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This week's cool stuff

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Geti, May 23, 2012.

  1. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    We're focussing on producing everything on the poster and everything needed for those things:

    • Customisation - may or may not involve custom/user defined heads, will definitely include more built in heads + skin colour customisation
    • More and more useful Siege weapons, ride-able vehicles. (Almost all of these are sprited but not coded)
    • Fire + Water (Got water ~80% done, and wood blocks -> a fair bit of fire done)
    • Zombies (done, at least for now)
    • Game modes + Custom Game-modes (requires scripting work but that's ok as we want to do that for some of the other areas of development to help speed up our internal work and give more options to modders)
    • Items + Item management (Gonna require a fair bit of re-work, but shouldn't be that much work if we're smart about how we approach it)

    That's all we've promised and all we can really "guarantee" to deliver. Anything else will be added on a case-by-case basis. Animals are a likely extra addition just because I've had them sprited for quite some time and they add quite a few interesting mechanics.

    Also, what Noburu said - we don't intend on just dropping this intellectual property after KAG is done - personally I'd like to explore a more strategic take on the game, as well as an adventure focused sibling. I don't think it's a good idea to "force" those genres into the game as it stands anyway. We're considering discounting those games to KAG gold members if they ever come into light as a gesture of good faith as well.
    DrZaloski, delankski, mishKa and 20 others like this.
  2. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    So, instead of getting an overworld gamemode we will be getting more customization options (modding variables etc)?
    Will it be something like at Soldat, where after done making the game the community still creates add-ons/scripts/fixes ?
  3. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    Sniff... Sniff..
    first minecraft...
    then terraria...:(
    and now KAG!:QQ:
    please make sure you actually finish the game, unlike terraria and minecraft...
    they just said, "ey, I'm leaving, bye!"
    dont do that to us!
  4. Zuke

    Zuke Shopkeep Stealer

    If added Water , this game will add Weather ?
    I Really waiting for the New update XD
  5. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor


    Customisation has been talked about for ages with countless threads to do with hats and heads and most other customizable items.

    Skin colour was confirmed ages back.

    But when you say 'instead' nothing has really been confirmed, from what I take the game is just going to go in the directions the devs want it, if the tean wants a fast paced game, there will be past paced mechanics.

    I think that some things should be cleaer like a disclosure saying that what you see might change and you might not get everything disclosed.

    You also make a point about customizables and will it be like Soldat, to tell the truth I am hooked in KAG and don't play anything else, but the few times I venture out to different games, in low budgets, so indie games, have lots of Customisation because they are simple, lots of the customization abilities also depend on what the team really wants, like Minecraft which is extremely open, compared to MW2. Because Kag has that addicting simplicity like Minecraft people will spend the time to mod and texture the game, because people have the time to.

    Well that's from me, I don't know much so hopefully we might get the proper answer from the horses mouth.
    ~From my phone
    Gofio likes this.
  6. Bunnyboy

    Bunnyboy Haxor

    I don't think customizable heads is a very good idea, someone might change the guards head into a big P&%@ :huh?:
    Ghozt likes this.
  7. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    That has been discussed extreme amounts Bunny, with that many ideas thrown around.

    I think Geti said it was never going to happen, but there will be more heads.
  8. TheFilip

    TheFilip Ballista Bolt Thrower

    They could also release the Developing Kit, so we can make our own overworld, while they work on their projects.
    The game gets bigger faster, and the developers have less pressure on them.
    It's a win-win.
    Halosnake likes this.
  9. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    Although it is not complete in my mind, KAG is fun as hell as is.
    My greatest fear is that without continuing updates, the community will simply cease to exist, you know? That's what scares me.
    Halosnake, xChapx and KnightGabe13 like this.
  10. Aer

    Aer Shipwright


    Finalize Kag to not be Alpha/Beta ... Drop on Steam .....???? ..... = PROFIT

    Once KAG is done with its big features to be added, comes out of betas and into a ful lrelease it will end up on Steam or simmilar and the scene will explode. and with free/premium play the small quarks and advantages of a few game modes down to silly lil heads, is what makes it entertaining to be a premium and get some extra worth value on the $$ you spent to buy it.

