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Magic The Gathering

Discussion in 'Other games' started by Galabranth, Jan 2, 2014.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. [​IMG]

    So I've noticed a lack of MTG around here. Sure there are lingering hints, but well its not enough. A community this old would surely have MTG discussions, but apparently not here.

    Anyway, talk about your experiences with MTG. The ups, the downs. The pulls, the non-pulls. Anything really. Take your time. Who knows, someone else might have a twinge of sympathy for you. After all, this is a gathering.

    hans_02 and Kalikst like this.
  2. Azuroth

    Azuroth Builder Stabber
    1. Angels of Death - [AoD]

    MTG's a walletburner. Buy some? Buy more. Its fun tho. ::)::thumbs_up: Especially the pulls!
  3. vik

    vik THD Team THD Team Tester

    I play it irl and online, quite fun, I have a gruul constructed deck myself
    Azuroth likes this.
  4. Azuroth

    Azuroth Builder Stabber
    1. Angels of Death - [AoD]

    hey galabranth my deck is a mono red deck do you suggested any card LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  5. Magic the Gahtering, what a great game! I used to play it a lot ages ago, had some returns to it but eventually dropped out before release of Zendikar. Started at the age of 8, my older brother introduced me to it. We got out first decks for Christmas - preconstructed from 7th Edition - I used to play UR and he BW. Then he bought himself preconstructed deck from Planeshift (BUW) and I got mine for 9th birthday (UG).


    I haven't been to many tournaments in my career though but I've always loved prerelease tournaments and been to few including entire Ravnica block, Lorwyn set and Conflux set from Shards of Alara block (I still keep my promo cards from these tournaments). Then I sold my entire collection (I had some gems in it including Tarmogoyf and Ravnica dual lands) and almost completed Borors (RW) deck for Extended tier. The only thing left from it now are my promos which I haven't sold because of sentimental value ::P:.
    I could write about this game for much more longer as it was important part of my life for more or less 7 years but these are the most important highlights I can recall and think of. :wink:
  6. Azuroth

    Azuroth Builder Stabber
    1. Angels of Death - [AoD]

    dang you got a lot of rare old cards my friend i recently have a modern deck thats an agro burn to rush of enemies so you got pretty cool decks there
Mods: BlueLuigi