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Gotta catch `em all!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ComboBreaker, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    Tired of boring hacking and slashing your enemies over and over?Do you want to add some fun* into your gameplay?Are you ready for exiting* adventures?

    I present you a thrilling* challenge!

    Construct anything that results in someone beeing trapped inside,but not killed : the only way for him to escape should be suiciding or ragequitting(the obvious target are knights).Bonus points if that is not just a simple hole in the ground, but something devilishly clever, maybe with a bait or some sort of mechanism to operate!Post pictures of your victims!

    Something like this :
    The builder runs from the knight comming -->, and opens door, like if he was panicking or unexperienced.Door stays opened,so knight can enter.The "bait" escapes using trapbridges on the right,comes over the top and seals the left door which a single knight won't manage to break under 5 seconds you need.Thats just an example.

    Look,I caught my first pokeknight!His special ability was ragequitting!

    Knightachoo1.png And this is albert : he got caught in my trap which has different design.We had a great conversation : he was a great guy so after 2 minutes I gave him 2 bombs and released him :D he did not kill me but retreated into the wilderness(blu base).

    Can you hear it?I sure can.

    I want to be the very best,
    Like no one ever was.
    To catch them is my real test,
    To mock them is my cause.

    I will find each one of you
    Searchin` far and wide.
    My genius trap will serve me true,
    So you will rot inside!

    Stupid knights! *Gotta catch `em all!*
    You’ve thought that you’re so smart *Stupid knights!*
    You’ve jumped in and got caught like a rat.
    Stupid knights!
    Ohhh you could be a killer of mine,
    But between us is the rocky line!

    Stupid knights!*Gotta catch `em all!*
    A heart so true,
    Your courage will not pull you through
    You can`t teach me, but I’ll teach you
    Stupid knights! *Gotta catch `em all, yeah!*

    The hunt is on!

    *By fun,exiting and thrilling I mean dangerous,next to impossible and pointless activity.You were warned.
  2. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    Pretty good I must say :D
  3. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Ha, I use a similar design, except underground, in the dark. That way you don't have to rely on them being inexperienced enough not to look ahead

    I prefer to have it instakill however, as the first builder, or knight with a bomb, to get in is going to wreck everything. Eventually one will get lucky regardless, but still.

    The Claustrophobia trap is good for this too.
    allknowingfrog likes this.
  4. I LOL'd, will give this a try.
  5. Gamerbro

    Gamerbro Drill Rusher

    So Gamerbro went on a journey with only 1 goal to catch em all! :p
  6. If you see that douche Gary, lock him in a box for me.
  7. Mister_Meatball

    Mister_Meatball Base Burner

    As one of my pet hobbies I sometimes go on random servers and build traps that are meant not only to capture a person, but to capture quite a few people and keep them trapped. If anyone has watched a team goomba video online they will know where this is going. Freedom is yours, if only you can answer a string of trivia questions, you have a shout out where anyone on the server can answer but normally any other answers will be ignored and the question voided. Teamwork is expected. Knights of any color are trapped without discrimination. Builders are killed instantly. The catch? Once all my questions are answered correctly or copy/pasted off of wikipedia freedom is delivered in the form of a lit keg. After spending a long time with meatball though, most people will be begging for death.
    LetsplayCmansez likes this.
  8. Jackal

    Jackal Shark Slayer

    I'm determined to find an efficient mechanic for a trap that will make it so that knights are the only ones that can survive getting into the trap, whereas pesky builders and archers will be insta-killed. This was easier to do back when builders only had two hearts, but now they are tough little mustards.
    PumpkingSlice likes this.
  9. WanderMark

    WanderMark :) Donator


    This is basically the claustrophobia trap but I made a slight alteration. I hardly believe it is practical in any way, shape or form. I find it slightly amusing though.

    The doors are there to lure people into thinking that they can break through. Problem is that in between them there is a stone wall. Also have a hole on the top, I suppose you could make rocks fall down there or simply shoot them to death.

    Again, hardly practical in my eyes, but it was fun building. I also do aplogize if someone has already posted this to the forum. I do not want to take credits. It was designed around the claustrophbia trap by user protosuper.
    blazer878, Mulpy, Awesomec and 10 others like this.
  10. Mister_Meatball

    Mister_Meatball Base Burner

    I recommend making that hole 1 block wide so you can drop a bomb (as a knight) through to wipe out anyone without having to worry about shield towers ect. If you fall down that opening your victims will have a great time getting some revenge.
  11. Gamerbro

    Gamerbro Drill Rusher

    Sure D:
  12. PeterPan14

    PeterPan14 Bison Rider

    Haha this is my trap. I just need to get it tested out. As you can see my bait is bombs as well as me. XD

    Attached Files:

    • trap.PNG
      File size:
      13.6 KB
  13. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    Just dont forget to make a stone floor , also supports and carefull with bombs as a bait : we dont want our next test subject to break out too easily, do we?
  14. Bunnyninja

    Bunnyninja Bison Rider

    wow, how do you guys come up with such complicated traps, i envy you:migrant:
  15. Jackal

    Jackal Shark Slayer

    Experience and a brain with the power of a thousand suns.
  16. Saverous

    Saverous Shopkeep Stealer

    You know, some smart guy would just throw a bomb in there and blow the hole thing up... but nice job anyway
  17. PeterPan14

    PeterPan14 Bison Rider

    Thats why i;m changing it to one bomb..Then I going to fill all holes . xD
  18. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

  19. PeterPan14

    PeterPan14 Bison Rider

    I tried making a trap again on sand-box.. It must have been a pretty good trap because I caught myself. XD
  20. Saverous

    Saverous Shopkeep Stealer


    BAHA!!!!. Nice timing too. My favourite The gassing chamber :
    :castle_wall: :castle_wall:
    :door::castle_bg::castle_bg::castle_bg::door::castle_bg: :bridge::bridge::castle_wall:
    :door::castle_wall::castle_bg::castle_bg::door: :castle_wall:
    :castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall: :bridge::bridge::bridge::castle_wall:

    Almost always tricks unwary people into the gassing chamber and those pesky builders who think they can turn buildings against their creators. just hop on top and spam those arrows!!! (two holes to seal entry). Whenever those knights hack their way through, the forget that the entry is sealed! The wouldn't see the seald block because a team door is blocking the light out. They fall through, dodge the spike pit by hugging the top and stand on the ledge, then they brake their way in and BAM! their stuck and if your too pesky, just shoot them from the archer holes. :-)