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[319] I'd like to point out to everyone...

Discussion in 'Classes & Mechanics' started by Meanie, Mar 5, 2012.

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  1. Meanie

    Meanie Builder Stabber

    (EDITED OUT FOR STUPIDITY) overbalancing the three first classes would probably cause them to be under-powered to later classes in the long run. I think right, they couldn't be any better. Knight's shield takes priority over all arrows/bombs. Ranger can charge/shoot and move, making it still viable for "maining" (for those not interested in short range combat, like myself) and Builders have a huge range of variables at their disposal granted they have materials.

    I read that there were changes in things like Knights being able to destroy blocks previously, archers being nerfed, etc. And right now, though I have never played previous versions (just downloaded, started playing and also purchased during 228) I think right now there is nothing that's really unbalanced. Just my thoughts on the whole thing...

    BUG RELATED: Since I am posting, I should point out I was playing as an Archer earlier and took an arrow straight throw my body through my head and received no damage. The arrow remained connected to me flashing in my body until I right clicked and picked it up I believe...
  2. Dett11

    Dett11 Shipwright

    Hi, I think u have understood it or read it wrong? I mean that the 200+ are only customization options, not classes. If you've bought the game, you will get 200+ customization options in the full version. Can anyone confirm this?

    About the balance, i dont know what i really want should change. I feel if knights could brake stone blocks it would make some more sense because now they are helpless when they meet a obstacle. However still making traps viable, and not making knights able to dig out of stonetraps. It's a hard one, cause it is a double edged sword.

    What I beleive could have been done is make a builder who can carry a shield, that way he can go to the frontlines and not get shot down by archers, and defend himself agaisnt knights until help arrives, because his basic attack does so little damage.

    That bug related probably just has something to do with lag, but it could be a bug.
    thebonesauce and Rayne like this.
  3. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Not sure why you put [228] in front of your thread. That "[###]" describes the current build number. So in this case it would be: [391][319], not [228]. Do not put a build number in a thread unless it is specific only to THAT build please. See Here for more specific guidelines.
  4. Meanie

    Meanie Builder Stabber

    I was referred to a thread that said "if you do not know the current build number, check this link and copy the build there" or something..

    Yeah, 200+ customizations makes much more sense then 200+ classes, especially with this game being called King Arthur's Gold...
    Also I've seen a good frontline builder take on atleast 2 knights and 2 others on their enemies side alone while taunting the hell out of them, especially with that bomb nerf that keeps them from destroying blocks immediately, its very possible to defend yourself. Though naturallyswords dont break through stone (though a Barbarian hammer might...hmmm) I do see the need for a melee to be able to get through enemy stone blocks, even if it is very slowly.

    What if they released two more classes at the same time, a barbarian who wielded a large 2handed sledgehammer that could break through most building blocks (minus gold maybe?) but had no shield, just leather armor for movement and had to block attacks using his hammer (receives less damage instead of negating it) and a mage class that was another range who used MP that regenerated slowly or a bit faster while holding right click and the left click was a bolt that could terrain too.

    If something like that happened would the first three still need to be balanced? Maybe builder could break or build faster to compensate for the new terrain breakers but knights with bombs probably wouldn't need anything..
  5. Maverick

    Maverick Haxor

    Yes what dett111 says seems to be correct, and I'm referring to his last sentence.
    If you see an arrow go into you or somebody else without you/them taking any damage, it's probably related to lag. If you shoot an arrow into someone and they receive no damage, they are probably lagging. If it's vice versa (you're getting hit with no damage) then it's most likely you that's lagging. It may be a bug, but I don't think so considering how bad lag is in Kag.
  6. Meanie

    Meanie Builder Stabber

    My ping for almost every US server is around 66ms..but I guess it would make sense that lag would cause it, it was my first guess... The only the thing that bothered me was that I had an arrow I was able to pickup "floating"in my body. Figured i'd mention it just for that reason.
  7. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    OH Lame, I just noticed I made a mistake there. Sorry Meanie, it is actually 319 not 391, got that mixed up. (Also if you want the most current build number, open up KAG and look in the window, it will say: "Engine (build: *current* version: 0.95A)".

