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DayZ Mod

Discussion in 'Other games' started by Skurcey, May 4, 2012.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Skurcey

    Skurcey Catapult Fodder

    It's a so exelent mod for arma 2 combined operation. It's a new kind of game, zombie apocalypse sandox survival.
    You re a survivor on the big map of arma 2 (225km²) and need to scavenge towns for supply and ammo. There's no really goal yet, exept to survive, or you can give yourself a gol, like find an helicopter, night vision googles, or such.

    Link: http://www.dayzmod.com
    Screenshots: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=364
    Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rYnjStazTQ
    Video test: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOB7YGgREFg
  2. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    Like the mod, if only my rig could run it :C .
  3. synthesispandabot

    synthesispandabot Bison Rider

    definitely downloading when i upgrade my computer.
  4. FAITH

    FAITH Shark Slayer

    nice mod man:thumbs_up:
  5. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Rogue Survivor

    Cataclysm - RogueBasin

    Project Zomboid | The Zombie Survival

    Urban Dead - A Free Massively Multi-Player Web-Based Zombie Apocalypse


    Which is just off the top of my head, ignoring mods. You are woefully misinformed.

    Anyway, the game has a solid idea, but it seems to be more CoD with a background of zombies and than any sort of survival game. Not nearly challenging enough. Also, so many coding flaws it makes KAG look great (Both ARMA and the mod). About a third the population is running some form of mod that gives them a huge, cheap, advantage (perma nightvision, highlighting players, etc), or are flat out script kiddies that let them spawn whatever loot they want.

    The worst part is it actually was about scavenging and survival until it started getting popular. The general populace ruins so many decent games (Well, two so far. AoS and this, that I know if). Also, the quality of typing falls drastically too. Going from well spoken gentlemen to "lol how to loot xD" children is disheartening to say the least.

    So, might go back to it in future. If everything I mentioned doesn't sound shit to you, it's worth checking out.
    Noburu likes this.
  6. McChunks

    McChunks Shark Slayer

    The mod is great, and I haven't had a real issue with the mod or the game itself.

    I've teamed up with multiple players slowly treading into cities only to be swarmed by countless numbers of undead! It's quite spooky when it turns night and all you have to light your way is a flare when you don't have nv goggles.

    And Beef, I don't really know what you're talking about since I've been playing for the last couple weeks and it has been perfectly fine for me. I'm not exactly sure how you know whether or not other people are using scripts or any sort of mods to give them an advantage.

    Plus, It's nothing like CoD, seeing as Arma has never been like CoD in the first place. The survival aspect of the game has been pulled off quite well too. Water, Food, Blood Loss from wounds, passing out and who knows what else in future updates. Seeing as the mod itself is like in, what? Alpha stages? It's quite nice.
  7. Skurcey

    Skurcey Catapult Fodder

    Hey Beef, no need to be so aggressive. I have played Project Zombo and Die 2 Nite (in French)
    But it' a totally other style. The closest game style is i think is more like Wurm Online (with zombies)
    It s totally not in that kinds of games.

    About population it's pretty true, from the russian cold blooded psychopath (prejudice :D) to the friendly cowboy. And about COD i disagree too, because you walk/run 90% of the time on the 255KM² map.
    It's true there is some bugs, and the survival is pretty limited (and very easy in group). But the dev team release patch often, and are focusing on debugging for now, and let new features for later.
    I can say also that cheaters are a plague (like in every games), but the dev team take this extremly serioussly and try to catch the most.
Mods: BlueLuigi