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Comments on Profile Post by TheBlackDog

  1. Antman
    Haha, thanks :p
    What servers are these?
    Jun 13, 2013
  2. TheBlackDog
    Well, I think I saw you on either of these:
    RAVE official CTF
    Australian CTF server
    BC flatmaps
    Action Unlimited
    Jun 13, 2013
  3. Antman
    All right, guess I'll see you round !!
    Jun 13, 2013
  4. TheBlackDog
    Sure thing! Ill be playing quite a bit, or as much as I can on those servers! Depends which one is popular at the time I get on
    Some of my other clan members will also be on there!
    Hope to be on your team! ;D
    Jun 13, 2013