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Comments on Profile Post by Froghead48

  1. Rainbows

    You shall never know.
    Apr 28, 2012
  2. Kouji
    It's male, otherwise he wouldn't refer to himself as a brony. Also, I have secret pics of him doing stuff with other small men.
    Apr 28, 2012
  3. Froghead48
    that brings me to another questions.... Why Unicorn thingyees?
    Apr 28, 2012
  4. Bukshah12
    A lot of people use bronies as a unisex term. I do. It's more inviting if you call everyone the same thing, honestly. I know the girls in my brony group prefer brony because it makes them feel like they're classified with us instead of something different. I've actually asked them, though there are only a few in a group of around 16.
    May 2, 2012