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When You're Not Griefing

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by qaq456, May 7, 2012.


Have you ever been kicked for griefing(or accused) when you were'nt?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    Everything makes so much sense now :)
    EDIT: We should stay on topic lol don't want Kouji coming round now do we ;P

    //I am around, but in order to clean up this mess, I'd have to delete 3 pages worth of stuff, and I can't be bothered.
    EDIT2:No problem Kouji ;)
    inactive_account likes this.
  2. qaq456

    qaq456 Catapult Fodder

    Sorry Drafiks.
    I couldn't see the end result and everyone else seemed to think it was griefing so I jumped
    to conclusions. Just got really annoyed.
  3. qaq456

    qaq456 Catapult Fodder

    Er that is exactly the feeling I got when it happened. Here is it in smilies. :huh?::>:(::QQ::>:(: Then rage post.
    inactive_account likes this.
  4. PeterPan14

    PeterPan14 Bison Rider

    I always get accused for hacking when in fact i just keep on beating the person and he keeps on raging...it's so annoying. :(
  5. Jim_Dale

    Jim_Dale Arsonist

    Nope, but got dangerously close a few times.
    Most notably these:
    1. Getting rid of Door Hallways
    2. "cutting" towers in half to provide another exit since the original "architect" made it so high that it would KILL people who jumped badly.
    3. Knocking down enemy fortifications that the team couldn't salvage quickly or cheaply enough or were just downright horrible
    4. Trying to get some dumb archer out of the doorway that was letting storms of arrows and bombs in
    5. Collapsing brick blocks. Seriously, some idiots go out right after build time finished and make stone figures of no purpose just to keep us from going to the front.
    6. Providing my team with the much needed moral of a giant name plaque dedicated to me Knocking out every second trapbridge in a skybridge so that one suicidal enemy can't kill 5 people by jumping up to trigger the collapse.
    Chinizz likes this.
  6. Mister_Meatball

    Mister_Meatball Base Burner

    I saw someone accused of griefing, he was exiting his base through a team door and one of our archers killed him, one of our knights got in before the door closed and he was accused of being n00b and gr31f3r!!!1 nonstop, my only problem with this is because it was a premium server, the freebies are evolving into the perfect virus, they are learning, there is no escape, and it is only a matter of time until they kick you. Run while you still can, but they will find you before dawn.
  7. Rusher

    Rusher Catapult Fodder

    One time, when i closed one ground door( But i open other door in three blocks on top... )

    And newbies saying " Rusher griefer!!!" Rusher griefer!!! Rusher griefer!!!

    3 votes and CABAM!( kiked ) for sure i get angry

    :castle_wall:_______ :door:
    :castle_wall: = :no: _:castle_wall: = :yes:
    :door: ______:castle_wall:
  8. Bleedy

    Bleedy Catapult Fodder

    The one time I've been accused of griefing was during the very first game I played.. in retrospect, I probably should have looked at the controls before I bought a bomb.
    LetsplayCmansez and Beef like this.
  9. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    I haven't been accused of griefing, but I have been accused of hacking, and kicked because of it. That was when I used to play a beastly knight.
    Stevedog, Roc_Computer and Ghozt like this.
  10. Gamerbro

    Gamerbro Drill Rusher

    once, when i was on a skybridge ( i had just started playing kag) i picked up a bomb and i asked in the chat: how do i throw a bomb? someone said press f so i pressed f and throwed the bomb on the skybridge and i think you all know what happend...
  11. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    Well, apperantly destroying traps ("friendly") that cost our team many, many lives and where only half of the spikes has a function while we are in a stone shortage is griefing...
    Jim_Dale likes this.
  12. Ratka

    Ratka Shipwright

    Once i was... hmm... well i can't think of anytime where i was accused of griefing, only raging and being a noob. Oh well, guess i will just lurk here.
  13. keyofdoor

    keyofdoor Haxor

    Someone stacked a shiccimtload of kegs in our base, lit them, then accused me.
    Needless of say , I got kicked.
  14. xChapx

    xChapx Ballista Bolt Thrower


    i like to build a lot of stones avobe our base so when we are in the last stand i can destroy it and crush everything some one drop it and i was banned :C
  15. Coldkenny

    Coldkenny Haxor

    Well no, because I never grief and no one says about it :)