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activate Kag on Desura

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Dropgunner, Oct 6, 2011.

  1. Dropgunner

    Dropgunner Shipwright

    Hi i bought Kag on this Site and wanted to know, how i can activate it on desura.
  2. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    Activate it on desura? I'm not following, and by bought the game do you mean bought gold membership?
  3. Piemaster

    Piemaster Shipwright

    Right click on the desura link, view serial code/key. then go to KAG MAIN WEBSITE, and redeem gift code, you will then has gold account :)
  4. CozyTiger

    CozyTiger Shipwright

    Where's this Desura link?
    I bought the premium for the website and now want the "premium game" on desura. How can i do that?
  5. AgentOrange

    AgentOrange Shipwright

    I too would like to know. I think piemaster means if you bought it on desura first.
  6. AgentOrange

    AgentOrange Shipwright

    As a test I just tried to install the demo over the kag install. It works for now but that wont last forever since people who just play the demo wont get access to premium content.
  7. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    I don't even think Desura is affiliated with MM agreeing to host the game with them...
  8. CozyTiger

    CozyTiger Shipwright

    I'm quite sure they are though, because it being hosted on their platform would probably be a copyright issue..