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Disconnected > Banned > Unbanned?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Ultimadune, Nov 1, 2011.

  1. Ultimadune

    Ultimadune Shipwright

    I don't know if this is a glitch or just some kind of abusive admin, But this happened to me 4 times now

    P.S if there is already a thread about this then sorry.

    5 minute ban
    Play for 5-10 minutes
  2. SirSalami

    SirSalami THD Team THD Team Administrator

    This sounds like you've been "ping-kicked". A server can set a ping limit, automatically kicking anyone who has a ping higher than that limit. After being kicked, you will be banned from that server for 5-10 mintues, after which you are free to try again.

    Sorry to hear about your troubles. Hope this helps!
  3. Ultimadune

    Ultimadune Shipwright

    It does, Problem is that it happens all the time, And there is no way to stop my internet blasting to ridiculous ping amounts
  4. Drok

    Drok Shark Slayer

    There is not much to do if the ISP provides a bad service other than looking for a better one. You can try closing other programs and processes - using Game Booster helps in that - or you could try this (some claim it works, but I didn't notice any significant difference): http://www.em-zero.com/index.php/2009/12/tcpackfrequency-tcpnodelay-and-more/
    Be sure auto-updates for other programs are disabled, because their downloads could generate ping spikes.
  5. Ultimadune

    Ultimadune Shipwright

    Ty for the help, Sadly none of this helped at all, The ping limit feature is the only thing that's making this game 100% unplayable for me, I'm uninstalling the game as its probably going to lie on my desktop taking up space.
  6. Drok

    Drok Shark Slayer

    It's a shame. I have ping problems too because I am from South America, and now I can only play in two or three servers, with 250-300 ping at the best. It's hard but the game is worth it.

    The last thing we can do before giving up is to see where exactly the problem lies.
    - Does it happen with other online games? Check if the problem is really due to your connection. If you have Windows XP do this: Close all unnecassary programs, open the Run window, type "cmd", and in the new window write "ping -t google.com" (you can use any other website). Check whether the ping keeps stable within a certain range.
    If you wish to monitor your ping much more easily you can try Simple Ping: http://www.pcwintech.com/simple-ping.
    - Maybe the problem is with the servers you play in. Have you tried several ones? Rememeber you can sort by ping the server list in order to show the best ones first. Also, I am not sure, but I believe that some servers have no ping limit (it is configurable by the host).

    Best of luck!
  7. Fozzbael

    Fozzbael Shipwright

    I get the exact same problem as you describe
    The only difference is that after getting the "ban" all i have to do is restart the game and im instantly free to play on the same server again

    also the frequency of these disconnects is very variable to me
    sometimes i get disconectabanned after ~10 minutes of play and sometimes (more often than not) i can play for 1hour +
  8. Krizzen

    Krizzen Shipwright

  9. Strech

    Strech KAG Guard Tester

    Read in the thread linked in the post above: changing router, if you are using one, could help...