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KAG Player in hand glitch

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by DragonShark, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. DragonShark

    DragonShark The one post after the other. Donator

    Category: Client

    Operating Systen: Windows 8

    Build number: 1120

    Description: Makes a player go in someone's hand.

    Steps to produce: I don't know them correctly but, I know a bit how I did it.
    Somebody messed around with boulders by jumping on it, and moved to the right.
    I jumped on the boulder while he pressed C far on the right. And POOF, I was in his hand.

    Screenshots: I was totally WTF'ing, no screenshots and vids.
  2. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    Are you sure this was not at the Chrispins Super Smash Bros server?
  3. DragonShark

    DragonShark The one post after the other. Donator

    Nope, it was on the Vlyn's Tournament server.
  4. zerd

    zerd Arsonist
    1. SIEGE Clan - SIEGE

    I don't recall seing this in-game myself, but noticed something that fits the description in one of TeQaS' videos:

    At this timestamp you can see TeQaS somehow ending up with an enemy knight in his hands.

    I have however seen something similar, where a stack of wood_mat was "stuck" to the corpse of a builder, and the wood_mat would be trailing the corpse as I was running around with the corpse picked up.