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Comments on Profile Post by skely

  1. skely
    and if there are any more titles please tell me what those are too please
    Nov 7, 2013
  2. Geti
    ingame or here?

    blue name is unpaid member
    gold name is paid member
    green name is forum moderator
    red name is forum admin
    purple name is developer

    Honestly I'm not involved with the forum structure much, bug kouji or FBB like my title says :)
    Nov 8, 2013
  3. Mazey
    Geti is a bit wrong.

    white title -> Free player
    gold title -> Paid player
    blue title -> It's a color only Juaro has, he won it
    red title -> Forum administrator
    purple title -> Developer
    green title -> KAG Guard

    white title -> Free player (not able to play the full game)
    gold title -> Paid player
    blue title -> Does not exist
    red title -> Server admin
    purple title -> Develop
    green title -> KAG Guard
    Nov 8, 2013
  4. Geti
    Nov 11, 2013