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Build 370 Released!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MM, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Last week was a monster in terms of productivity. We had this ready Friday but then I was too tired to release and fell asleep. During the weekend Geti was doing the Ludum Dare and I strained my neck for some crazy reason and couldn’t move (I’d like to say it was in a swordfight but it’s probably related to sitting in front of a monitor :D).
    So we have a massive list of fixes and changes. Some are zombie related but we are perfectionists and still won’t release this officially. We don’t want to just make multiplayer working but add some elements that we feel are missing from Zombie Fortress.
    We now have Spectator mode [BACKSPACE].
    Resource counter works a bit differently. It takes a few mins to get used to but then you’ll see that it is awesome. The way it works now is it says how much you’ve added recently and only updates the resource count after a while. So if you’ve just mined for 50 stone it will say 0 +50 stone in green. After a while the green +50 will merge with the white 0 and say 50. It’s pretty cool, check it out.
    Geti moved nearly all player class variables into the Rules files. Server admins prepare for some fun! Be sure to make a copy of your Rules files instead of modifying the existing ones because they get overwritten in autoupdates.
    Networking should be improved very much. I optimized the server code to make it less CPU intense, but this will result in more bandwidth usage unfortunately. Admins, report back if you prefer it this way.
    Other than I have started a whole new scriptable components system that was mentioned in previous posts and FliesLikeABrick will be working full-time with us for a while. So you can count him as a 3rd coder now.
  2. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Changes 360-370:
    The numbers in the changelog are bug tracker report numbers.
    - fixed builders pick up catapult stone in mid air (#250)
    - add per-gamemode modding of archer variables
    - fixed crash where lightmap was null
    - fixed some hud readout bugs (thick stone)
    - fixed some issues with #164's fix and tree chopping
    - fixed trees heal when reaching the bottom of the trunk (#164)
    - fixed crash in menu when no player exists
    - backspace menu when not playing game is the same as when playing game
    - Added previous bitstream compatibility through *force_bool methods
    - fixed zombie mode order crash
    - fixed no spawn as zombie when changed team to red
    - fixed disconnecting from server when launched server browser
    - singleplayer gamemodes get paused when in ESC menu
    - fixed crash after launching zombie mode after deathmatch mode
    - zombie/migrant bodies collide in air with players and hurt them
    - added sound when zombies fall or hit walls
    - added random pitch variation for most sounds
    - added resource drop amount on hud
    - fixed migrant-player colliding
    - fixed big particles not spawned when in solid block
    - tweaked zombie network syncing
    - added spectator mode
    - fixed bot archers not shooting arrows
    - fixed wraith explosion on net
    - fixed wall hugging on ladder
    - added "killed by zombie message"
    - builder only stays close to buddy and defends himself from zombies
    - synced migrant bubbles on net
    - creative/Sandbox servers are also add to beginner servers now
    - fixed disconnecting player message
    - fixed crash when closed ingame browser at a wrong time
    - fixed zoom out from editor affecting other games (#246)
    - fixed arrows going through walls (#125)
    - workshop blocks cost 2 wood now
    - all CTF workshops cost 50 wood (no stone required) (+30 gold siege workshop)
    - migrants now say hello on network
    - backwall on spikes gives materials resolved (#208)
    - moved body throw offset a bit to avoid self collision
    - archer can't hurt others when stomping
    - fixed shield adding velocity on ground
    - made inventory counters 50x more awesome (and they read the correct numbers for more cases too)
    - fixed coins from frozen players (#16)
    - dropped amount of coins from shooting catas (IRC request)
    - fixed custom heads for non-admins
    - made guard hat only apply to builder head and class default head
    - added custom head check in player (checks if name matches a custom head player or if is guard or admin)
    - added class modding to CTF rules
    - bound runner variables to rules
    - added falldamage vars to rules config (-> balancing ahoy)
    - fixed crash in starter caused by autoupdate not initialised
    - nerfed sheild push to help with desync and wall damage
    - fixed wall sliding + fixed notch jumping (related)
    - added server_setup_info.txt and readme.txt
    - modified readme.txt and server_setup_info.txt for nicer formatting
    - added stats format info to server_setup_info.txt
    - added /listbans function to list all currently active bans
    - fixed bug in bans (time was in seconds not minutes)
    - made bans more user friendly with their output
    - stats updated to more easily parsable format
    - fixed some stats/counting bugs (#191, #225)
    - fixed typo in tutorial (#197)
    - fixed typo in builder menu (#264)
    - added curl license to distribution (#295)
    - fixed u_shownames not showing enemy names/health (#142)
    - fixed fall screaming at wrong time
  3. PrisonMax

