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Comments on Profile Post by platy1knight

  1. AmestriStephen
    mate could you please stop harassin geti the based god
    Jun 25, 2015
  2. Dargona1018
    There are many things that get put into skill, too many variables, that the algorithm would be way too complex or too basic to do any help.
    Jun 25, 2015
  3. Canadian98
    fuck geti why cant you make the game like call of duty
    Jun 25, 2015
  4. platy1knight
    Wow.this is the first time i send geti a message, helpful community.
    Jun 25, 2015
  5. AmestriStephen
    helpful community? why the fuck dont you think about the difficulty of your actual request instead of sayin shit like "helpful community"?!!
    Jun 25, 2015
  6. Geti
    Sette pipe down or I'll set Galen on you.

    platy1knight: not easily tbh, the game servers dont know about numbers of hours played - kills works (and theres a setting for that in the script) but only works for the combat classes, so often those teams still end up unbalanced by builders etc.
    Jun 25, 2015
  7. AmestriStephen
    yes pls i want galen inside me
    Jun 25, 2015
  8. platy1knight
    I agree builder is hard, is it possible to make builders have their own score : trap kills/blocks built/assisting in combat?
    For the hours played i though it can be got from steam.
    Thank you for the response geti :)
    Jun 25, 2015
  9. Galen
    Jun 29, 2015
  10. Geti
    Re: getting it from steam - there are a lot of players that don't play it through steam though. We can't have a system that just works "for some" players if its going to be used for something so fundamental.

    Re: their own score - it's possible, but we probably wont. It's just a number on the scoreboard, who cares :)
    Jun 29, 2015