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Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Raelian, Jul 1, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    With the latest patch, we can now swim without fear of drowning aslong as our heads are out of the water. Sadly, this kinda makes the whole concept of using boats, somewhat useless. I've seen many players simply swim to the enemy team instead of using a boat or witnessed plenty of sea battles with knights just stabbing at each other in the water.

    Unless the feature is removed and we go back to drowning more easily I would advice adding a stamina bar for when you are in the water. The bar will slowly start to deplete when in water and replenish when on dry land. As the bar is almost empty, the character starts to move more and more slowly until they cannot move at all. (similar to the previous version when you were close to drowning)

    Attacking will deplete the stamina bar faster, while building and using bombs/satchels/waterbombs will also deplete it but not as fast as attacking.


    Start with 100 stamina points and every action the players takes when in water, depletes his/her stamina.

    Moving - depletes 5 points every 3 seconds
    Power slash/ Charged Shot - depletes 20 points per power slash/shot
    Knight jab/ Archer stab/ Builder attack - depletes 5 points per attack
    Placing blocks - depletes 10 points per block placed

    Once the stamina bar reaches 0, the players will start to move more and more slowly until they end up immobile and they either drown or one of their team mates saves them.

    This way I believe that it will allow people to survive in the water for a certain amount of time while still making boats a necessity. I think fighting should be taken in consideration when done in the water thus people should be able to attack a few times but unless they can get to dry land fast, they will tire out and drown.

    That or just go back to the old version where you drowned. I like that one more since water was a threat and boats were more useful. :p

    //Hijacked & renamed ~Galen
  2. Rubixxcube

    Rubixxcube Bison Rider

    I still see boats being used.
    The thing that makes it possible is the fact that boats now act as mobile spawns, as opposed to simply transportation
  3. Vania

    Vania Shopkeep Stealer

    I agree, swimming made boats pointless, knights on a boat have no real advantage over knights in the water.
    Actually one could argue being all cramped inside a boat makes your team easier to kill with bombs.

    I think people on the water should not be able to attack in any way, and move at slower speed.
    Tylda likes this.
  4. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    If you are on a boat you do have an avantage over someone in the water when engaging the fight, futhermore you can have siege machines on the boats.
    If they make it again like it was before, I will do the same as I used to do : not playing on water maps.
  5. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    When I posted this idea there was no red screen therefore players used to rush others right as they spawned, making most matches end in less than 5 minutes since there was no way to build any decent defenses (a very frustrating situation really). This was the reason I posted the idea, so matches wouldn't end so quickly! Thankfully!!! The red wall has been added since then and now players have more time for building defenses.

    In other words, this idea might be obsolete by now.
  6. Diago

    Diago Builder Stabber

    I don't think it's an obsolete idea. I've seen an influx of water-borne enemies swarm and over power a war boat, their attacks cutting through the boat's exterior from underneath and slaying swathes of allies due to being cramped in a tiny cabin.

    Even if boats offered more protection there ought to be a more substantial disadvantage to swimming in water, whatever that may be. It will also make the engineer's dinghy more desirable.

    I don't think knights should be able to block and swim, or at least swim quickly, at the same time.
  7. Tylda

    Tylda Shopkeep Stealer

    We should be able to take deeper breath and going this way, damage after loosing brearth should be more dramatic :P
  8. Vermilicious

    Vermilicious Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I would suggest reducing swimming speed a bit. Especially for knights with heavy armor. Honestly it shouldn't even be possible.
  9. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    What I would like to suggest is implementation of a Exhaustion system.

    Essentially it would make it so after performing actions a certain amount of times, the time needed to do it again will increase.

    Background Information:

    The idea stems from the melee system that is in Left 4 Dead 2. Originally, in Left 4 Dead 1, melee attacks could be done infinitely. This led to players standing in corners constantly meleeing, which made them immune to really anything. If a boomer did his job and spewed on the players, all they would have to do is go into a corner, all melee, and they would never get hurt. Nothing could counter it because the spitter zombie was not implemented until Left 4 Dead 2. After that huge problem in Left 4 Dead 1, the number of times you could melee was limited, as after some amount of time, your attacks would be slowed.

    You can see how this works from this video example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGKeIYKQEUk

    General Description:

    Implementing this would add a new element to the game that would make Knight less of a lawnmower of death that mows down anything, other than knights in their path, by using jabs and slashes.

    This works especially well when knights decide to spam jabs. It keeps weens new players off charging into battle only to spam jab. As well as keeping older players from just spamming it because their enemy is low health.

    If you like the idea, propose how many times a person could slash/jab before they would become exhausted or any other improvements you can think of.

    If you don't like the idea, state why.

    Thread this was posted in was locked because it apparently is the same thing, even though this thread right here is only for STAMINA IN WATER @Galen. This info I posted here is only for knight, both land and water, and doesn't go off of a point system.

    //EDIT: Apparently you haven't read my edit in the OP. ~Galen

    I don't see anything about stamina outside of water. Mind sending it to me via msges becasue there is something wrong going on with my java. ~Duplo
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2014
  10. austinthus

    austinthus Horde Gibber

    I like your idea, Duplolas, as it fixes several problems with knights (Is suddenly overrun by stab-spammers) --and if it also goes for shields as well (Gets overrun by archer-shield trolls) --then it would make (Is surrounded by archer haters) archers...more...useful. Not again! *Overrun by KAG lovers that hate change* Ok, all jerk-- I mean jokes aside, it would make for some more strategic battles rather than shielding in a corner and waiting to be stabbed so you can stab back, or crazy water battles that would never happen in *tenses* real...life? C'mon, you know this game can't be ALL fictional. The devs refuse to put in wizards, so you know it's at least a LITTLE realistic! Anywho, I vote for adding a stamina gauge of some sort.
  11. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Your realism argument holds no validity:
    Knight 1-Hey! I can become floaty by holding a sheet of metal above my head!
    Knight 2-I can become even more floaty if I hold a chicken whilst doing so!
    Archer-Hey guys, If I throw this little metal claw at a smooth surface, It'll stick there and draw me toward it
    Builder-Look at this big-ass tower only supported by one stone block!
    Knight 3- Look! If I block an explosion with this metal sheet that allows me to float, I can fly like a rocket ship!

    Stamina is an unneeded feature that would make the game harder, and honestly, If you can't get past a turtling knight or a stab-spammer, we have other problems. Plus, in order to balance the stamina system, you'd have to add it to ALL the classes, not just knight. So builders could only mine for so long, and archers could only grapple for so long.
    Trumbles and Rubixxcube like this.
  12. SAcptm

    SAcptm Haxor Staff Alumni

    I will never understand why people clamour for features that will make the game more tedious for them to play.
  13. Rubixxcube

    Rubixxcube Bison Rider



    This isn't Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2013

    If you want realism, let's get a bloody screen in KAG
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
Mods: Rainbows