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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    yeah i reported him twice, anyway enough discussion before a guard wakes up :P
  2. I can confirm that trogre777 needs to be banned. Other than being a vortex of homosexual slurs and other immature ideas, he also adopts Australian/American Clan tags, possibly to cause the loss of respect to said clans upon entering any server. And, utter lies on his 'innocence'.

    Anyone in POWER can confirm this. :>:(:
  3. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    1. Trogre777
    2. Offensive language to say the least
    3. Power US server
    4. about 7 mins ago

    The video is horrible as It was glitching but to clear it up theres also screens

    2.png Untitled.png

    IF you add the fraps footage into a movie maker, etc Windows live movie maker, it compresses it, My video here was 2 gb now its 81mb :p
    GHOZT and Contrary like this.
  4. Zeigy

    Zeigy Shopkeep Stealer

    Player's Name: DRACO trogre777

    Crime: Incident occurred shortly after server booted everyone off. Griefer collapsed structure.

    Server Name: U13 USEast 64 player

    Time: 1:29 am GMT on Saturday April 28th 2012

    Evidence: http://youtu.be/CtuZOvH5boA

    Player's Name: Gurfz

    Crime: This ingrate laid spikes to hinder team.

    Server Name: Goon Haven 32 | goonhaven.org

    Time: 1:10 am GMT on Sunday April 29th 2012

    Evidence: http://youtu.be/WwVfGNs9C6U

    Player's Name: Chayeh

    Crime: This wise guy thought he would get smart with me when I challenged him. He destroyed a bomb workshop, blocked a team door, and enclosed the team's outpost with stone.

    Server Name: Goon Haven 32 | goonhaven.org

    Time: 1:26 am GMT on Sunday April 29th 2012

    Evidence: http://youtu.be/jXS_-eSa0AE
    inactive_account, Contrary and Chayeh like this.
  5. L-III-III-7

    L-III-III-7 Shopkeep Stealer

    yea ive had problems with fluffykats griefing before as well
  6. CoD

    CoD Haxor

    trogre has also been abusive and racist. Also I'm in Australia, Zeigy's not so trogre is all over the place.
    GHOZT likes this.
  7. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    About trogre777, he has been banned before, like he couldn't play for I think 2 weeks, so this isn't unexpected, and I would like to confirm, yes he is abusive, very abusive.
    inactive_account likes this.
  8. Almost_Flying_Duck

    Almost_Flying_Duck Builder Stabber

    6:15 on the Cadastrem-se! server, paul31 griefed towers.
    kag paul.PNG kag paul 2.PNG

    Still have a few more pics but again I rarely report immediately.
    CoD likes this.
  9. [​IMG]

    Nightmaremoon, speedhack in this server. Can't upload any videos or anything but I've witnessed it personally. All other players also saw it.
  10. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Banned ingrates.
    Worm, Chayeh and Zeigy like this.
  11. Doolie

    Doolie Catapult Fodder

    Playername: [CC] pokefrag

    What he did: Repeatedly spammed "I used to rule the worldChunks would load when I gave the wordNow every night I go stow awayHide from the mobs I used to slay"

    Server: komarEX RTDM server

    Time?: 3:28 or so.

  12. KnightGabe13

    KnightGabe13 Arsonist

    1. sartios
    2. Griefing
    3. Dr. Frinks Funhouse
    4. 9 minutes ago

    I noticed him trying to grief this, but the automatic Grief-Prevention flipped on in the nick of time.
  13. Zeigy

    Zeigy Shopkeep Stealer

    Player's Name: Somebody_

    Crime: This nemesis has been plaguing the servers of King Arthur's Gold. Having been banned under the alias "Somebody" he continues to harass players with his second account, "Somebody_". In video 1 he attempts to collapse a stone structure above the base tent. In video 2 we face off in a climactic battle of wits. In the final video, after collapsing one of our forward towers, Somebody has some choice words for me before his fate is sealed.

    Server Name: Tarto free KAG Server

    Time: 2:15 am GMT on Monday April 30th 2012

    Evidence: Video 1 - http://youtu.be/zEk1KgQUoyM
  14. Zeigy

    Zeigy Shopkeep Stealer

    Player's Name: JAJA DJo_oJAJA

    Crime: This joker thought the castle needed some interior redesigning. He made a large hole in the back wall. At first I wasn't sure if he was griefing, video 1, he was doing such a poor job at it. Then video 2 removed all doubt when he collapsed a stone structure on top re-spawning players.

    Server Name: INCARNUM - CTF - EU [MODS]

    Time: 12:36 am GMT on Wednesday May 2nd 2012

    Evidence: Video 1 - http://youtu.be/96GmYMJftDM
  15. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Not feasible, and wrong thread to discuss this in.
    Kouji likes this.
  16. prostosuper

    prostosuper Haxor

    What was the players name?

    What did the player do?

    In what server?
    [FR] kag2d Poseidon -NEWS generators!

    In what time?
    12:02 (+2 GMT Kiev time)

    Are you sure?
  17. Viken

    Viken Horde Gibber

    As requested.
    [Edited for convenience.]
  18. ravenguard19

    ravenguard19 Bison Rider

    That bayford4ever guy is insulting on every server. mostly likely on the fast ctf ones.
    He was blacklisted on Beo's ctf for posting racist stuff. insulting others (including admins and guards) and for griefing.
    I had a clear evidence on a video of him insulting me and other players on one of the fast ctf servers (sorry i don't remember the name) but my laptop has been infected by an virus (?).
    Couldn't run anything. error messages "Youhad no privilages to acces this file" "File corrupted" were popping up when i tried to do anything so i reinstalled windows and formatted all the disks losing this video :/
    Please do something with him. being called nigger or son of hitler isn't nice ...
  19. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    I met him earlier and he said he remembered me the "incest fag", the only person who ever called me that was trogre so, im guessing a alt account?

    Name: Animosity
    What did he do:Speedhacker
    JacKD likes this.
  20. clover682

    clover682 Catapult Fodder

    my friend snakesS17 was banned for 10 years for hacking? its said 10 DAYS and he's still not unbanned.

    </br>--- merged: May 5, 2012 1:57 PM ---</br>


    server: fen'rtdm

    time: 9:17 am

    proof: I don't have that much proof because i was on the map and he standed there doing nothing so i got out a bomb and then he just went speedhacking and killed me and won the match by hacking.i couldn't get a pic or video because he banned me before could get a pic. He saying that he's an admins on the server and said he can do what he wants including speedhacking;but i read the advanced teams and found he can hack even if he's an admin.thats all I know and have.


    (p.s. everone is invisable after i got banned so I can't see)
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