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Discussion in 'Reports for Abusive Players/Cheaters' started by thebonesauce, Dec 1, 2012.

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  1. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Time: 1:40 am
    Reason: giving outpost to the other team, and then openly griefing and admitting to it.
    Evidence: I don't have anything but the logs on this one. I wasn't expecting him to just up and start griefing. Our shops were out in the open getting hammer by arrows, so I took the outpost against the wall and placed it over the bomb shop to absorb some damage. He started yammering on about how it was HIS outpost, that HE made it, so nobody else could touch it. When I told him that he was an idiot and it was an outpost, that it belonged to the team, he promptly picked it up, jumped across the hill and threw it to the enemy. As we began marking him for "griefing", he decided he was actually going to grief. He built a tower and collapsed it, removing the only thing we had to defend ourselves and lost. He then said, "that's griefing. MY tower is now gone. Your couch, fuck it." He then left the server before we could get one last mark to votekick.

    Anyway, here are the logs. If this doesn't clearly show him griefing, I don't know what else will as he OPENLY ADMITS TO IT.

    [01:38:36] <unclearimage> put it back
    [01:38:38] <Horoto> dont try to take the fucking splinter out of my eye when you have a log in yours
    [01:38:40] <MOLE thebonesauce> LEAVE
    [01:38:41] <unclearimage> damn newbs
    [01:38:41] <MOLE thebonesauce> IT
    [01:38:41] <Andr01d> i just got like 20 kills
    [01:38:44] <MOLE jerloch> lel
    [01:38:45] <unclearimage> its mine
    [01:38:46] <unclearimage> fuckstick
    [01:38:48] <MOLE thebonesauce> IT'S GONNA GET DESTROYED YOU FUCKING TARD
    [01:38:53] <MOLE jerloch> with the help of me android D:<
    [01:38:54] <unclearimage> QQ a river
    [01:38:56] <Horoto> you go to the front
    [01:38:58] <MOLE thebonesauce> it's yours? lol
    [01:38:59] <Horoto> obviously you dont get it
    [01:39:00] <WaterminD> wtf?!
    [01:39:01] <TsaoPao> I WAS
    [01:39:02] <unclearimage> I made it
    [01:39:04] <MOLE thebonesauce> it's a fucking outpost you dipshit
    [01:39:11] <unclearimage> fine I'll give it to red
    [01:39:12] <Horoto> your standing there bitching at me
    [01:39:15] <Horoto> killing my time killing yours
    [01:39:17] <MOLE thebonesauce> don't be a faggot
    [01:39:18] New player joined the game
    [01:39:18] Unnamed player is now known as SantaIvan
    [01:39:18] <unclearimage> gonna be bitches about it
    [01:39:20] SantaIvan has joined Red Team
    [01:39:24] <Horoto> maybe we lost because you werent at the front
    [01:39:24] <MOLE thebonesauce> seriously dude?
    [01:39:27] <Don Quixote> take the hill
    [01:39:29] <Horoto> maybe fate marked you as the game changer
    [01:39:29] <<RAIN Coy_> hi
    [01:39:32] <Horoto> now stfu and fuck off
    [01:39:34] <MOLE thebonesauce> quit being a fucking child
    [01:39:36] <MOLE jerloch> Who gives a shit red team, get it together
    [01:39:43] <MOLE thebonesauce> unclear is griefing guys
    [01:39:47] <<RAIN Coy_> who!
    [01:39:50] <Panic_Trap> i like all the anger in here
    [01:39:50] <unclearimage> unclear isnt griefing
    [01:39:51] <MOLE thebonesauce> he just gave our outpost to red
    [01:39:53] <unclearimage> hes giving his shit to red
    [01:39:57] <Horoto> maybe if you would stop destroying my shit I could build it and go to the front
    [01:39:58] <MOLE thebonesauce> he just gave our fucking outpost to red
    [01:39:59] <unclearimage> whats this OUR shit
    [01:40:00] <Panic_Trap> i dont even have to pipe up
    [01:40:04] <<RAIN Coy_> yes th
    [01:40:11] <<RAIN Coy_> yes that is a griefer!
    [01:40:16] <Horoto> im not doing jack shit as long as your hiere being a nagger
    [01:40:17] <+notdavy> how are they spawning after we got it
    [01:40:18] <fdwtrf> KICK
