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How do i make a server?

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by EdgeWing, Oct 29, 2011.

  1. EdgeWing

    EdgeWing Shopkeep Stealer

    I remember being able to make your own server i also need to know the default port , However I have forgotten how to make a server , Please help me thank-you. Also guys I would appreciate all the help you can give me , I also think that maybe this topic should be in help but it's to do with servers so I'm confused :S

    ~ EdgeWing ~
  2. Static

    Static Shopkeep Stealer

    What kinda of server you are making?

    Windows or linux?

    Follow this for Linux -

    I have edited this so its real easy.

    Windows you need to run dedicated.bat

    Also don't mean to sound smart but read the readme.
  3. EdgeWing

    EdgeWing Shopkeep Stealer

    Yeah i read the read me i just need a Windows tutorial i guess
  4. Mercury

    Mercury Shipwright

    I might be wrong but there are only dedicated servers for Linux.
    Linux FTW!
  5. SirSalami

    SirSalami THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Hi EdgeWing, it takes a little effort, but you can get a windows server running relatively easily but it's definitely not a point-and-click process.

    If you have the original kag folder in your windows start menu, you can click on dedicated server icon. If not, you can find dedicatedserver.bat in the folder you installed kag (c:\kag by default).

    The options to change server options can be found in \kag\base\scripts\dedicated_autoconfig.gm and dedicated_autostart.gm (open with a text editor).

    There are a lot of helpful threads in the help section as well.

    Good luck!
  6. EdgeWing

    EdgeWing Shopkeep Stealer

    Thanks again , Is it easy to change the scripts , I messed up mine only i can connect no one else :(
  7. IloveElectro

    IloveElectro Base Burner

    But can somebody explain me this line...

    Make sure you set the rcon password in dedicated_autoconfig.gm (sv_rconpassword).
    Open the client, join your server and open the console (HOME key)

    What is the HOME key !? and open the client ( runing the .bat ? ) open the console HOW =(

    Thank you for your help =)
  8. Mercury

    Mercury Shipwright

  9. Creille

    Creille Base Burner

    ok guys ive got a server up on the brousing section but nobody can join and theres no info just the name.
    ive edited the dedicated_autoconfig.gm
    and done all the rest.
    i think the problem is the port thing i did on my modem (a thompson gateway)
    i set it as a new application/game sharing called KAG
    and i put all the ports as 50301


    this is what the Dedicated server thing says: (the ...'s ^^^ and Blah de Blah's mean im to lazy to right it fully out)

    loading blob entity......
    *match ended*​

    established connection to masterserver
    server variables can be changed in BLAH DE BLAH BLAH <To Default>​
  10. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    When you're forwarding ports on your Thomson:

    Add 3 different forwards:
    1st -> 50301 in box 1 2 and 3 -> add
    2nd -> 50328 in box 1 2 and 3 -> add
    3rd -> 51308 in box 1 2 and 3 -> add

    Some other problem might be that you dont have a static IP-address.
    inactive_account likes this.
  11. Creille

    Creille Base Burner

    so ive done the above ^^^
    but it still dosnt come up in the assigned games and apps table?
    </br>--- merged: Mar 31, 2012 4:13 AM ---</br>
    and is there a good way of checking if you have a static ip?
    (im tihnking that may be the problem)
    </br>--- merged: Mar 31, 2012 5:09 AM ---</br>
    this is what Kouji got when trying to connect to it if it helps you help me :)
    [22:00:42] Trying to connect...
    [22:00:42] *Restarting Map*
    [22:00:42] Requesting auth token...
    [22:00:43] Connecting to
    [22:00:43] Disconnected from master server
    [22:00:48] Connection to server failed.
    [22:00:52] *Restarting Map*
    MCrypa likes this.
  12. Elkfur

    Elkfur Shark Slayer

    I have a problem too. The server is on the list(AshClan Server) but the map wont show up along with every thing else just the name.
    It is a zombie server and it says it cant connect when i try to. I also cant make the server gold even though i have premium.
    Line of code:Server needs to have sv_gold_only=1 set to use these objects
    Please help, thanks!
  13. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Do as it says and set sv_gold_only to 1 (on). Server owners don't have to have premium.
    sv_gold_only toggle takes care of it by blocking non-Premium(Gold) Players.
    Use https://pastee.org to paste your dedicated_autoconfig.gm and provide details on your operating system/setup in a followup message please.
  14. Creille

    Creille Base Burner

    Do you know what's up with mine? ^^ above messages
  15. Elkfur

    Elkfur Shark Slayer

    The paste is here: https://pastee.org/3esvb
    And my system is windows 7
    And what about the server only showing the name not details when you click on it?
    Does it have to do with port 50301? If so I got the server detail thing covered.
    </br>--- merged: Apr 14, 2012 1:44 PM ---</br>
    ok got it's gold I just need help with last thing.
  16. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    • Open ports:
    1. 50301
    2. 50328
    3. 51308
    • Set global sv port to: 50301
    • Set sv ip to blank.
    • Choose mode in Dedicated Autostart.
    • Start the server using dedicatedserver.bat
    • Join via "Connect to" (Your ipv4)
    • Check with somebody else (that is not sharing your network) to join.
    Hope this helps.
    PS: If you ex. set the map size in config to a particular size, having a bigger map may crash the server.
  17. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    for some reason i was able to join my swordfight match from a different window, got disconnected right away. does any1 know if they can join another swordfight someone else has made
  18. Warren2997

    Warren2997 Shipwright

    check your ping it and if your pings right you,ll be as fast as every1 :)
  19. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    Now sure what you ment here :S
  20. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    in one game i have played: battlefield 2, before co-op mode was added, there was a glitch in which you can join an single player game with bots. (here http://www.overclock.net/t/91945/info-how-to-play-with-bots-in-battlefield-2-over-lan). what you can do that is the same is start up kag go onto offline death match mode. then start up kag click on 'multiplayer' click 'connect to' click 'ok' or whatever it is. and whoa you are able to play with yourself on kag against bots... for 5 seconds because it will immedialy disconnect you
    BTW: too MUCH RED LINESSSSSS, i totally spelt multiplayer right didn't I?