    I want overworld, either as a KAG game mode, or as a DEV TEAM side project, the idea of advancing and playing a character that can DIE DIE is fun and with the 16 proposed classes, it would make teamwork beneficial. 1 team forever traveling, taking over NPC controlled castles, the occasional Zombie patch in the woods and some here n there Bosses for your team to have to strategically think on to beat!
    xChapx and KnightGabe13 like this.
  11. KnightGabe13

    KnightGabe13 Arsonist

    Minecraft isn't actually finished. Notch stopped working on it, but Jeb didn't. Yet. ;)

    On Topic:
    So animals were never actually guaranteed? :huh?: What about SNES graphics?
  12. Dennisaran

    Dennisaran Shopkeep Stealer

    Oh man, that is kind of depressing to hear... :(

    Oh well, I am still looking forward to the official release and I do not think it will keep me from enjoying the final product too much.
    Though I was REALLY looking forward to it. I do trust that you guys will try to make a game that you truly and genuinely enjoy and think is good, rather than just give up or run away with the money, screaming.

    :skeleton: :zchicken::blank: ???:blank::blank:!!!:blank::blank:!!!
    :zchicken: :castle::huh?: :blank: :eek::gold::blank: :shad::gold:
    :skeleton: :skeleton::blank::blank::blank::blank: :bison: :blank: :bison:

    I am curious on the details on what you are all planning in the future, however. With the 'promise' of overworld kind of put onto the incredibly saddening pile of disappointments, I really want to have something else to set my sights on in this, I don't dislike the game as it is (in fact I think it's great), but I would definitely like to see some interesting new features. Something with the classes or game-modes, that gives the game more variety or a more "full" experience. I'm sure that whatever you guys do, it will be for the best interest of the game and the community surrounding it.

    I love what you guys are doing so far. Keep up the amazing work and I hope to see this game continue to turn into something truly awesome!:blank::blank::blank: :blank: :blank::heart:
    Geti and KnightGabe13 like this.
  13. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    so? have you seen how much minecraft has gone bad since notch left?

    On Topic:
    animals were guaranteed, he did that in his OP or second post.
    SNES graphics were also guaranteed, look at the kag2d homepage.
    (maybe "guaranteed'' isnt the best word. 'told that it'd be added" is a better way of saying it)
  14. KnightGabe13

    KnightGabe13 Arsonist

    Overworld is also on that page, and now it's not guaranteed.
  15. King133x

    King133x Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Nothing is set in stone so idk why people are making all these assumptions. Great work guys as alot of people have said your game is awsome!!! :D
  16. FlameHaze3

    FlameHaze3 Shark Slayer

    For some of the ignorant comments on forums, i always wished there was a Dis-like button, but awell, you are correct.
    Congratz, still looking forward to this weeks patch.
  17. Halosnake

    Halosnake Shopkeep Stealer

    Just a queston though, If Overworld is pretty much passed to the big pile of "You really wished this was gonna be released did you?" pile of sadness.....

    Why is "An Adventure game-mode featuring an Overworld" still exist on the full version page at kag2d?
  18. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    Overworld hasn't been completely striked out in the sense of it never coming, Geti just said that he and the team don't want to take the game in that direction, he also added that it would not be feasible time wise.

    If the game becomes more open to modding could we eventually see an overworld made by someone?
    I don't know much about games and their intricatecies but I would imagine some guy with to much time probably would.
  19. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    When is this update for ?
  20. KnightGabe13

    KnightGabe13 Arsonist

    See Title; "This week's cool stuff". Durr hurr? :eek:
    Dark_Ham and Bunnyboy like this.