    [01:40:19] <+notdavy> shitty game
    [01:40:20] <Horoto> fucking nagger ass
    [01:40:23] <+notdavy> this is why outposts suck
    [01:40:25] <Andr01d> well now i feel bad
    [01:40:25] <MOLE thebonesauce> unclearimage gave the outpost to the enemy.
    [01:40:28] New player joined the game
    [01:40:28] Unnamed player is now known as vllxxe
    [01:40:28] vllxxe has joined Blue Team
    [01:40:34] <MOLE thebonesauce> and of course there's no fucking admins
    [01:40:39] * unclearimage * has been voted to be kicked by <RAIN Coy_ (1/5)
    [01:40:40] <Don Quixote> That feel strikes again
    [01:40:49] * unclearimage * has been voted to be kicked by MOLE thebonesauce (2/5)
    [01:40:49] New player joined the game
    [01:40:49] Unnamed player is now known as pizzaboy12
    [01:40:50] pizzaboy12 is now known as pizza pizzaboy12
    [01:40:50] pizza pizzaboy12 has joined Red Team
    [01:40:57] * unclearimage * has been voted to be kicked by (Home zoneout101 (3/5)
    [01:40:59] <MOLE thebonesauce> guys, kick unclearimage
    [01:41:01] <unclearimage> lol
    [01:41:05] <MOLE thebonesauce> he gave our outpost to red like a cunt
    [01:41:10] <Horoto> can we please ban tsao he's griefing my shit
    [01:41:10] vllxxe left the game
    [01:41:10] <Panic_Trap> watch out
    [01:41:10] <unclearimage> yeah ccuz I keep getting griefed
    [01:41:16] <MOLE thebonesauce> you're not being griefed
    [01:41:19] <unclearimage> so I said fuck it and brought the outpost to the right
    [01:41:21] SantaIvan left the game
    [01:41:21] * unclearimage * has been voted to be kicked by Don Quixote (4/5)
    [01:41:23] <TsaoPao> ARE U FUCKING KIDDING ME
    [01:41:28] <<RAIN Coy_> Hi iss a griefer!
    [01:41:28] <Horoto> tsao ao is griefing my bridge
    [01:41:32] New player joined the game
    [01:41:32] Unnamed player is now known as sunyboi
    [01:41:33] sunyboi has joined Blue Team
    [01:41:36] <MOLE thebonesauce> I put the fucking outpost on the bomb shop to make sure it didn't get destroyed you fucking MORON
    [01:41:40] <MOLE thebonesauce> one more vote guys
    [01:41:42] <<RAIN Coy_> nice
    [01:41:42] <MOLE thebonesauce> someone mark him
    [01:41:44] (Home zoneout101 has joined Red Team
    [01:41:44] <unclearimage> wasnt getting destroyed
    [01:41:51] <Horoto> stop griefing my bridge and help your team
    [01:41:52] <Panic_Trap> thats useless
    [01:41:57] <Panic_Trap> the doors
    [01:41:58] <<RAIN Coy_> Kick him!
    [01:41:59] <TsaoPao> If I come back and u are still hanging out back here
    [01:41:59] <MOLE thebonesauce> jerloch
    [01:41:59] <WaterminD> need stone :/ lol
    [01:42:05] <MOLE jerloch> sup nigga
    [01:42:06] <MOLE thebonesauce> do me a solid, switch to blue and kick this kid
    [01:42:08] <Panic_Trap> you did that horoto?
    [01:42:10] * Horoto * has been voted to be kicked by xCUBE JTG (1/5)
    [01:42:12] <MOLE thebonesauce> then you can head back
    [01:42:13] <WaterminD> unclear.. wtf u doing?!
    [01:42:15] <MOLE jerloch> but
    [01:42:15] <Horoto> no me and another person did
    [01:42:18] <MOLE jerloch> ]:<
    [01:42:21] <RAIN Coy_ left the game
    [01:42:23] <MOLE thebonesauce> he's griefing now
    [01:42:27] <unclearimage> thats griefing
    [01:42:28] <Don Quixote> welp
    [01:42:29] <MOLE thebonesauce> ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME
    [01:42:32] <WaterminD> UNCLEAR DID IT!
    [01:42:32] <Horoto> see he doesnt get it he's telling me to go do something when he too is standing there doing nothing
    [01:42:32] <unclearimage> my tower is now gone
    [01:42:32] <Don Quixote> This game is full well over
    [01:42:35] <SleepyReaper> Clever.
    [01:42:35] <unclearimage> your couch sir
    [01:42:35] <MOLE jerloch> which kid
    [01:42:36] <unclearimage> fuck it
    [01:42:37] <WaterminD> saw the whole thing
    [01:42:38] <MOLE thebonesauce> YOU FUCKING FAGGOT
    [01:42:38] MOLE jerloch has joined Blue Team
    [01:42:40] unclearimage left the game

