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Xbox Live Arcade: Fez

Discussion in 'Other games' started by tur1sta, Apr 24, 2012.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. tur1sta

    tur1sta Random snippet here ಠ__ಠ Donator

    Fez by Polytron launch trailer.

    One of my personal favorites from the XLA. Priced at $9.99 or 800ms points, this game has charmed me with is smooth design, music, and obviously, it's gameplay. The game allows you to rotate the 2D environment revealing new pathways and solutions in your platforming adventure. There is a strong sense of exploration as you are only given one goal and alot ( I mean alot) of doorways and secrets. I have just finished my first playthrough accidentally and I'm eager to go on my New Game+ to complete my goal.

    You can check out Fez's soundtrack from their Bandcamp website.

    Title: Home
    This song is also free to download on their bandcamp site.
    Gofio and trelawney like this.
  2. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Just listened to the full soundtrack today, excellent work. Can't wait for the PC version! (promised since 2009 or so...)
  3. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    I've kinda been drooling over this for ages, and the pain of knowing other people are playing it while I go without is immense. D:
    inactive_account and Ej like this.
  4. tur1sta

    tur1sta Random snippet here ಠ__ಠ Donator

    well, the game was supposed to come out in '09 but they had to push it back to '12. Hopefully they decide within this year. A port to PC would be nice.
  5. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Phil Fish should be hung. The game is absolute crap and this isn't just my over exaggerated opinion, it focuses too hard on trying to be 'art', took '5' years to make, Phil Fish constantly shits all over Cave Story but his entire style is stolen from it and he has nothing on Pixel, dude won 2 awards for a game that's not out yet by being friends with the judges then went and insulted people on his twitter after wards.

    But, again, the guy being a total douche doesn't make the game bad I suppose, but the game has:
    1)Boring music, the music is frankly quite boring because it reminds you of how empty the song is, it would normally be a nice tune for a game where there's some action and you however do want some ambiance, think Cave Story, Iji, Underworld, etc.
    2)Shitty gameplay - Not even a new concept this guy is bringing to the table and he still manages to do it terribly
    3)The puzzles are crap - In a game with no enemies you think, at least good puzzles right? Nope, super easy other than dealing with BUGS. Bugs would be acceptable if it didn't take FIVE Years and he didn't GLOAT about it being great.
    4)The game itself wastes a good deal of time on useless cinematics and highlights and very little actual 'content' is in the game

    Overall 0/5 will only play when it comes to PC to recall how fucking bad it is and tell future generations of my horrible experience.


    Oh and if it wasn't enough, the asshole built up hype since day 1 with some 'I've already got this bro' mentality and claiming all this crap about how the game will be X or Y, or on PC, and then it ended up being none of those things. I really reallllllllllly wanted to play Fez so badly because of all that was promised, but after watching a short LP on it and some such I saw how trite it is and am saddened once again.
    Cheesemaster66 and trelawney like this.
  6. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    I like the music. D':
    inactive_account likes this.
  7. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    The music is great when not playing :) It just doesn't fit it. It's like if I played Super Mario Bros and Johnny Cash did the background music.
  8. tur1sta

    tur1sta Random snippet here ಠ__ಠ Donator

    I don't see the game as being totally shit. For a platformer, it is quite entertaining. Fez isn't the only game that uses pixel art. A great majority of indie games are designed in pixel art. I don't see how Cave Story, even tho being a better game overall, can even be compared to a game like Fez.

    Fans of Cave story (me included) know how great the game is and what it has to offer. Fez doesn't really have anything going for it besides it's exploration of the game's world and it's nifty mechanism.

    • I think majority of the bug problem comes from having the stages of a specific level load in smoothly without a loading screen. That's where most of my problems came and it actually froze my xbox. Besides that, my entire playthrough is good.
    • Music isn't amazing ,but I don't see how it doesn't fit the game and is downright "boring". Yeah, there are times when the music doesn't play ,and although it's not the best of video game music, it does fit the casual approach in which it is calm and smooth. I guess you could say that it is "boring" if there isn't much variety in it.
    • Early gameplay footage has shown that the platform puzzles are very simple right from the beginning. I also don't remember them saying anything about it being a challenging game. I think it is just there to show off the mechanic. It is actually really entertaining to watch the whole rotation when trying to traverse. The level design is pretty damn good. Emphasis on pretty. There is no "woah" moment tho in the level design.
    • I would like to know these games of similar gameplay concept please, as I would love to play them too. I'm talking to you too Wonkyth. I'm playing Spelunky and Iji thanks to you. Found it from the thread i believe "currently playing games" or something. You posted a long list. It went like this: hmmmm...spelunky..*click....:B):cool ass RL game:flex:
    • Why compare it to Cave Story? Cave story had so much content, easter eggs, secrets ,and endings. Amazing soundtrack, sold gun play, and solid story with multiple endings. How in the world could you compare that to Fez who has an a rotating world and somewhat of a story. Cave Story is too damn amazing to be compared with Fez. Please don't do that again.
    • 1-10 ratings are stupid. It just shows how lazy the mind is to determine what would satisfy the player. Omg, it's a 9 out of 10 on IGN, 4/5 on gamespot, etc. etc. Oh how I learned that the hard way. I say this because, some readers of your comment would cling onto that "0/5" without completely reading it and challenging it.
    Lastly, I'm sorry if the game doesn't cater to your love for high action and variety of soundtrack. It's a casual game from point A to B ,and obviously, it isn't for you. I suggest that you don't even try it when it comes out on PC. Playing a game distasteful to you isn't healthy and is a waste of time and effort.