    The arrows sticking out of people and not doing damage is really annoying yeah, but I don't think there is a fix for it anytime soon as it is most likely lag related.
  8. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    200+ classes... my god...

    I think they just meant for hats/heads. And IF a new class gets added, it will probably be balanced against the main 3 on the test server before it even sees the light of day. And yes, arrows doing that is lag. You were on the luckier side of the tradeoff. I've been hit by arrows that appeared to stick to the wall in front of me, and apparently hit people through walls/doors at a distance.
  9. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    I think it's likely that if a 1/2/maybe even 3 new classes get added some might only be used in certain gamemodes, there'll be some RPG style leveling up and equipment buying kinda stuff in the overworld which sounds cool, I suspect it's gonna be another year until we start to see the first bits of it coming together though since they seem to be very ambitious about it, however they do seem to have alot of pixel art lying about.
  10. Hoj

    Hoj Builder Stabber

    Yes! Leveling fuck ya! My knight is better than yours so i win every melee fight. I've got the best gear for archer so i can one shot you everytime. My builder has blocks made out of steel and yours are wooden. See the problem here?
    Spoolooni likes this.
  11. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    Not really, this isn't a f2p game where you have to buy upgrades to have a hope of contending with other players, or an MMO where some lifeless loser cunt has spent thousands of hours leveling their player and buying powerful weapons and shit. Even though their plans for the overworld are only rough ones, they seem to have planned that when you die you lose all the stuff you leveled, so you won't jump onto servers as a new guy and come across some knight with 5 hearts, armour that repels anything other then a fully charged slash and can breath fire because they've been playing the overworld since it came out, I highly dount any of the leveling will make any vast improvements to characters anyway, just subtle little differences.
  12. Hoj

    Hoj Builder Stabber

    If the leveling doesn't make any vast improvements you could of saved you're time by not writing at all.
    Spoolooni likes this.
  13. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    If you didn't know leveling was gonna make huge differences, why did you waste your time with the post above mine? Why do we even bother with a forum at all and just get on with our lives checking for updates from the devlopers every once in a while? I don't really understand your reply.
    greyfox and Contrary like this.
  14. Hoj

    Hoj Builder Stabber

    Ya you're right it's a waste to talk to you about anything becasue you start flame wars. This game is fun without levels becasue it makes people even. If you die after and lose you're level that really sucks. Simple is always better in the end think about it. This game isn't complicated yet and how many arguements happened in the past? A ton of them have happened and if you add levels people are going to complain even more about it. The truth is no one is ever certain about what will happen to this game. Don't waste our time with you're posts. Thank you.:)
  15. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    C'mon guys you are getting angry about something thats not even ingame yet. Also Hoj?

    Thats exactly the kind of talk that starts flamewars ;)

    Don't make me lock the thread. Discuss it normally, without (not so much) backhand insults.
    greyfox, AnRK and Contrary like this.
  16. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    For the record I'm trying to be calm and civil, I'd like to think I'm like that most of the time, I just didn't see the need for or understand the intent of the previous responses, especially when I was trying to discuss the point in a constructive manner.

    Anyway game has a nice simplicity to it currently your right, however the developers seem to have some pretty big plans for other gamemodes. But therein lies the point, you don't have to play KAG in that way, if you like the well balanced simplicity of the original CTF or deathmatch then it's there to be played, server admins have alot of stuff the can do with their servers now and that diversity will continue I imagine. I'm looking forward to there been alot more features in the game and that the game will be very similar in alot of ways, but with (hopefully) a tone of servers all playing different gamemodes setup in different ways, so there will be loads of ways to play KAG, whether you want to hop on for 10 or 15 minutes and doss about in a less serious deathmatch/ctf setup, or spend a couple of hours on an overworld rpg style server.
  17. Hoj

    Hoj Builder Stabber

    If you agree with most of what i said then what do you want from me? People get pissed when you jump on them. You people take my words out of context like always and make it sound worse. First you call MMO players lifeless loser cunts then you expect things to be civil. Haha ok then thats ironic isn't it? You hide you're insults into a paragraph most people don't see that.
  18. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    And with that this thread is locked. Yay. emot-toot.gif
    Ej, Wyeth, Contrary and 1 other person like this.
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