    EDIT: Not long after I met him in BC FlatMap, where he admits to it again. It's hilarious to me that not long after admitting to it again, he starts saying how he doesn't give a shit if he gets banned, that KAG is a shitty game, there's never any updates, etc.

    [01:49:44] <MOLE thebonesauce> go check the forums under Reports For Abusive Players
    [01:49:57] <MOLE thebonesauce> hope proving a point was worth $12
    [01:50:00] LEGIT CHAO left the game
    [01:50:02] <unclearimage> stupid bitch...
    [01:50:14] New player joined the game
    [01:50:14] Unnamed player is now known as CHAO
    [01:50:15] CHAO is now known as LEGIT CHAO
    [01:50:15] LEGIT CHAO has joined Blue Team
    [01:50:16] <MOLE thebonesauce> I'm not the one that decided to grief and then admit to it.
    [01:50:17] mindall left the game
    [01:50:18] New player joined the game
    [01:50:18] Unnamed player is now known as ssn0404
    [01:50:19] ssn0404 has joined Blue Team
    [01:50:22] <MOLE thebonesauce> all because I moved a fucking outpost.
    [01:50:25] <unclearimage> I didnt grief
    [01:50:31] <unclearimage> I griefed AFTER I was accused of griefing
    [01:50:34] <MOLE thebonesauce> yes you did. You admitted to it. I posted the logs.
    [01:50:41] <MOLE killatron46> tlol
    [01:50:43] <MOLE killatron46> hey boners
    [01:50:46] <unclearimage> and I griefed MY tower
    [01:50:47] <MOLE thebonesauce> taking the outpost and throwing it to the enemy is a form of griefing, unclear.
    [01:50:52] <naro> need knights
    [01:50:52] <MOLE thebonesauce> it doesn't matter WHOSE tower it was.
    [01:50:56] <MOLE thebonesauce> hey killa.
    [01:50:58] LEGIT CHAO left the game
    [01:50:59] <unclearimage> whatever dude I really dont care
    [01:51:02] <Mellian-Quar-Xililix> srsly team
    [01:51:08] <MOLE thebonesauce> you're going to be banned, you should care.
    [01:51:11] <unclearimage> OH NO
    [01:51:12] <AtomicElf> and neither do the rest of us
    [01:51:16] <unclearimage> not banned from an alpha game
    [01:51:17] <unclearimage> OMG
    [01:51:21] New player joined the game
    [01:51:21] Unnamed player is now known as goya
    [01:51:22] goya has joined Blue Team
    [01:51:24] <MOLE thebonesauce> that you spent money on. lol
    [01:51:25] <[Ace] mat__rat> AIM HILOL
    [01:51:28] <unclearimage> one server dude
    [01:51:31] <unclearimage> just one
    [01:51:33] <unclearimage> oh noes
    [01:51:35] <MOLE thebonesauce> no, not one server.
    [01:51:41] <MOLE thebonesauce> you griefed and openly admitted to it
    [01:51:44] <MOLE thebonesauce> it's a global ban
    [01:51:47] <unclearimage> lol okay dude
    [01:51:57] <MOLE thebonesauce> you'll see. don't worry.
    [01:52:02] <unclearimage> they NEVER update this game
    [01:52:06] <MOLE thebonesauce> lol
    [01:52:07] <unclearimage> I doubt they'll do shit about it
    [01:52:08] <unclearimage> lol
    [01:52:13] ssn0404 left the game
    [01:52:14] <MOLE thebonesauce> they do shit about it all the time.
