doctor
    Archer: U.N.I.T. Soldier

    Female Builder: 1990s Female Worker
    Female Knight: River Song
    Female Archer: Female U.N.I.T. Soldier


    Default Builder: 1990s Worker with Construction Helmet
    Default Knight: Tenth Doctor
    Default Archer: U.N.I.T. Soldier

    Default Female Builder: 1990s (Female) Worker with Construction Helmet
    Default Female Knight: River Song
    Default Female Archer: Female U.N.I.T. Soldier

    Head with Hair (One after beard): Eleventh Doctor
    Knight Helmet: Dalek
    Tophat: Cyberman Head

    MM's Head: Ninth Doctor
    Geti's Head: Eighth Doctor


    You can pick the rest.
    </br>--- merged: Mar 26, 2012 10:34 PM ---</br>

    Somehow, i get the feeling i just drove everyone who read this thread over to Netflix to watch Doctor Who.
    </br>--- merged: Mar 29, 2012 2:41 AM ---</br>
    Please, just post.
  9. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester


    Your request is probably a bit specific and while it would be cool is also probably a lot of work, just give it time, most never get made, most people would say you are better off trying to sprite it yourself.
  10. Captain_Strelok

    Captain_Strelok Builder Stabber

    Blue Team - (light)green, taupe and blue
    Archer=Imperial Guard
    Builder=Techpriest? Imperial Guards with rolled up sleeves, helmetless

    Red Team - green, red and black
    A=Goblin, armored
    B=Goblin, slave

    B=Drop pod, more pods farther behind
    R=Wrecked rocket

    B=Imperial Tank
    R=Ork Tank


    Pickaxe=Metal/Military issue pickaxe

    Bomb=Frag grenade
    Arrow=Tiny bullet, bullet hole (looks better embedded in the terrain)
    Coins=tins, cans, power cells, ork/empire emblems (Can be thought of as trophies if dropped by opposing side)
    Gold=Ammo box (green metal boxe, you know the one)
    Stone=Concrete block + distinguishing detail
    Wood=Metal scraps
    Workshops=steel scaffolding, metal crates, blue lights, generators, field beds, etc
    Lanterns=Blue futuristic (but not too futuristic) lamps
    Catapult=Some sort of artillery?

    Terrain - Urban/dusty wasteland
    Metal ladders, doors, bridges
    Concrete blocks (stone blocks reveal rebar as they get damaged)
    Rebar spikes (rusty red)
    Square-ish boulder (from broken blocks)
    Large wheel? (trap boulder)
    Gold ore=Metal crate
    Gold bullion=Same as above?
    Trees=Some sort of metal pole
    Grass=Dead, dry grass

    And thats about it for my ideas. Personally I feel that a 40K tex-pack would fit the classes pretty well. And the fact that it would be cool.
    Speaking of Warhammer, a fantasy version would be cool, and probably quite a bit easier...
    Birdman159, MINIMAN and Stevedog like this.
  11. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    Basically, weeping angel versions of every class in the game's textures. Of course, to tell apart from Red and Blue, they'd have cloth somewhere on each statue or colored stone/metal, whatever you want to call it. (As in, put team colors on a spot in each statue, for example a gem in the forehead of the knight)

    Could move when placing blocks, attacking, drawing bow, so on.

    Corpse would be cracked/fractured statue, archer sneak movement would be the same as the basic standing sprite.

    Gibs would be fractures of stone and a stone head flying off.

    Cool, right?
  12. Grot. Not Goblin. Orks are different than Orcs.

    Thoughts in no particular order:
    • I prefer the idea of a blue builder as a techpriest.
    • Red Orks- More speed
    • Battlewagon for Ork Waypoint
    • Blue Archer- Imperial Guard Catachan/Candian Snipers
    • Blue Knight- Powerfist as a shield, or parrying with the chainsword?
    • Blue Builder- If it is a techpriest, the pick could be just his mechanical arms, which is cooler than a futuristic pickaxe
    • Red Archer: Grots with Big Shoota (More Dakka)
    • Red Knight: Ork Nob/Boy (Little difference) with Choppa and either Power Klaw for shield or just parrying
    • Red Builder: MekBoy with Mek's Tools
    • I wish that you could customize different sides bombs/kegs/arrows, because they would be totally different (Grenades for space marines, Tankbusta bombs for Orks; Big deposit of Munitions for Space marines, Squig bombs for Orks, etc.)
    • Tents are great (Wrecked rocket or a Wrecked Asteroid)
    • Possibly, since knights can glide, replace regular Space Marines with an Assault Squad and regular Ork Boyz with some Storm Boyz
    • Flags are great
    • Terrain is great
    • Rhino for the Blue OP

    • Great idea- My thoughts above are just kind of random, so take them as they are.
    miniswrider likes this.
  13. Im_a_Turtle

    Im_a_Turtle Haxor

    Sounds like a fun idea.
  14. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester


    No, not cool. We don't need people going "hey wouldn't it be cool if someone (not me) made x thing?" It's not productive; idea men are not useful. I mean seriously this is such a trivial modification why would you need someone else to do it for you. In your profile you even have your occupation listed as "spriter". Seriously how does that work?

    I'm making this the requests dump. Leave all of you requests here and don't spam up people's pages by asking for a retexture of whatever you happen to think is cool this week.
    miniswrider likes this.
  15. miniswrider

    miniswrider Bison Rider

    i wuld do it btu i cant get the white thing from around the modded thingumabobs.
  16. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    Yeah, but i'm just an amateur head-editor. Maybe some day, but not today.

    That's a good idea.
  17. acridstone

    acridstone Horde Gibber

    Somebody told me a long time ago that you had to make it into 24bits. I tested this out ond that wasn't the problem. What minis is trying to say is: "I would attempt to make this mod but I cannot get the white artifacts to disappear from the screen around the sprites I modded."
    miniswrider likes this.
  18. But wouldn't red be fassta then?
  19. Hrm, you're right. I guess we have to make up for that with... less dakka. Heresy, I know. Ba-dum tiss
  20. miniswrider

    miniswrider Bison Rider

    archerMale.png archerMale.png i made a sprite for blue archer of life(i think its a good name)(to go with red archer of doom(i think its called that)) but i cant get it to 24 bit archerMale.png
    oh and post here if you can get it. i will try to find the other sprite to go with this i think
    please reply
    I did it!!! the 2nd row is fixed one(the problem was it had white bg so i went to gimp color select->del.)
    of course, i only edited it so i dont get credit but i love electro did the red one