  9. tur1sta likes this.
  10. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Sky Island was finished in less than a year (much less) and actually has enemies, and games.

    Oh and Paper Mario, the Wii one I believe it was. So yeah, if Nintendo did it quite some years ago, properly, with fights, and all of that, yeah, no excuses.

    Games are centered around gameplay, they aren't movies you move around in, if you try to be 'all art' and no 'game' it isn't a game anymore, it's as much of a game as interior semiotics is art.

    I never said I don't like Pixel Art, to the contrary in fact, I prefer 2D art over anything else, Pixel art being the best in my opinion.

    Early puzzle gameplay always shows easy stuff but gets harder as you go, if they showed hard stuff it would be retarded as they would leave you everything.

    Compare it to Cave Story because that's what you compare indie games that COPY Cave Story to.
    Bookmark likes this.
  11. tur1sta

    tur1sta Random snippet here ಠ__ಠ Donator

    Thatgamecompany (made flower, flow, journey, and cloud) seems to think that a game can be art focused. Took then 3 years to finish a 2 hour game with great results (#1 psn download for April). Again, a game that you'll probably just wouldn't like so I'll stop right here.

    I didn't say that you didn't like pixel art. I said:
    I also don't see how it is retarded to show the harder content because it shows off that the game is challenging and could cause you to lose hence attracting players who want that same challenge in that form of gameplay. The consumers don't require the devs to show the harder bits, but not because it's stupid.

    Lastly, Fez still can't be compared because, even though they have obvious similarities, Fez still lacks a lot of content that Cave Story has. Guns, bosses, variety of enemies are missing. You can't even call Fez a clone of Cave Story. Let's strip Cave Story of all those and then let's start comparing.
  12. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Flower,flow, journey, etc were actually artistic, like Braid,Fez lacks that, phil fish is not an artist, he's a hack, he steals other people's ideas and shoddily puts them together and attempts to call it art. Look at everything thatgamecompany made and you will notice that it is original, the theme all fits together and everything blends perfectly, this is what makes it 'art' this is what allows this type of game to actually be labeled 'artistic'.

    Fez while it attempts to do so is missing something, something that breaks it, it fails to actually set the atmosphere, or mix the gameplay into it in a way where it feels natural.

    #1 psn download for april means nothing, number of purchases or downloads has never made something a good game, by that logic MW3 is one of the best games out there, and SW:TOR is actually good!

    Showing the harder content is simply counter to the standard, and in doing so all he's done is attempted to say that he has more than he has, if you were to argue that he didn't know the standard is to show easier content and maybe a glimpse at one or two harder puzzles that'd be retarded if he's been developing a game for 5 years, and again showing the challenge would make sense if... it was actually challenging but it isn't! It feels like I'm playing the first 5 puzzles in Layton and am missing the entire rest of the game!

    Attempting to say a game cannot be compared is simply saying "This game sucks but my opinions will stand, so I'll say you can't compare it, because I don't want it to look bad", it attempted to replicate Cave Story but just sucked, however if you want to compare it to something without enemies, or anything go ahead and compare it to Sky Island, it still loses.

    Oh and as for stripping away all of Cave Story's actual 'content', hahaah, haha, no. Phil Fish had 5 fucking years, a deadline he set himself to make this game, originally said he would add all that stuff and then dropped it for the shallow piece of shit it is, it was his choice not to add all of that 'content' which would have at least had a chance at making it challenging or good.

    Game - Not good by itself
    The developer - A literal prick, half the shit he says is on the level of "John Romero is about to make you his bitch"
  13. Actually, Sky Island has enemies. There are even puzzles involving them.
  14. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    tur1sta and Ej like this.
  15. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Ah, my bad, I didn't mean it had no enemies, I should have revised that, I meant to say something more similar overall.

    But if we compare it to no enemies games, I'd play Cooking Mama over Fez. 8-)
    Ej likes this.
  16. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Forgive me for asking, but what's wrong with no-enemy gaming?
    I mean, I've been enjoying the hell out of Nifflas' stuff since before Fez was even announced, and they have far less content and style than Fez, that much is apparent.
  17. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    They have style and theme and aren't pretentious in nature.