    PrisonMax King Arthur's Cake Donator

    Yay new patch :D
  4. MooTheDevourer

    MooTheDevourer Shipwright

    Woot. Did you fix shield surfing? And it'd be great if you could make it so we could shield glide off bomb-jumps again :P
    inactive_account likes this.
  5. The_Khan

    The_Khan Bison Rider

    Does this mean the heads that the Premium players get or that you can now create custom heads that other people see. ??? Because I think I got a bit too excited when I read this. :(
  6. Krono

    Krono Drill Rusher

    I... don't think that change in the resource counter is a good idea. I have yet to try it, but I'm pretty sure I'd rather have the game inform me instantaneously every single time I obtain resources (be it through mining/woodcutting, or picking them up from the ground), rather than wait until I get 50 of any given resource. What if I don't want to pick up 50 and I pick up 40? What if I pick up 60? I find it impractical and inflexible.

    While I think everyone would get used to this change (eventually), I don't think it's nice to force these changes that I find somewhat unnecessary, and above all make them mandatory. I resented when the chat was relocated. I asked if it could be made so that there would be an option to switch the display at will in-game, and other than telling me where I could change said option in a config file, I was promptly ignored.

    Would it be possible at least make this an optional change? I would like to take one final moment to emphasize in the word "optional".

    EDIT: Never mind. Just tested it out. I think the way you phrased it made it unclear. I see there is a slight, mostly aesthetic delay in the counter for every instant you collect resources. I thought that you had to forcibly wait until you gathered 50 of any resource in order to have the counter recognize the ammount and display it.
  7. jazzab20

    jazzab20 Shipwright

    theres only like 7 servers wat has happend [and not in beginner]
  8. Server owners have to restart servers to let them update.


    Edit: Since it's first time my server is going through some update:
    it's kinda crappy that with patching my mapcycle resets to default.
  9. fishfinger73

    fishfinger73 Haxor

    Yes, new update=a more epic KAG :D.
    GHOZT likes this.
  10. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Really need to start keeping a backlog of these older builds, but no idea how to do that for Mac/Linux without having them heh, as well as server ones :P.

    If anyone is keen though it would be neat to have for the future.

    Definitely this update looks fun, will check it out to mess with all those features and check out dat NETCODE
  11. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    Thankyou, for the pausing in single player, arrow glitch, and I see a bug I reported got fixed, thanks Kag team.
    (So that website does get looked at)
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  12. Delta

    Delta Shopkeep Stealer

    So what new variables do classes have now?
    Cirom likes this.
  13. The_Khan

    The_Khan Bison Rider

    Err, Knight, Archer and Builder? What do you mean?
  14. Guys, we have spectator mode now!
    GHOZT likes this.
  15. Hoj

    Hoj Builder Stabber

    I see now that migrants are becoming quite the big hit.:B):
  16. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Would've been useful a few months ago, if that's what you mean :P

    The changes sound good, and I'm especially looking forward to the improved netcode - and see if it's for once actually improved.
  17. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    fixed arrows going through walls (125)
    migrants now say hello on network

    Nice little and not that little details

    Btw, what are the numbers MM wrote after some changes? Are they the numbers for the bugs reported at MantisBT?
  18. Arlus

    Arlus Shopkeep Stealer

    Nice version but I really dislike the new ressources count system. More particularly when cutting trees as the time you need isn't the same than stone. At the end you don't know how much ressources you got until the counter reaches 0
  19. ilaks

    ilaks Bison Rider Donator

    Please make the chat position a setting in-game.​
    It's a pain in the ass to change the config file after every patch.​

    Also, regarding the new rescourse counter, sometimes i wonder what your thought process looks like. Is it something along the lines "Let's change things for the worse" ? I simply don't get it why we shouldn't be able to see the rescourses at all time. It's really counter intuitive.

    On another note, I noticed that arrows stick to the shops, meaning i can't kill somebody that's inside one or behind a couple of them, before actually destroying them. Bug? Or another fantastic feature?

    And lastly, you should really do something about that arrow (when you hold things). It's really all over the place and doesn't follow the mouse correctly. I also wonder why i would need an arrow when I hold a lantern or a heart to heal on the fly.

    That was my 2 cents - for now. Arrivederci!

    P.S - The T/Y chat should be optional. I for one like the ENTER/ALT alternative.
    xChapx, DrZaloski, BoiiW and 3 others like this.
  20. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Agreed 100%
    xChapx likes this.