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KAG Gameplay: Zombie Fortress

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kurtino, Apr 16, 2012.

  1. Kurtino

    Kurtino Shipwright



    This is a little video I threw together showing some game play of Zombie Fortress which is available only to Premium players. Sort of for people who haven't bought the game yet and want to know a bit about it while I discuss a little bit about the features and the game. First commentary but it turned out al right and was recorded for 1080p so it looks good! Know this has been done before but more promotion is good :D
    Cheesemaster66 likes this.
  2. PrisonMax

    PrisonMax King Arthur's Cake Donator

    Nice video mate! One thing I will suggest for the future, you can remove the fussing microphone noise in the background easily, with a program called Audacity. Just a tip!
    Kurtino and cmblast like this.
  3. Kurtino

    Kurtino Shipwright

    Thank you for the tip! I never knew it was that bad, I should turn down Microphone Boost as well I guess and see how that turns out as well, I'll try that when recording some Multiplayer Zombies next time. It does seem to calm down a bit after the start of the video though or maybe that was just my ears adjusting...
  4. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    Nice video! :)
    I like your voice :3 (Not being a stalker)
  5. Kurtino

    Kurtino Shipwright

    Thank you! :D

    you can stalk me if you want...
  6. tur1sta

    tur1sta Random snippet here ಠ__ಠ Donator

    what software are you using and how do you get it to capture smoothly? I'm currently using fraps(demo) and it always drops my framerate to 19fps. :( my memory is 4gb and I'm using an intergrated radeon 4500 HD.
  7. Tyrianstrasz

    Tyrianstrasz Shopkeep Stealer

    If you want to record with fraps without it raping your fps, set it to uncapped and the record fps to 60, provided you have the PC specs to handle it you wont get any laggs. Also, if you want to post a video in 720P I would reccomend recording in 1080P and then compressing it down, you get smaller video files and dont miss out on any quality.
  8. Kurtino

    Kurtino Shipwright

    Well to be honest I am using fraps but I understand your frustration, I've had so many problems with fraps in the past that I've only just recently been able to get it to work perfectly. (Well...using the term perfectly very loosely.)

    I use fraps default settings, keep the fps capped on 30 and record the game in fullscreen mode in 1920 x 1080 resolution. I do have a gaming computer so this is why I don't suffer tremendously by the lag of recording but recording in high resolutions like that means that fraps is saving 1GB of video every minute, so I have 4GB 4 minute videos and it takes up a load of space on my hard drive which is also annoying, although I do have a 2TB hard drive so I can get away with this.

    Once I've recorded I use Sony Vegas Pro to put the whole video together in each part, easy as drag and drop and then I export the file in a high quality format that is suitable for Youtube and has the scaling ratio on the video just right and because of this the video is converted to 1080p but I have to be recording in 1920 x 1080 for this to work otherwise I'd have to tamper with fraps and Sony Vegas a bit more for different exports.

    Fraps is pretty intensive so I wouldn't suggest using it unless you upgrade your graphics card or if you ever get another computer in the future. I'm purposely pushing the limits on my software to get the best export available but it can take me around 2 hours or more for Sony Vegas to compress the video and for Youtube to upload it so its really not practical at all...but if you get some FPS problems in your recordings with fraps or whatever software you can actually use features in compression tools to repair what the video looks like if the FPS isn't too bad, I've used this compression tool before that actually sped up my video's FPS and made it look higher quality than I was actually recording and there are some examples in my older videos of that happening but it won't work if its at a really low fps I'm afraid.

    So short answer without me rambling on is either:
    Record in a lower resolution, this makes fraps lag a lot less.
    Or upgrade your graphics card/computer, can't suggest anything else sorry! You could try another recording piece of software but I'm actually no expert so if you find anything good even I'd like to know! Best of luck recording anyhoo. :D
    tur1sta likes this.
  9. oddmebaru

    oddmebaru Catapult Fodder

    Try PlayClaw3 for recording. It less intense on CPU and also it does some compression on the fly, so recorded stuff take far less space on disk. Vegas is cool but it require time to learn and get used to it. For some fast and good results I use Cyberlink PowerDirector. Easy to learn and has a lot of nice features.
  10. Kurtino

    Kurtino Shipwright

    Any of that stuff record in full quality? Like 1080p on Youtube for example? I could tone down the time and size with what I'm using atm but the results won't look as good! I also have to be very careful with resolutions and ratio scaling otherwise I'll get a black border like box around my videos like I have with some of my past ones when using different compression methods.
  11. oddmebaru

    oddmebaru Catapult Fodder

    PlayClaw3 records in Full HD, no problem. Though you probably may need powerful PC. It also allows to resize captured video on the fly to any resolution your want, not only half-size etc like Frapps. I use it to downsample everything to 720p on the fly, because I use this for YouTube stuff.