    Nifflas has made some of my favorite indie games anyway.
    Knytt was fun, Knytt Stories I enjoy checking out from time to time.

    I actually find Knytt Stories to be very similar to N+ in a way.
  18. tur1sta

    tur1sta Random snippet here ಠ__ಠ Donator

    I am digging the internet of where I can read Phil Fish says that "Fez is art" or something along those lines. I keep seeing his award for visual art only. I lack the knowledge and proficiency to argue further about what is "artistic" or not.

    Being #1 in a retail store, be it online or not, means that you have done something that has attracted the masses. You have gained revenue and fame. You can now afford more work force, advertisements, equipments, and merchandise which could bring you more revenue and fame. People are more willing to spend more money on possibly stupid "collector's" items. People that don't know what they want or just wants a popular game to play will more likely buy you're game. Yeah, I think being #1 means a lot.

    MW series may not be the best game(in your opinion and standards) ,but no matter what, they are good games. That and they have some damn good and well funded PR.

    There is no standard or list of requirements that a trailer needs to meet. A trailer in a gist (in my opinion) is to show off what your game has to offer without giving away too much. Where in the trailer did it show that it was going to be challenging? Where does it say? You probably had known even before the game came out that it was not going to be challenging at all.

    This game doesn't suck as I obviously keep saying since my first post and my opinion will stand until it is destroyed. Of course, I don't want it to look bad and I give details on why I say it can't be compared.

    Do you have any idea how much can happen within 5 years? Maybe he was running out of money and needed an easy-fix, maybe he lacked the necessary resources to meet his promises, maybe he lacked the skill to do so. Whatever the reason maybe, it has caused him to change the end-product and it obviously has disappointed you beyond return.

    In the end, it is obviously not for fast-action, hardcore gamers and that it is for casual gamers. All you have done is tell me that Phil Fish is what ever slander or profanity you chose for him to be. I couldn't care who Phil Fish is or what he said, I still believe Fez is a good game, and I will still stand by my opinion.
    Wonkyth likes this.
  19. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    BTW, I have absolutely no doubt that Phil is a fruitloop. Certainly he shouldn't be let near a PR mic.
    From memory, Phil also had some depression issues within that five-years, but I cant remember the details.
    inactive_account likes this.
  20. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I'm sorry but you lost any claim to an argument the second you said that MW is a good game, I could not bring myself mentally to read past that point.

    @Wonkyth - Phil Fish is the equivalent of Blue from terraria in a PR sense, I'd agree.
    Do you mean fruitloop as in homosexual or as in has problems in the head? Sorry, I just don't hear the term often.

    Now that I gave it a minute and read over the rest of your post, which was seriously hard to do after what you wrote about MW, here are some thoughts.
    Art: He's stated it a few times in the past, not that he needed to, one look at the game tells you he went for art over gameplay even to the point of how the game loads or how he went so painstakingly hard to copy Cave Story's look and make it a different type of light fantasy while at the same time not copying any of the actual gameplay that makes it fun.

    The fact that there is no 'standard' is something that you're wrong about, there are preconceived notions that you would only be privy off if you've actually watched many of them in the past and know this, while you may not find some written rule if you ask anyone who's made one or anyone who's watched enough of them to sit down and think of what you would say the unwritten rules are, they could tell you the basics, this is true of most things, and the fact that you didn't know after 5 years of making the game, or actually being a game dev at all which assumes you've actually PLAYED games and enjoyed them is no real excuse, it should be obvious in this sense.

    If that was the hardest difficulty he wanted he might as well have come out and said he's trying to make a casual game for 2years to play because he wants that audience.

    No, see that's bullshit, he had tons of options from Kickstarter to doing something else temporarily, I'm sorry but you don't work 5 years on a game and then rush it in the end (and still brag about it!!!!) because you were 'strapped for cash'.

    The reason isn't something like this and conjecture really isn't worth it, if you've read any of Phil Fish's shit, especially his twitter the reason would be obvious, he's a douche.

    Well, again as I've said there were two parts to my argument:
    1)Phil Fish is shit
    a)He's a douchebag who went back on his original thing
    b)He made his game out to be something it completely wasn't and then didn't care about the results
    c)Insults his fans left and right, it's project zomboid all over again!

    2)The game is shit
    a)The actual gameplay is shit, it's boring, slow-paced
    b)Anyone can find bugs without even looking, has he even HEARD of testing before release?
    c)The world the game is set in is boring, it attempts to be a vibrant and in your face but realistically is the same old shit everyone who's ever picked up an MMO has seen a million times, and the characters aren't much better
    d)It's a fucking puzzle game with shitty puzzles holy shit.

    Seriously if I set my 8 year old brother to play this I guarantee he can beat every puzzle without three tries.
Mods: BlueLuigi