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Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by incarnum, Apr 3, 2012.

Mods: jackitch
  1. incarnum

    incarnum Shopkeep Stealer


    I would like to announce that the crazy CTF is back. Now with two servers: US and EU - join the one you'll get better pings on.

    - I am aware that the servers are not bug free. Do not message me about bugs that I haven't invented, please.

    Now, what I want you to do is give me suggestions for the generators (maps - the servers will NEVER use pre-made maps) or your generators in general, I would tweak them and use them if they were crazy enough. Go on the server and look up what maps I've got there so that you will get the basic view of what I'm looking for.

    Now. Tell me what does work, what doesn't, what should, and what is that anti grief you all want me to disable without providing sufficient information on where it even is.

    What makes those servers unique?

    My main goal is to attempt to deliver something unique to the current CTF servers. I by no means intend to "kick other servers in the nuts", no.

    Custom shops include: upgrading bomb shop to lower prices, resource shop and more...

    The primary feature of the servers is the map generators that use the map generator provided by KAG to it's maximum extent at this moment. Using map generators instead of pre-made maps gives me the ability to deliver maps that due to it's randomness will always be played slightly differently -- you will never encounter castle built the same or caves leading to the same spot.

    I am not asking anyone to rush in there and stay there, no, what I expect of you is to at least check it out and see for yourself that KAG can be played slightly differently yet do not lose the fun factor. (This is obviously regarding server actually having players playing on currently -- please do not judge the gameplay on the servers when the server is at least not 80% populated.)

    You are obviously free to comment on how the gameplay feels like and what could I improve.

    There are quite a few more features coming in the following days, so please do not abandon me at least until that's done!


    How to enjoy the server to it's full extent? Tell your friends about it, come in occasionally with a couple of 'em and play a short while (yes, it will be tedious) so that people can notice the server in their browser.

    If the servers are populated and stay populated, I will keep them up of course -- no risk of having them disappear as they did before (for which I apologize). Have fun!

    (please note that if you are banned, you probably deserved it, or the server hates you, if you are absolutely sure that the server does hate you, message me on IRC, if you were banned by an admin/guard, do not post about it here)

    Also thanks to some special folk in the US for letting me bludgeon his CPU with KAG. You know who you are, sexy.
    rocker2, Stevedog, Chinizz and 7 others like this.
  2. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    I think I found the anti-grief thing:

    In this block here of the gamemode.cfg in the rules file
        heart_fallout_probability = 2        # 0 - no hearts; 1 - every death; 2.. - randomly probability of 2...
        spawn_tent_onstart = yes
        restartmap_onlastplayer_disconnect = yes
        nocollapsing_nearspawn = yes
        mirrormap = yes
    You should set: nocollapsing_nearspawn to no. I think that's it.

    Also, yay a server with huge maps again.
  3. incarnum

    incarnum Shopkeep Stealer

    That has been done. Thank you.
  4. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    The map generator you have is pure beautiful. Non-symmetrical maps are the way forwards!
  5. ravenguard19

    ravenguard19 Bison Rider

    it hurts my heart because its always empty :/ Guys c'mon. we know that this was and should be the best server ever ;)
    Stevedog likes this.
  6. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Also, the auto-message that comes up every couple of minutes is now coming up about 12 times a second. It's less than fun...
  7. incarnum

    incarnum Shopkeep Stealer

    Thank you, I do my best to make the maps at least partially unique while still providing some randomness to make them less boring.

    Thank you, however I believe that if the server was more noticeable, it would be more active. I see that once a few people join in, the player count increases until the server finally crashes for unknown reason, then it is restarted and well, repeat the cycle.

    When has this occured the last time? I believe I have came up with a fix today.
  8. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    It last occured whilst I was online about 3 hours before you posted that message, although it stopped after I came here and reported it to you. :>:(:
  9. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I love the maps, but they're so big that it is hard for a couple people to stick around long enough/enjoy themselves and get a game really started
  10. incarnum

    incarnum Shopkeep Stealer

    I am aware of that. Unfortunately the hardest bit of setting up a server is getting the initial active playerbase, once some people are settled, more people will check it out (as probably 65% people use the Players filter in the server browser) which is perfectly logical. I have updated the first post to include some more information as I believe it was giving out the "empty" feeling.
  11. Foxodi

    Foxodi KAG Guard Tester

    This is a request for the generator file more then anything. But think you can put all/90% the stone in mid to give incentives to attackers.
  12. incarnum

    incarnum Shopkeep Stealer

    Alright, I'll see what I can do and hopefully will be able to increase the stone count.
  13. Tyrianstrasz

    Tyrianstrasz Shopkeep Stealer

    Finally, I have missed the Incarnum servers, fun times around there.

    Do you still have modified starting values for building materials?
  14. incarnum

    incarnum Shopkeep Stealer

    Correct. I am doing something fun to them now and I'll have them up shortly.
  15. DustStorm

    DustStorm Shipwright

    I think this server is awesome! all of the random builds and its big makes it fun to explore and build forts! I have a suggestion, maybe you can make spawn time longer? For example: when you spawn you only have 10 seconds of unlimited resources, pls make it at leats 20!
  16. incarnum

    incarnum Shopkeep Stealer

    Hey, it is calculated with the number of players, so it's longer when there's more people. I'll look into it after current maintenance.
  17. knaptihuved

    knaptihuved Catapult Fodder

    the maps are awesome but I have to say the player base right now are a bunch of jerks. until someone starts policing this server for griefers I will not be playing on then thank you.
  18. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    and he cliams the guards are enough -.-
  19. Piter420

    Piter420 Shipwright

    Heya! I wanna be Admin in Incarnum.I know Comands.It can be new adventure for me in Kag!
  20. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    im almost certain incarnum doesnt even have servers up right now anyway xL
Mods: jackitch