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[580] Effective Defense Structure

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Conquerer, Dec 2, 2012.


How good is my tower?

  1. It's perfect! I'd use it on every CTF server!

    1 vote(s)
  2. It's pretty good. I think it needs a few touchups though.

    10 vote(s)
  1. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    Build 580: Effective Defense Structure
    This is an effective defense structure that I came up with in sandbox gamemode. It isn't perfect, so critique all the bad points and I'll try to fix it up using the constructive criticism. I know it's heavy on resources, but not as much as some other towers in other threads, so please don't tell me it's resource heavy unless you have a way to fix it. I was aiming to build the tower with 700 or less of each material. I didn't go too far beyond that mark, but I could possibly do better. Here are the models:
    Wood Used: 700 Approx.
    Stone Used: 800 Approx. (Not Including Castle Backs).
    Effective Defense Structure v1.png Version 1 Model based on people's feedback. Too lazy to count the materials, but should be around the same as Original. :p
  2. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    your spike pit need notches, they do more damage. 1 more entrance up top.... (add trap door on bottom)
  3. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    Thanks for your comment. :thumbs_up:
  4. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Its a good tower Conq, but i did your design in sandbox and made a few adjustments that will improve the tower. Im not going to mention and describe what they do, so im just going to let you figure out what ive added and improved.

    Razi likes this.
  5. I'd put more ladders in the tower middle, and not just the right side.
    Also, try putting a way to the roof on the outside left of the tower. One fast builder could block off the 3 exits on the front of the tower, leaving no way out.
    Other than that, Great!
    The good part about this tower is that it's very ergonomic, more than 3 ways out, and no Knight will get trapped in the inside if a builder tries to block off the exits.
  6. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    Yeps. Okay, I'll add that into my v1 tower. Thanks for your help. :D
    </br>--- merged: Dec 3, 2012 3:25 AM ---</br>
    Made V1 Model based on Sigsson and Tj's feedback. Hope yu enjoy. C:
    Sigsson likes this.
  7. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Takes way too long to build. Spike traps arent that effective. First Original Design is very weak for collapse. But V1 is okay. I like it.
  8. I would honestly go for a little something smaller than the big spike pits, but 'eh
  9. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    Yeah, me too. I kinda did that for showing off. :B):
  10. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    Conquerer, why isnt there a "horrible" option in your vote thing majig? lol jk :P, I would shrink down the width a bit, and make a archer nest below the pit( if yknow what i mean)
  11. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    I didn't make a 'horrible' option because I accidentally pressed Save or Okay when I was making it... Sadly, I don't have the power to add or change votes. :C I'll take this feedback in and edit it soon as I can. Thanks a bunch. :D
  12. GCake

    GCake Shopkeep Stealer

    I have no idea how to give critiques, but I'm just going to say now that that looks MEAN.
    SlyStalker likes this.
  13. arcanecat

    arcanecat Shark Slayer

    Very good, liked the second pic with all the spike traps against bomb jumping knights :). Although I feel it could be stormed quickly, if you get a couple builders + knights and destroy the front doors. Also, the spike trap could be disarmed with a like two bombs, so :(.
  14. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    Where is the option "This structure is terrible"

    - Your first mistake was making ground level doors.
    - Your second mistake was assuming anything extravagant would work in a public game.
    - Your third mistake was not compensating against bomb jumpers.
    - Your fourth mistake was not compensating against entombers.
    - Your fifth mistake was the excessive amount of backwall.
    - Your sixth mistake was the excessive use of spikes.
    - Your seventh mistake was the use of stone stairs on the roof
    - Your eighth mistake was hoping anyone would give you anything better than "Oh yeah this is awesome, but uh yeah you should think about adding 'X'! Awesome structure btw! XDD"

    My tip would be ditch the tower design, watch which team's front-line towers are standing at the end of the game and copy those, there is a reason they are built that way and are still standing at the front-line.
    lehoon, Ej and Razi like this.
  15. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Boxpipe, mind telling my why your going through every single bit of detail? I mean.

    - 1. The ground levels doors might be a bit noobie but those spike pits are there for a reason.
    - 2. There is more to a tower (Most of the time) then just the way it stops enemies.
    - 3. The tower wasn't built to stop or delay bomb jumpers, that's why this tower is used to slow the enemy down.
    - 4. Entombers can't fully entomb themselves so there would be gaps, and the fact that bombs do damage through 1 thick walls.
    - 5. There is nothing "Excessive" about backwall, backwall holds up the structure genius.
    - 6. The Amount of spikes is a perfect fit with the tower, they try to get to the doors. They get insta-killed, which means more less units for your team to worry about killing.
    - 7. The stone stairs, i have no clue why you mentioned mentioned something utterly ridiculous. Not all tower's are used JUST to stop the enemy.
    - 8. There have been heaps of people liking this tower in game, And the tower works very effectively. So people would say that and Conq has hoped for that, and has received it.

    So, like i said there is more to a tower design then just a way to stop the enemy, they can also look absolutely weird, disgusting or they just look really cool.

    And you dont need to copy the designs of the towers that are standing after the end of the match, what would be the point of these towers and things on the forums? All you would see if we did what you said would be the same old tower every match for the rest of KAG years. Which is not fun or satisfying i can guarantee.
  16. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    Because every detail of the tower is important
    What do builders and ladders do?
    I'm glad you feel the need to never adapt to the enemies tactics.
    Didn't know I couldn't entomb with more then 1 thick walls.
    Have fun taking down ladders and enemy team doors placed on that excessive amount of backwall
    Holy shit, this is probably the most cancerous thing I have ever read, since when do players just walk into spikes? IMPLYING an enemy builder won't just hit the spikes for a free 10 stone.
    Apparently now we build towers to help the enemy team win?
    The heap of the playerbase has proven itself time and time again, that they are no-where near competent enough to build good structures that are helpful to it's own team.

    Do you even win?
    lehoon and Ej like this.
  17. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester
