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[514] Awesome's Towers

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by ImAwesome, Sep 25, 2012.


How good is this tower?

Poll closed Oct 9, 2012.
  1. Magnificent!

    0 vote(s)
  2. Good, but needs work.

  3. Bad.

  4. Absolutely Bullshit

  1. I think I know what's up with the skeleton. You want to make it easily collapsible? However, with a structure starting to get complicated like that ^ there would definitely be team members inside it (especially archers) when you choose to collapse it. As well as the factor of it requiring a heap of resources (for the collapse) and being complex, would take time to rebuild.

    The trap bridges are also very dangerous, due to knights being able throw bombs through it, and archer being able to shoot through it. I suggest you replace it with a team door.

    And as BC mentioned above, the single door saves resources. As well as those roofs, some are unneeded and can be used up somewhere else more efficiently. (unless you're trying to make dark spots to hide archers in)

    I also find that spike underneath the overhang useless, as builders would choose to hammer over (through the door), hammer through, or ladder/bridge over (from afar).