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Healing lantern

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Ne3zy, May 23, 2012.

  1. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    Hello, I would like to know how can I make a lantern heal like a quarter for example you make the lantern from a mechanics workshop and the lantern when waiting close to it can heal you, free or for some coins.
    I guess you have to modify the .cfg file but how ?? please help, thanks :D !
  2. Jomppexx

    Jomppexx Shopkeep Stealer

    Like a mobile quarters? I like the idea :)
  3. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    Yes like a mobile quarter
    </br>--- merged: May 24, 2012 6:56 AM ---</br>
    How can I make lanterns hurt when throwing them to a teammate ?
    Or just how can make them simply hurt teammates ? I mean hurt everybody not only teammates
  4. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    You cannot.
    Quarters call the "heal" function when you stand by it, that function is for use only in the room.cfg, because there would be no way to call that function unless you're using a room.cfg.
    Bookmark likes this.
  5. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    Thanks you, in fact I already suspected that :(, but I wonder if making the item behaving like a boulder/lantern or something else and making it to do negative damage and hurting teamates should works. For example if you make boulder do negative damage on teammates you maybe will be able to heal them, no (when throwing it at them) ?
    Now my questions is : How can you do that, I mean what's the variable I've to add on the [item].cfg to make that possible ?? Is it impossible ? Thanks anyway for helping !

    I already tried that :

    f32_attackdamage =
    f32_attack_damage =
    f32_friendlydamage =
    f32_friendly_damage =
    attackdamage_modifier =
    friendlydamage_modifier =
    f32 attackdamage =
    f32 attack_damage =
    f32 friendlydamage =
    f32 friendly_damage =
    f32 attackdamage_modifier =
    f32 friendlydamage_modifier =
    f32_friendlydamage_modifier =
    f32_attackdamage_modifier =

    Don't works on teammates :(
    </br>--- merged: May 24, 2012 12:45 PM ---</br>
    Resolved > Impossible
  6. Coldkenny

    Coldkenny Haxor

    It maybe possible if MM would do something with that.
  7. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    I tried to make negative damages on kegs it do not works (it does 0 damage), maybe MM or Geti can help but I think it's impossible
  8. Coldkenny

    Coldkenny Haxor

    It may be possible if MM or Geti will help but chance of it is 0.1%