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Ten Do’s and Don’ts of KAG

Discussion in 'Classes & Mechanics' started by killatron46, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. KnightGabe13

    KnightGabe13 Arsonist

    Hiding in trees. Archers can climb up the trees and hide in the tops, but knights can also hide in them if there
    are leaves at ground level. Never underestimate the power of stealth!
  2. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    I agree that we should have this in general discussion, just because there's more chance newbies will see it.
    Anyway, im fine with this being a rant in the start. Its not like there isn't anything to rant about. ;)

    In reply to above, this made me rember the fact that knights can also cut trees, they dont gain wood, but its like shaking archers out of a tree like coconuts out of a palm tree.
  3. KnightGabe13

    KnightGabe13 Arsonist

    I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts...

    Also, why don't knights get wood from that? They get wood from "mining" rocks with their sword. They should either not get rocks and not get wood, or get wood and get rocks both. It just makes sense.
  4. Jim_Dale

    Jim_Dale Arsonist

    Yeah, knights shouldn't get wood from knocking around archers.
  5. PeterPan14

    PeterPan14 Bison Rider

    Is there really any reason knights need rocks or wood? apart from just changing from builder to knight so they don;t get killed.
  6. feet

    feet Bison Rider

    In my opinion, I believe knights should be able to mine wood and stone. It is also safer to go as knight and mine, as you have a higher chance to survive. I tend to go knight at the first rush if gold is unearthed, because it is simply safer.
  7. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    DO.Choose the class youre worst at and drill and drill till its the class youre best at. Repeat.

    p.s. in my case its knight.
  8. PeterPan14

    PeterPan14 Bison Rider

    But it also takes ten times longer..so you could just go builder and get knight to safe guard you.
    </br>--- merged: May 18, 2012 7:21 AM ---</br>
    But then again it's hard to get knights to pretect you..
    Creille likes this.
  9. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    Yo... guys, please stay on thread, it is about Do’s and Don’ts of KAG not about kag mechanism.

    \\he's right you know. I'll have to get stern if people keep being off-topic. ~fbb
  10. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    don't get off topic on any forum including this one except if you want to piss off the moderators
    do play mole parkour, i know it can be hard but then if you beat it you can get some real skillz
    Edit: dont create an account only to like every post you have ever done and dont ever do it TWICE!
  11. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Deletion hammer has been swung.

    Contrary likes this.
  12. Kougar

    Kougar Shipwright

    What's "sad" is that many new players think they are building right, but they aren't, what do you do in that case?
  13. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Well you have three(positive) options.

    Try to talk with them, being as gentle as possible.
    Show them.
    go to the other team and kill them for their stupidity! :D
  14. Specta

    Specta Catapult Fodder

    Thanks! Really helped!
    Saverous likes this.
  15. I must add my list in because I don't feel it fits anywhere else. It's more a 'Tips and tricks' for kag.

    1. Watch out for Exid if he has bombs. He's like freakin' Ultima Weapon.

    2. If you're an archer, it's quite easy to avoid knights if you know how. Leap from tree to tree. Even while charging you should be nimble enough to evade the jabs of knights attempting to knock you out of the tree; be wary for smart knights who will wait for you to leap to a tree THEN hit it.

    3. If you're being pursued by a knight, try as hard as you can to avoid fallstun from falling 8 tiles. Archer fallstun lasts a little longer and even if the knight also fallstuns, he'll recover before you and chop you to shreds.

    4. Playing as a builder is a great asset to your team, so long as you are competent. Build a kneecapper+bunker+fort combo and you should be able to sally forth with great energy while your archers provide cover, entirely safe and able to attack the land approaching your kneecapper+bunker+fort.

    5. People underestimate the attack capabilities of the builder, and I'm not referring to the hammer attack. I mean dropping blocks on the opponent's heads, putting a spike at a vital choke point in their forts. Some builders have managed to match knights in kills in this way.

    6. Murderholes are a must for any larger tower. They help your archers provide long distance cover.

    7. Unprotected catapults are a money farm for any competent archer.

    8. Be wary that outposts are still a little buggy and especially if contested can spawn opponents even when you own the outpost.

    9. Have a friend to go into battle with. Even if you're on a server where you don't know anyone, the best thing to do is follow and guard another player, regardless of what class they or you are. A knight occupying another knight allows an archer to help. An archer providing cover fire for a builder is great. A knight shielding for an archer makes him immune to all but a two-archer charged shot volley.

    10. If you have a knight shielding you while you charge your shot, do be careful as to your positioning. If you are too close to the knight, you might well still take damage from the arrow.

    11. Don't be hasty to press a 1v1 knight vs knight win. If you can, draw yourself back. Enemy knights don't tend to know what you're doing and hesitate if you draw back. The more foolish ones will run forward as you charge and get themselves chopped up for their trials.

    12. A knight without a bomb is severely limited in his offensive capabilities. Try and have at least one at all times.

    13. Conserve at least 12 coins after your purchases are complete, or 8 if you're an archer. This allows you to heal from 0.25 hearts (appears as 0) to full.

    14. Once you are of sufficient skill, try and join a clan. Your clanmates will watch your back and fight more ferociously than anyone you'd meet in a pub match.

    15. Don't grief. Simple as this.

    16. Don't charge in alone. Like I said, try and find a buddy. Attacking even in twos is vastly more powerful (sum of the parts is greater than the whole, and whatnot) than two people attacking alone.
    KnightGabe13, Specta and Saverous like this.
  16. daki312

    daki312 Catapult Fodder

    1. If somebody is building something unique, DON'T build other things on it!
  17. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    That's just you.
  18. Light_Knight

    Light_Knight Catapult Fodder

    I wish everyone new to KAG could see something like this..
  19. D0ubl3Tr0ubl3

    D0ubl3Tr0ubl3 Shopkeep Stealer

    Good tips/advice ;)
  20. joshuared

    joshuared Drill Rusher

    But u can jump off a tall building if theres water or so.