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Comments on Profile Post by Lieber

  1. UnnamedPlayer
    I'm being stalked across other forums! And I blame the balloon Jesus, he made me do it ;-;
    Jan 12, 2013
  2. Lieber
    I stalked DawnofNights on the Starbound forum and now you on the Topia Online forum. I AM THE MASTER STALKER!

    How's the beta? :)
    Jan 12, 2013
  3. UnnamedPlayer
    Not out yet, only devs can play it atm. I also forgot my topia pass, and there is no recovery option ;-;
    But the new sandboxes are scheduled for today, so we can get a taste of the game there :)
    Jan 12, 2013
  4. Lieber
    Nice! Although you losing your Topia Pass is unfortunate.
    Jan 12, 2013