    [01:52:22] <unclearimage> dont let teammate grief me first
    [01:52:24] <MOLE thebonesauce> seriously, go check it out.
    [01:52:26] <unclearimage> and It would have been fine
    [01:52:31] <MOLE thebonesauce> nobody griefed you
    [01:52:33] <MOLE thebonesauce> you're a fucking liar
    [01:52:36] <unclearimage> lol okay
    [01:52:40] <MOLE killatron46> WOW
    [01:52:41] <MOLE killatron46> lol
    [01:52:41] <unclearimage> cuz you were watching the WHOLE time
    [01:52:54] <MOLE thebonesauce> all I know is you had a bitch fit because I moved your outpost
    [01:53:02] <MOLE thebonesauce> I told you it wasn't "yours" and you threw it to red
    [01:53:06] New player joined the game
    [01:53:06] Unnamed player is now known as vllxxe
    [01:53:06] <unclearimage> youre the only one that seems to care
    [01:53:06] vllxxe has joined Blue Team
    [01:53:08] <MOLE thebonesauce> then you griefed. literally.
    [01:53:10] <unclearimage> I won
    [01:53:16] <[Ace] mat__rat> WE LOOSE
    [01:53:16] <unclearimage> the entire server lost
    [01:53:18] <unclearimage> the end
    [01:53:27] <MOLE killatron46> freaking
    [01:53:29] <MOLE killatron46> who builds
    [01:53:32] <MOLE killatron46> 9 high buildings
    [01:53:35] <[Ace] mat__rat> WTF
    [01:53:46] <MOLE thebonesauce> yeah, the "server" lost
    [01:53:58] <MOLE thebonesauce> the "server" is gonna be the one to waste $12 and never be able to play again. lol
    [01:54:04] <unclearimage> omg dude I destroyed my OWN tower in a video game
    [01:54:06] <unclearimage> shutup already
    [01:54:12] <MOLE thebonesauce> it doesn't matter.
    [01:54:17] <unclearimage> no it REALLY doesn't
    [01:54:24] <MOLE thebonesauce> yeah, exactly.
    [01:54:29] <unclearimage> youre an idiot
    [01:54:36] <MOLE thebonesauce> lol, I'm the idiot.
    [01:54:38] <Mellian-Quar-Xililix> D>
    [01:54:40] <unclearimage> yes
    [01:54:42] <MOLE thebonesauce> right on bro.
    [01:54:48] <unclearimage> lol okay 'bro'
    [01:54:51] <unclearimage> what are you 8
    [01:55:14] <MOLE thebonesauce> lolol, coming from the asshat quoting the Chapelle Show
    [01:55:21] <unclearimage> chappele show... really?
    [01:55:29] <MOLE thebonesauce> you said fuck your couch. hahaha
    [01:55:33] SAME left the game
    [01:55:35] <Mellian-Quar-Xililix> Once you build something, it becomes the teams. If you grief it, your griefing the team. Just to let everyone know.
    [01:55:35] <unclearimage> that's old as hell
    [01:55:47] <MOLE thebonesauce> yeah, that's my point dude
    [01:55:48] <unclearimage> now we have a KAG lawyer here
    [01:55:54] <MOLE thebonesauce> you're the one that said it, not me.
    [01:56:00] <unclearimage> I did
    [01:56:05] <unclearimage> and I dont care what anyone else says
    [01:56:10] <unclearimage> if I build shit, and you jack it up
    [01:56:13] <unclearimage> I can take it down
    [01:56:18] <MOLE thebonesauce> no, you really can't. lol
    [01:56:22] <unclearimage> apparently I can
    [01:56:24] <unclearimage> because I did...

