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Suddenly holding left click doesn't register?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MasterCatfish, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. MasterCatfish

    MasterCatfish Builder Stabber

    Two days ago I began playing KAG, and favored the archer. Yesterday and today I have noticed a significant difference in holding down left click to charge up a shot. If I move my cursor at all after beginning the charge up, my arrow shoots. It's very frustrating, as I can't get a decent bead on another player like I used to. It is not my mouse or my OS, unless it's having trouble with only KAG.

    Anyone else had this issue?

    If it matters, I'm on Mac OS 6.8
  2. Cazakatari

    Cazakatari Catapult Fodder

    I'm having the same issue, anything i can do to get it fixed?
  3. MasterCatfish

    MasterCatfish Builder Stabber

    Yes, I have since discovered what the issue is. Any time you have the game in full-screen on OS X, this issue occurs. My friends who also have a mac have reported this same issue. Just set the window resolution to as large as it will go - you won't loose view distance, everything will just shrink.

    Also, I have already reported the bug to the development team, so there's no need to do that unless you really want it to get fixed soon.
    Kagesha and Rayne like this.