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Discussion in 'General Help' started by niallhalloran, Nov 9, 2011.

  1. niallhalloran

    niallhalloran Shipwright

    I bought this game before it went on desura, is their anyway of Unlocking the game on Desura?
  2. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Yes just install it. Its the exact same game. You log in into the game for premium (when browsing servers) and it works just the same way.
    niallhalloran likes this.
  3. niallhalloran

    niallhalloran Shipwright

    Aw ok Thanks mate
  4. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    No problem :)
  5. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    Same question.

    I purchased KAG a year and a half ago already and I came up with idea to add it to my Desura collection.

    Is there a possibility to get Desura key if I purchased the game on the KAG website?
  6. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    This is why i dont like the things such as Steam, and others. if you buy it on steam, you dont get all the features as buying it from the official site sometimes.

    Hardpenguin, i dont think their is a way, unless you mean
  7. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    But in Desura case it is rather different. Games are mostly DRM-free and in same version as builds provided by official game website.

    And other games usually provide Desura keys if you purchased the game in any other different way. For example Running With Rifles. That's why I asked :)
  8. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Desura is usually MUCH slower to update their versions of games from my experience. Ive seen devs submit a new update on Wed or Thur and it not get added until the next week. They also have lower quality games over all IMO, mostly because they are all indies I guess.

    In Desura's defense though, they probably have a skeleton crew and do give lesser known games more exposure.
  9. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    Ok, I agree, but what the hell does that have in common with topic? I'm just curious would that be possible to get Desura key to add KAG to my Desura collection (which is quite nice and sort of big). Or should I just ask SirSalami in IRC?