    He also thinks you're not gonna do anything about it. Prove him wrong, Furai. Thanks.
  2. unclearimage

    unclearimage Builder Stabber

    lol first off I never said KAG was a shitty game- ever. I said it barely gets updated, furthermore as you can tell the chat suddenly starts- what the player fails to include is me BEING griefed endlessly by other players. (Friday night go figure) and people TRYING to give my outpost to red team, and me running to get it back.

    People griefing my tower and making stupid modifications (ground level doors) not to mention the entire team was pretty damn dumb, the builders all congregated around the tower I had build and were either mine-crafting or chatting while our team was getting ROFL-STOMPED. (horribly by the other team they owned 99% of the map.)

    Then this newb-tard came in and starting moving my outpost while I'm trying to maintain a tower against stupid builders, enemy bombs, and a catapult.

    After 5 minutes of constantly rebuilding my tower as other builders hung out in it, newbed it up, or straight up griefed it. Coupled with our team doing absolutely nothing useful and my being screwed with I finally said forget it and destroyed the tower I had both built and single handedly repaired for most of the game. (The ONLY tower for my entire team.)

    I don't buy into this "If you built it we SHARE it" mentality, If I drag 250 stone and 250 wood from the rear (after mining it which is boring) and build a damn tower and stop newbs from "making it 'pro'" it's my freakin' tower.

    EDIT :

    And these 'chat logs' are like 30% of what really was said, it was the tail end of the first server- and he was harassing me on another for like 20 minutes about this crap.
  3. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    By the way Boners, this was on BC Flatmap, not EXTREME TOAST.
  4. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    one. boners is not a newb tard
    2. unclearimage YOU are the newb tard
    why? boners is pretty famous, a great player, made many a contributions to the community
    while all you do was complain, about ownership, because in this world ownership is practically worthless

    king arthur gold is a team game, dont ruin it for everyone out there.
  5. Vidar

    Vidar KAG Guard Donator Tester

    The subject of structure ownership is not debatable. All structures in CTF are team structures. No one person owns them. Yes it can be extremely frustrating when alterations are made to your structures, and I sympathize. It's something we all deal with.

    But you take it to a whole other level. Once the game starts, all bets are off. So much is happening and needs repairing, reinforcing, moving, altering, etc, it's not realistic to think it's all going to be done to your personal approval.

    Be flexible. If your trying to make a pristine tower to your personal standards, one that won't be messed with, take it to a sandbox server. It's just not going to happen on a server where battles are occurring, ever.

    KAG is teambased at it's core. Play nice with others or your going to alienate yourself in a social, teambased game. You can rage, but you can't grief. Continue griefing, server moderators will simply permanetly ban you. It's no skin off their backs and the game is far more enjoyable once griefers and hackers are isolated.

    If you don't like whats happening on your team, leave the server, try again on another one. If someone is griefing, document it and report it. If you have a complaint about a moderator or a server, make a formal complaint to the appropriate server thread.

    In summary griefing is bad, so please don't do it again.

    * Also thebonesauce, you know were homies, but after reading the logs, you might try to deflate these emotionally charged situations with some temperance and tact. I bet he might not have been driven to griefing if someone could have reasoned with him more constructively. I understand this can be hard when someone is being unreasonable, we are all guilty of going off on someone occasionally, myself included, and it certainly doesn't excuse the griefing. He was way out of line. It just might make it easier in the future to get someone to cool down and comply.
  6. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Maybe so. It just gets irritating when someone acts like they know it all and treat me like garbage. I was trying to help by moving his outpost and he decided to throw a temper tantrum and fuck up the entire game for the entire team. It's been going around that the admins/guards are detrimental to the community as of late, but I think it's players like unclearimage who give new players the wrong impression about the game. A few things in reply to him, however.

    "Then this newb-tard came in and starting moving my outpost while I'm trying to maintain a tower against stupid builders, enemy bombs, and a catapult."

    I hate to break it to you, but I moved the outpost to prevent our only bomb shop for getting destroyed. I moved it like 15 tiles to the left, you came over and freaked out about how it was yours, and when I told you that nothing in this game is "yours" alone, you got pissy and took the outpost to the enemy. Whether or not this is griefing is debatable, but I see it as griefing since we lost about 20+ lives because of this ridiculously childish action. I spawned two separate times in enemy territory because they didn't fully cap the outpost and were spawnkilling us. Strike one.

    "I don't buy into this "If you built it we SHARE it" mentality, If I drag 250 stone and 250 wood from the rear (after mining it which is boring) and build a damn tower and stop newbs from "making it 'pro'" it's my freakin' tower."

    As Vidar said, there's no discussion when it comes to whether a structure is "yours" or not. During CTF games, if you build something, it becomes the TEAM'S structure. I can't tell you how many times I've built a huge, useful structure and had it griefed, ruined by some idiot replacing trapdoors with ladders, building off of it and completely ruining it's functionality. Example, Strathos' repairable tower design; each "portion" of the tower looks like this:
    The doors allow for the blocks in front of the tower to be repaired safely from behind. I'm had noobs take it from that to this:
    or this...

