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What are you playing?

Discussion in 'Other games' started by Ej, Feb 24, 2012.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. MacD

    MacD Shark Slayer

    I just bought Morrowind on steam yesterday and tried it out for the first time today (never played an Elder Scrolls game before today). I'm finding it to be a pretty damn good game so far. I'm having some trouble with the melee combat though, it seems I can't get nearly half of my swings to connect
    Duke2die4 and Smokeybacon like this.
  2. kiro

    kiro Garde KAG Donator Tester

    So I'm playing Stepmania (it's Dance Dance Revolution on PC, but I play on my keyboard, gameplay video) and Legend of Grimrock atm.

    Legend of Grimrock has just been released on Steam, on GOG and on the official website, it's an old school dungeon RPG. Ultra addictive, about 20 hours of gameplay for 10$, go buy it ! http://www.grimrock.net/
    Wonkyth likes this.
  3. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    If you like EBA and enjoy Stepmania, maybe try Osu! :)
  4. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Grimrock is as awesome as I hoped it would be when it was first announced! :D
    Unfortunately, it keeps crashing on me. :QQ:
  5. Miaow

    Miaow The Fanciest Pants always wins Donator Tester

    Psychonauts, that good man Wonkyth bought for me :D
    Wonkyth likes this.
  6. kiro

    kiro Garde KAG Donator Tester

    On my laptop, the game connects and disconnect the power plug. Yes, that's really weird and my computer will certainly die soon.
  7. dyersEve

    dyersEve Builder Stabber

    Basically anything from Valve, they're probably the best company at making shooters - Portal, Half-Life, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead (my personal favorite) etc.
  8. Mr_Henki

    Mr_Henki Shark Slayer

    I am playing:
    Resident Evil 5 with my friend, it is the 5-th time we will complete the game)
    Also XIII - liked this game when i was 7, and started to play it now!
  9. Smokeybacon

    Smokeybacon Superdreadnought Donator

    Raise your agility, it's the most important attribute for combat classes.
    And Kudos for playing my favourite game of all time.
    Beef likes this.
  10. xChapx

    xChapx Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Tibia zanera lvl 41 paladin
    ace of spades
    age of empires 2
    Heaven and hearth
  11. MacD

    MacD Shark Slayer

    Thanks for the advice. I already scrapped my first two characters (Redgard warrior and Imperial thief) and started a Bosmer with a custom class after I realized how easy it is to level up athletics, acrobatics, weapon skills and mercantile. There's no point in using them as major skills unless you're really lazy.
  12. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Currently, the game of note that I've been playing is Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP, which is about as awesome as you can get! :D
    Go pick it up off steam while it's still got the launch sale going! ^__^
  13. Duke2die4

    Duke2die4 Arsonist

    its 1 of the best games of all time in my opinion, im sorry u did not play it when it was new :)
    </br>--- merged: Apr 19, 2012 9:04 PM ---</br>
    also alchemi is super easy to lvl, yust buy sell till they have lots of stacks of easy ingrendients and then make simpel potions sell them back 2 the traders and buy the ingredient agen :) so one:p
  14. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    Patapon all day erry day
    xChapx and WarrFork like this.
  15. Maverick

    Maverick Haxor

    That's normal. As you level up hits will finally connect better (if you upgrade the right attribute/skill). That had me confused at the beginning as well :p Try oblivion: All hits register.
  16. Jim_Dale

    Jim_Dale Arsonist

    Minimal 3x3 embark, popcap set to 80, and I have to do item cleanups once or twice an hour. I'm also using the Masterwork mod, which helps a bit.
  17. MacD

    MacD Shark Slayer

    I downloaded Oblivion on Tuesday and I'm preferring Morrowind so far (although I've played Morrowind a lot more than Oblivion so far as well). I've gotten used to the highly inaccurate combat at early levels in Morrowind, now I'm having trouble keeping on track with quests. Every time I start exploring for a while I get side-tracked by multiple quests and stealing all the loot I find in towns.
    Duke2die4 likes this.
  18. Duke2die4

    Duke2die4 Arsonist

    morrowin is alot more complicated then oblivion, oblivion was made more like an action game, ever enemy in the game lvl upp whit u. thats yust werid, i want my lvl 1 theif to have a hard time but when i hit lvl 80 i want to look down one most enemys and kill them like bugs :D also whats upp whit ever bandits one the highway having glass and daedric armor after u hit lvl 20 :S it realy take awey unqie ness of the item. in morrowind i dont think there is even 1 complet set of daedric exept one 1 of the nervarins and glass is the same, hey u be lucky to get a full set of eboney
  19. dyersEve

    dyersEve Builder Stabber

    These both aren't as good (when talking about gameplay and graphics) as Skyrim, all that combos, double weapon wielding, kickass spells etc. really amazed me the first time I played it.
  20. Duke2die4

    Duke2die4 Arsonist

    Skyrim follow the same prinsip as oblivion, and the games was made 3 console and ported 2 pc, dont get me wrong its a good game and all but its not nerly as complicated the qests in the game get boring verry fast when u have a fast travel and a arrow that show u were 2 go, they simplifed the skills and hitting an enemy alweys hit is not realy rpg its more of "my skills = my Chars skill"

    in morrowin it was a real bitch doing the most simpel qests sometime. some1 told u hey go west north of balmora when u se a montain go north and somewere around there theres a cave whit a thinng u need 2 do, whit out an arrow to tell u were to go it can get realy complicated. and i also liked ur not "mister big shot" ur yust another little ex slave and there is far more inporten persons doing far more inporten things then u are doing (until verry late game)

    i hate that how u can only have 4parts 2 ur armor +2 ring/amulet
    when back in the day u had 12parts of armor +3 rings/amulet

    dont get me wrong i got skyrim the day it came out and it was great :D wasted lots of hours whit it and it was fuun shouthing at things and exploring the north of the empire :) but 4 me more complicated the more rewarding.
Mods: BlueLuigi