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I need someone to make a server for me

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by D0GGY, Apr 18, 2012.

  1. D0GGY

    D0GGY Shipwright

    I have tried everything I can to make a server, I've asked admins, tried doing dedicatedserver.bat, looked in the wiki. Nothing seemed to work, therefore I have given up on that. Yet, I have wondered if a KAG player would make a server for me, although with all the details I want. They will be able to give theirself credit in the description. So, I want a CTF server called something like:

    D0GGY's Capture The Flag

    and it doesn't have to be 64 slots, it can be any amount. The description could be:

    D0GGY's CTF server, 95% credit gone to [yournamehere]

    If you miss your chance and would like to (what are the chances of that?), you can make one but I'd prefer a rapid team deathmatch one called D0GGY's Rapid Team Deathmatch (any amount of slots) and the description:
    D0GGY's RTD server, 95% credit gone to [yournamehere]

    And you can also make a Rapid Deathmatch, Zombie Fortress, Premium CTF, Co-Op, Premium RDM for me.
    (very kind if you did ANY server) There may be a reward given to whoever does it, but I'll only tell the reward to the person that has very kindly volunteered to make me a server.

    Ok admins, mods, rule-readers, took 1 hour to do this. Go ahead and say what I did that isn't allowed in this box:

    [ ]
  2. Smokeybacon

    Smokeybacon Superdreadnought Donator

    I don't get it, you want someone to make and maintain a server for you, without you paying them anything? Who would do that?
    JacKD, Kouji and trelawney like this.
  3. Teemo

    Teemo T͔̕e͖͚̖̯̩̪͙͝e͡m̖o̤̪͘ Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I can make you a server, but you have to pay for the internet bandwidth and power (monthly)
  4. Tyngn

    Tyngn Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I hope you understand that getting someone else to host is not very feasible.
    1. Cost (power and internet and it can be very expensive depending on where you live)
    2. Lag (They may live somewhere far off and perhaps their computer is not up to snuff to run 64 players)
    3. They have a life (They may not get back to you as quick as you like)

    Im not sure what the problem is for you setting up your server but https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/server-configuration-tool-with-a-gui.3336/ if you need help setting it up. Then you need to port-forward.

    and if you have not seen and are willing to pay we have some dedicated server hosters here: https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/dedicated-server-renters.361/
    Kagesha likes this.
  5. CoD

    CoD Haxor