    Yes, it's frustrating. Yes, it sucks. Yes, it's ridiculous. But KAG is a TEAM BASED GAME. Just because you build something, it does not give you exclusive rights to the tower. You can't just destroy something because you feel like it. It's not fair to the team and it's certainly not fair for the newer players. You did a huge disservice to the team.

    "And these 'chat logs' are like 30% of what really was said, it was the tail end of the first server- and he was harassing me on another for like 20 minutes about this crap."

    There's really no need for me to post our 20 minute argument about why you were wrong as it's irrelevant to the problem at hand. For someone who says they don't care about an ALPHA that NEVER gets updated and doesn't care if he gets banned, you sure seem intent on making sure you don't get banned. If Furai seems to think it's necessary, I'll post the remainder of the chat log but as it stands, I'm not the one trying to justify griefing.

    @killatron; Yes, the second half of the problem began on BC FlatMap. The original incident happened on EXTREMETOAST.
  7. Andr01d

    Andr01d Haxor

    I was there for this, the whole server was incredibly nooby, but I really admire bonesauce for taking the time to actually try to make it less so. Unfortunately with Action gone I think we're gonna have to be doing a lot more reporting in the forums from now on, whereas in the past this dude would just be banned.
    thebonesauce likes this.
  8. Filystyn

    Filystyn Bison Rider

    Off topic

    unclearimage i must say i undestoond few aspects you mention i mean. Its so fucking irritating when i see 4 builders who except mining mostly wonder around the base without sens when they are needed at the front to repair things or help. ;>
  9. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    It's still not an excuse. His behavior is uncalled for and deteriorating to the community.
  10. stig700

    stig700 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    this is a teamgame ffs nebs are palyers to ye they can be anoying but they need to learn to as you needed to do that to when you started i can say you are still pretty new/young and you made this acount probally becaue bone told you he reported you didnt you
  11. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    I think he was around for a while, but he sure seems to care when he said earlier that he doesn't.
  12. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I would just like to point out that chat logs aren't enough evidence of griefing. You could never been banned based on the evidences that bone showed until you admitted to grief on the forums. Now you will probably end up with a temporary master server ban.

    Thank you very much sir, you're a inspiration for griefers and speedhackers from the whole world :thumbs_up:
  13. unclearimage

    unclearimage Builder Stabber

    I find it funny when people go on and on about 'the community' when I was griefed prior. The only thing this reinforces is the mentality that it's okay as long as I don't piss off on of the DEVS buddies then it matters.

    So at the end of the day people can grief my crap, destroy my base, steal my outpost but God forbid I hurt the feelings of someone that is active on the forums.

    Great message to send to the player base. Love the community you're building. *rolls eyes*
  14. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    It's not about how long you have been on the forums, it's about your atitude facing it.

    If instead of QQing and griefing the only tower that your team had you had gone to the forums to report whoever griefed you, you would have my full support, and I would be happy to help providing any evidence I was able to find to make sure the ones who griefed the tower you built were banned.

    Stop acting like a victim, we all get griefed sometimes, this don't give us the right to grief.
  15. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    This. You act like you're the only person that has ever gotten griefed. You could have EASILY did what I did, got the griefer's name and posted their actions on this specific forum. You didn't hurt my feelings at all. You think you mean something to me? Try again. I just try to see to it that people who ruin the game for others by pretending they're five years old get punished for being assholes.

    GOD FORBID someone else play with your toys, it's like someone wanted to help you build onto your sandcastle and you kicked it over because you didn't want to share. You seriously reminded me of my six year old cousin; he stomps his feet and holds his breath when his kindergarten classmates try to play with his toys. It's YOUR mentality that whatever you build is your property that is the problem. KAG has a heavy emphasis on teamwork, and it's pretty fucking sad that you've forgotten to share. That was, what, preschool age shit? Grow up already.
  16. unclearimage

    unclearimage Builder Stabber

    The only thing I've learned is if I don't play with my toys according to your rules then I get in trouble by your mom.

    And since this game's 'gold' edition is non-existent and there hasn't been a substantial update in almost 6 months playing with a non free account is pointless, it's easier for me to simply stop using this account and use a free one from now on until the game actually gets a 'gold' version update, and lessen the chances of hurting someones feelings- having them act like children, then lecture me about acting like a child.
  17. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator


    Start private convo.
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