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Would a food system work?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Deathspawn, Apr 15, 2012.


Would a food resource work in terms of survival?

  1. Yes!

  2. No!

  3. idc i want chezburga, free cooki and teh buketz

  1. Deathspawn

    Deathspawn Shopkeep Stealer

    I have been hearing that there might be a food system. Which...in my opinion wouldn't be a good idea. It's what put me off minecraft. Gathering food took up most of my time, and so there was no room for creativity. Of course, there is the fact that this could be an entirely different mode, where you're controlling a band of survivors on a small island, managing food, resources and chezburgas.
    So, I would like to hear your opinions, why, and how this could possibly be implemented into the current game.
  2. Agent_008

    Agent_008 Bison Rider

    It would be nice, no idea on how to implement it though.
  3. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    It won't be something like Hunger from MC though.
    If I heard right it would be something like a one time heal/buff(?) and therefore be a luxury instead of a necessity.
    While annoying from time to time it could make a fun mini game while preparing for assault on the enemy...
  4. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    I hoped and still do that it Speeds healthy recovery up just like sleeping would (hoping it would).

    This way without eating or sleeping you're going to be a weakling not statistically but health wise and would encourage feeding and sleeping if you can afford it
  5. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    maybe farming would be a nice thing in Zombie Mode?
    Then You'd have to heal with food instead of Quarters?
  6. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    maybe if they both heal but a bed is more expensive to get (for example its 1000) but you can rest whenever to help your health but food starts off cheap (say 1-5) but is one time use that way theres a progression with your health
    Gofio likes this.
  7. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    Thing that pissed me off about minecraft, well the food system anyway - could go on with how disappointed I am in general for hours, is that there wasn't really any point in the variety of food they had, lots of kind of food but not much point in them, it was always best to simply farm the most fulfilling food, so growing things and fishing etc . What I always thought would be cool (in minecraft at least) would to be to have a kind of balanced diet mod, so that eating certain foods had certain benefits. So meat and fish would replenish your health by far the quickest, and keep your strength up, bread/sugary stuff would give you energy, otherwise your stamina would run out quickly, and fruit and vegetables kept mental aspects like sight and that kinda shit in check. Maybe making food have 5 elements it dictated, and each food contributed to each of them in different ways. Would be a rubbish idea for KAG though just wanted that little idea out my system.

    Think with the emergence of minecrafters been useful though, a food system might be viable, with all the cool updates I think minecrafing might actually become fun for me if you feel your contributing to something actually happening. If insta healing was more expensive like knight said then perhaps that would help toward the idea.
  8. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    I think it would be a very good idea, if you change the stats a bit:
    maybe speed, jump height, range of sight, and power?
    power could be increased by eating meat,
    sight by vegetables,
    and the other two by eating grasses or seeds?
  9. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    I don't want to advertise but this game called renaissance kingdoms where say you eat meat your str goes up veggies make your INT go up and stuff like that

    although theres like bread and corn which only keep you alive
  10. Zegovia

    Zegovia Shark Slayer

    Just ad mead and we are all set.....

    You know its true!
  11. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    Lol lets post kneejerk reactions to a future mechanic for only certain game modes based solely on its name :p
  12. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Probably overworld and WAR only...
  13. potatomcwhiskey

    potatomcwhiskey Undercover Griefer Donator Tester

    In the current game food has no place.

    Maybe in the later game where maximum capacity for a seige is taken into consideration and you have to take into consideration how much weapons armour and food etc you take with you as some kind of way of limiting how often you can attack enemy cities maybe. I dunno though.

    Right now food has no place except maybe as a way to heal, but we already have hearts.
    Fellere825, Boxpipe, Rayne and 2 others like this.
  14. Inexorable

    Inexorable The おっぱい lovin' nipple wizard. Donator

    Ramen always has a place :D
  15. Smokeybacon

    Smokeybacon Superdreadnought Donator

    What everyone else said, it's not required in the current game modes, but could be a feature in the future.
    Inexorable likes this.
  16. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    i only see food as some sort of buff. the whole hunger idea puts me off survival totally for minecraft. maybe also we could get some sort of poisoned food that we throw at enemies that debuffs and hurts anyone who picks it up.
  17. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    If done a little better than Minecraft (or just different) food is actually a very good mechanic.

    One of the funnest things about food is seeing how developers implement it, as it can be implemented so radically different! Just keep you alive? Growth mechanic? Increase stats? Buffs? who knows!
    AnRK and WanderMark like this.
  18. crawfish

    crawfish Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Just my oppinion but i don't think this will work.