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Parkour in KAG

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bunnie, Mar 13, 2018.


Would you play on a parkour server where you can chill and jump?

  1. ja

  2. nein

    0 vote(s)
  1. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    So I've been bored a bit lately, and decided to do something productive. That is, doing pointless, autistic shit in sandbox. While messing around with platforms, I wondered if you could do some sick parkour using them?
    Maybe I'll host a parkour server, like master4523 once did in classic... could be fun :rekt:
    Blubahub, AgentHightower, Asu and 8 others like this.
  2. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    That honestly looks like an amazing idea!
  3. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Parkour is pretty fun. A pretty good builder obstacle is to build a 5-block overhang over a wall, and a ladder below the overhang (against the wall). It's possible to jump around the overhang with some difficulty.

    Example diagram:


    I'm 70% sure the platform climbing interactions in your gif are going to be removed in an upcoming patch, sadly. (Source)
  4. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    then I'll mod it back into the game ::):
  5. I agree, but please don't make it only Archer (or at least for every parkour map) and/or like Vamist's Parkour server. I tried Vamist's, and its ... extreme. He uses crazy slings, like slinging across a 50+ block gap (that number is actually really accurate) by grappling and jumping left to right then slinging across the gap. I think it would be fun if you did one per class, then some extra ones that can be done with any of the classes..!
  6. Orso

    Orso Haxor Official Server Admin

    And dont make a time limit as in Vamist's parkour serv. Just make all in one map :)
    AmestriStephen likes this.
  7. Well, @Orso, how will the map switch? After all, a vote to skip the map could be knocked down, and then once all the players have finished they got to wait 8 or some minutes to do another vote!!!
  8. Orso

    Orso Haxor Official Server Admin

    You don't switch the map, you just make all the parkour in a huge map and switch betwin them with tunnel for exemple.
    It's soooooo frustating to go to the next map when you fuk*** succed this jump you were trying for 3hours.
    bunnie likes this.