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Comments on Profile Post by BluMarie11

  1. dayleaf
    Hi Marie, yes, i joined forums2 years ago or so. :P, good to see you here too
    Jun 15, 2014
  2. fanaticmetroid
    both of u suck muahahahaahahahahdh ehm eghm GAH! GAH! *whispers* goddam fever
    Jun 30, 2014
  3. BluMarie11
    The Cough! It always seems to ruin those evil laughs.... MWUAHAHHAHAHHA- *ahchooo!* Excuse the cold, I seem to have the sniffles. ;)
    Jul 3, 2014
  4. fanaticmetroid
    dont worry I will just see you.. stalk you...muahahaha ehm AGH! GAH GAH GAH KAAH!!
    Jul 4, 2014
  5. BluMarie11
    ..... *peering over shoulder every chance she gets* .....
    Jul 5, 2014