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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. -Grey-

    -Grey- I change my profile. Donator

    1. What was the players name? Corleone
    2. What did the player do? Griefed the zombie tower, managed to destroy the whole building, collapsed the building on the other players.
    3. In what server? a4blue Zombie Server
    4. In what time? May 30, 2:21 pm (GMT+01:00 Budapest)
    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.)
  2. Vattic

    Vattic Shopkeep Stealer

    1. Name: dodo4 dodo450
    2. What did the player do? destroying our own base and swapping teams when we tried to vote him
    3. In what server? Max-Play.pl
    4. In what time? about 5 minutes ago
    5. Are you sure? Yes

      screen-12-06-01-15-08-20.png screen-12-06-01-15-08-27.png
    1. Name: childRaper
    2. What did the player do? destroying our own base
    3. In what server? Max-Play.pl
    4. In what time? about 5 minutes ago
    5. Are you sure? Yes compare base with screens above.

    </br>--- merged: Jun 1, 2012 3:09 PM ---</br>
    I forgot to report someone months ago. A premium player, though, so I figure it's worth it.
    1. Name: CLG Nicstar543
    2. What did the player do? destroying our own base
    3. In what server? Not sure
    4. In what time? 14 04 12
    5. Are you sure? Pretty sure, he even found it funny. Did not defend his actions.

      screen-12-04-14-22-01-17.png screen-12-04-14-22-01-26.png screen-12-04-14-22-01-34.png
    Might as well post some more old ones I suppose. Some of the names don't appear in this thread.
    1. Name: zonoz
    2. What did the player do? destroying our own base
    3. In what server? Not sure
    4. In what time? 15 04 12
    5. Are you sure? Yes.

      screen-12-04-15-22-03-04.png screen-12-04-15-22-03-06.png screen-12-04-15-22-03-11.png
    1. Name: ZERG
    2. What did the player do? destroying our own base
    3. In what server? Not sure
    4. In what time? 28 04 12
    5. Are you sure? Yes.

      screen-12-04-28-14-01-14.png screen-12-04-28-14-01-15.png screen-12-04-28-14-01-16.png
    1. Name: davidfm
    2. What did the player do? destroying our own base
    3. In what server? Not sure
    4. In what time? 04 05 12
    5. Are you sure? Yes.

      screen-12-05-04-03-43-34.png screen-12-05-04-03-43-35.png screen-12-05-04-03-43-36.png
    Too many griefers.
    Kagesha and Noburu like this.
  3. copper40

    copper40 Casual Misogynist

    Player Name: Ej and Lord K.
    Server Name: MOLE 32 Slot Server
    What time: 3:08 PM Central Time June 1, 2012

    Problem: Ej and some other guy named Lord K. (I forgot the last part of the name) were making swastikas like the one shown here:


    Now Lord K. isn't in that picture but I saw him doing it earlier. Getting real tired of seeing these in this server! Saying racial slurs is one thing but to construct swastikas is just wrong. And these guys say it's the Budda Peace Symbol.
  4. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    And this have a link with this thread ? (report griefers/hackers) ? I don't think that. You need to be more friendly with jokes. Alot of people did this logo in-game. You don't need to report that, it's not an attack to anyone.
    sj67 likes this.
  5. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Sorry for not checking this thread for a while - I'm busy with my real life problems...I'll try to somehow catch up but I can't promise. I'll get some guards to help me - cheaters will get slapped across their faces - not sure about griefers, maybe those most recent.
  6. FreezeLd

    FreezeLd Catapult Fodder

    1 digga
    2 hacks - many hearths
    3 Max-Play zombie
    4 15-16 in Polish time
    5 screen [​IMG]
    Ps i make this red "something" in paint 4 fun :>
  7. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    For me it looks like you've not only drawn in paint that thing but also made more hearts. Making false reports can lead to ban as well. Don't waste my time.
    Noburu likes this.
  8. FreezeLd

    FreezeLd Catapult Fodder

    No i dont drawe hearths look closely for the hearts of stone, and in a place it ends

    PS Next time i dont draw anything
  9. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    Maybe you tried to freeze him on server, and then something attacked him while he was freezed, caused bilions of hearts.
    Noburu likes this.
  10. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    I have had this many times, it sometimes does this when a player is attacked while frozen and the player trips out.
    Just confirming that.

    (on BC's server the bots always trip out, it would be funny if this reported them)
    WarrFork likes this.
  11. FreezeLd

    FreezeLd Catapult Fodder

    Yes zombies are atacking him .You see! I dont draw any hearths...
  12. Sun_bae

    Sun_bae Catapult Fodder

    After all, sorry for my english. I registered only to report abuse players.

    1 [KSB]Sagakeren and [KSB]Skilledshot

    2 Since I reported 2 times on the game a player called KSB Sagakeren he uses members of his group (clan tag) to kick me out of the servers where he sees me. But not just me! The first time was on a server called "PL". I warned an admin called "Rayne" because he's griefed with his friend our entire base. The admin has freezed him quickly, but not banned. The second time was on a server called "Beo's". He used four members of his group "KSB" to kick the last player alive, for the reason "it's boring to wait." 3 people have been kicked for no reason only because he would. Just after, an admin [BOW]M **** (sorry his name is too long I do not remember), he told to him, if he continues to make his own justice by excluding other players, he will be banned of this server. Sagakeren was kicked by another admin [BOW]Justi01 for grief.

