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Comments on Profile Post by PeggleFrank

  1. Chrispin
    How was the performance? If anything close to playable, it's time to pick up the mod and work on base warfare gameplay haha. Ships connected to capture points should perform better because they ignore all collisions and don't obey the "fake physics" system in place. I could get rid of a lot of the lag from mobile ships by simply reducing engine particles. But ya glad u showed me this stress test
    Jun 7, 2015
  2. PeggleFrank
    It was extremely stable for me. Even piloting the ship didn't hurt my framerate or lag the server in any way.

    The only lag occured when I got in the helm and held space, which put an icon next to each and every coupler. Everybody else said it was lagging badly, but they seemed to be moving and acting fluidly on my screen as if they weren't having lag, so who knows.
    Jun 7, 2015
  3. PeggleFrank
    Also, it would be nice if more weapons were automatic for bases. The only things that base really had were flaks and point defense, because they fire on their own.
    Jun 7, 2015
  4. Chrispin
    I have plans for another auto turret weapon for base warfare, that will also be a decent defense. I'm thinking "mortar" or "artillery" which can fire over walls, has a sort of 2.5D effect for it rising in the air and falling to the impact zone, but it'll be long-ranged and inaccurate like flak, but won't lead targets and has a very slow projectile speed. Will obliterate pretty much all blocks
    Jun 7, 2015
  5. voper45
    Wow, thats an impressive base...kinda want to build one of my own now...
    Jun 15, 2015