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Mass Murdering

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kater, May 28, 2012.

  1. Kater

    Kater Horde Gibber

    I have looked around if there is a thread in the General Discussion where you can put your bomb kills into and didn't find any, so I though I'd make one by myself.

    Here I Killed 4 people with one bomb:
    Kater scoring 4+ in Unofficial Aus server.png

    And here I killed 3 with a bomb and right after it I killed some one with a sword. :p
    Kater scoring 3+ - 1+ in Unofficial Aus server.png

    You may put your videos here where you can show everyone how lucky or skillful you are and of course your screenshots, of times you have gibbed their body's into pieces.

    Edit: Got that freakin picture uploaded.
    Cheesemaster66 likes this.
  2. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    i think they're deleted O.o
  3. WanderMark

    WanderMark :) Donator

    No, it is just that imgur hasn't been working for well over a day now. At least for me. All the links turn up dead, I do know that they had some problems in before that too. Kater needs to upload them to another service.
  4. Imgur images are working fine for me, weird.
  5. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    I know that there was a thread devoted to multikills.

    Anyway, I don't have and screen shots;
    I once got a 6+ in RTDM.
    Defiantly a 2+ as archer maybe 3?
    I have got a 35+ bomb.
    I think in CTF I have got a 8+

    Some other rad multikills I have heard about are as follows.

    A plus 300 made by Rayne.
    A plus 16 by Exid in one slash! (Ej going to rage up now)
    I think Exid also got around a plus 12 with a bomb, but Rayne's bomb defiantly was the most gnarly. ;)
    Chinizz likes this.
  6. Bunnyboy

    Bunnyboy Haxor

    I got a +100, spawn 100 bots and trap them in a hole, drop a bomb! :D
    Froghead48 and Gofio like this.
  7. zninja

    zninja Shopkeep Stealer

    This one is quite old. No bots.
  8. qaq456

    qaq456 Catapult Fodder

    [quote="Ghozt, post: 110172, member: snippitu snip snip snap ;)[/quote]
    how would you get 300 without bots?
  9. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    Did I ever say without bots?
    Hurr hurr.
  10. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    on incarnums, i believe i got a +7 arrow, and a + 6 bomb.

    wish bots, my highest is like 50-sih, on Salami's Coop server.
  11. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    My best bomb was a +8 on some random ctf server, I also once got a +4 shield bash, slashed them all then shield bashed them off the edge, that was in bar brawl.
    Ghozt likes this.
  12. potatomcwhiskey

    potatomcwhiskey Undercover Griefer Donator Tester

    Longest killstreak as a knight is 50+ using shield bash and a nice big hole. I don't remember the exact number but it was outrageous.

    For a bomb? I get +1 often enough, +2 are common, +3 a couple times a game and +4s and up every few games.

    My highest was in and around 15 on incarnum back in the day. Close second was a +12ish on Build for Glory a while back.

    Honestly been playing so long the numbers have faded. I think chance multikills with bombs are kind just pointless e-peenery, I'm more impressed by maverick consistently getting a kill with 90% of his bombs, his kill ratio is approaching 2 per bomb I'd imagine whereas mine would probably hover somewhere under 1 per bomb.
    Fellere825, Ghozt and Beef like this.
  13. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    My best was a +8 or +9 (can't remember which) on MaxPlay.PL CTF a while back. During a last stand when a bunch of knights and builders bunched up under my tower, OBLITERATED.
  14. Best bomb is like +8 or +9 I think.

    Once got a +2 arrow, then another +2 arrow. Right in a row. (of course we had them spawn trapped) :P

    Had a +5 slash, then a +3 bomb.

    and a +3 arrow

    That's all I can think of :p
  15. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    while i did do that, I don't count it most of the time because they were bots

    my personal best on incarnum's back when it was 64 slots was a +19.

    got really lucky cause all of the derps grouped together, one of them did survive, and he landed on me and killed me afterwards :QQ:
    Ghozt likes this.
  16. Mellian-Quar-Xililix

    Mellian-Quar-Xililix Haxor

    You didn't stick your landing then. 8/10 ;)
    Rayne likes this.
  17. laurentiu

    laurentiu Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I myself made one a fucking while ago, and I was already told there was one already. But seriously being, I got a +8 bomb kill, no joke. There has been even better records than mine.
  18. KnightGabe13

    KnightGabe13 Arsonist

    My personal best is 4+ in RTDM, I threw a bomb behind two knights (who had been shielding two archers). It was awesome! :p
  19. BoiiW

    BoiiW Shark Slayer

    Highest I ever got with arrow is 3 and with bomb 6

    With a collapse I once got a huge multikill in a last stand where I collapsed our skybridge. I believe around 10 or 11.
  20. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    I would just like to add that on a last stand my two other guys were derps and the team brought an outpost to our front door, I fell into a trap and the only way to get back was right through them, so with my two or three bombs I did. Up against a wall I chucked the bomb up and got a plus five, I then quickly jumped up and got a plus 4 straight away and now, from 10 units ahead I demolished them to 0, then wasted my last bomb.

    I have got better but that wad recent.