    Today he did the same, but fortunately they were just two. Both voted against me. Sagakeren and Skilledshot. He destroyed all our arrow shops, heal rooms, bomb shops, builder shops, the ones I had built in front to help the Knights. He only said that "it took space", he destroyed 7 shops. Another player [AOE]Exid said it was not an excuse to destroy all the shops, and it was stupid to do that. In the match before, he insulted the admin because he could not change teams to take advantage. You can read the discussion if you can do that.

    3 Capture the flag Unofficial Aus server

    4 13:50 AM GMT+1 Europe

    5 They do not have the right to believe it possible to do everything, only because they have the advantage of numbers. Sagakeren has kicked a lot of players because of that. I am not a liar. I do not come here to harm others. just play for fun.

    6 sorry again for my english.
  13. afroman1

    afroman1 Join Afro's invisible RTDM group for updates. Donator

    If you could find the logs or any evidence to support this it would help your case( you can find them in KAGS>logs) if not then its jsut your word against theirs
    Noburu likes this.
  14. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    I need proofs...can't just ban people cause you say they were griefing...
  15. spartan117

    spartan117 Catapult Fodder

    sejik i have never seen you on that server ever you must have other usernames do you not? i know that i have not griefed on any server or said anything like that. sure i may get mad and say something mean but i dont grief. you say you croped it
    so how do we not know if you used photoshop to chang it so it looks like i am griefing. also you could have croped it so you couldent see the chat for something that could prov me inacent. and no im not bullshiting you or the post im just stateing a fact that the pic could be tampered with if you dont belive me i understand he does have a pic that looks like im griefing but you did say that you used photoshop to crop it. and sry for the spelling im not vary good.
  16. lavalord

    lavalord Haxor Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    1. I host said server "unofficial Australian server" and i can assure you that i was online at that time and that no one was greifing at the time that i know of
    2. The members of my clan would never greif like that but i will still give them a talking ot
    3. I could provide logs but you won't fine anything
    Creille and Stevedog like this.
  17. Sun Bae, your report gives us no indication that any of this actually happen, and with your word against theirs, i would believe them more as i know they wouldn't do that, however, as i am temporary leader of KSB, i would like to see logs/screenshots of this happening, if you have them. Lavalord, i would like to see the server logs of the past 24 hours.
  18. lavalord

    lavalord Haxor Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    don't forget that i am a leader of KSB Steve also i cant get the log of chat till the server crashes and the console log dosn't log destroying shops ==
    Creille likes this.
  19. SinZero

    SinZero Haxor

    Player's Name: Sackboy29

    Crime: Abusing the fly glitch, used it several times to fly through our towers and get the flag and fly all the way back to his base. (Lots of witness)

    Server Name: (^_^) U.S. , California CTF

    Time : 20 June 2012 23:09 (11.09 pm)GMT

    Evidence :
    Look at the minimap.
    You can see the flag flying high in the air.

    inactive_account likes this.
  20. Zuke

    Zuke Shopkeep Stealer

    1. What was the players name? "[AUB] adus1998,[AUB] flepio"
    2. What did the player do? " They getting losing , so they Abuse Editor to make it win "
    3. In what server? "Name : KAG ULTRIMATE BATTLE" "IP:"
    4. In what time? "GMT+8:00 PM 7:11"
    5. Are you sure? "Yes"
    6. Chat Log "
    7. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'
    8. [18:57:22] <[AIM] MINIMAN> cool
    9. [18:57:29] New player joined the game
    10. [18:57:30] Unnamed player is now known as cyberdude25
    11. [18:57:37] <[AIM] MINIMAN> dont USE EDITOR
    12. [18:57:40] <[AIM] MINIMAN> BLUE
    13. [18:57:43] <Zuke> told you .
    14. [18:57:48] <Zuke> weak XD
    15. [18:58:04] <xyz0010> god
    16. [18:58:05] <Zuke> come on
    17. [18:58:09] <[AIM] MINIMAN> dont abuse editor !
    18. [18:58:37] <Zuke> fuuu
    19. [18:58:42] <Zuke> there are abuse
    20. [18:58:51] <xyz0010> so cool
    21. [18:58:53] cyberdude25 left the game
    22. [18:59:22] <[AIM] MINIMAN> your using editor and were still winning :D
    23. [18:59:40] <Zuke> thank
    24. [19:00:03] <Zuke> huh ?
    25. [19:00:05] <Zuke> i feel's
    26. [19:00:06] <xyz0010> none
    27. [19:00:08] <Zuke> water
    28. [19:00:12] <Zuke> is keep highing
    29. [19:00:33] <Zuke> i hate . them
    30. [19:00:37] <xyz0010> oh
    31. [19:01:03] <xyz0010> go on
    32. [19:01:05] <[AIM] MINIMAN> im not playing with noobs who use editor
    33. [19:01:19] [AIM] MINIMAN left the game"""""""'
    34. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
    35. Miniman keep warning them but they keep abusing .
    36. Screen shot " ( there some rock in water cause they abuse editor to build an Bridge "
    37. [​IMG]
    </br>--- merged: Jun 8, 2012 11:21 AM ---</br>
    Sorry about i was bad of english
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