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[FB] FlagBall

Discussion in 'Game modes' started by Delta, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. Delta

    Delta Shopkeep Stealer

    In FlagBall there is a cursed red flag, the flag of slow defeat.
    You don't want to have the flag on your teams side so you throw it into the enemies hole where no one can take it out again. (most of the time)
    Unfortunatedly the enemy wants the same, therefore you have to use some flag-throwing-teamwork to get the job done.
    Otherwise the other team will drop the curse into your teams hole and you'r screwed.

    Some facts:
    This gamemode is for 8 to 10 players. 12 players is too much and 4 too little.
    Some childish players told me this wouldn't be a real kag game and therefore left, let me get something straight, this is an experimental gamemode nothing fancy like points and winner announcements.
    The flag can magically disappear (restart map), or get stuck on one of the goal walls.
    People may griefe -as is the case in any game/server- and therefore make the game unplayable for others, to counter this it is recommended to have at least one trustworthy admin (with premium for the editor) present.
    In the standard map provided with the Gamemode, the blue team has to trow the flag into the arena before the match can start.
    Play at your own risk and play with friends, this gamemode is fun if you play it right.

    ther is alot of action.jpg he is on it.jpg goal.jpg

    Attached Files:

  2. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    inb4 knight stack to have a player goaltend.
  3. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Hey delta, one question, how do i come about setting up the files so my server will work?
  4. Delta

    Delta Shopkeep Stealer

    I provided the gamemode with a map, only.
    You setup your server like you would for normal CTF.
    But instead you use the FlagBall gamemode with its map, respectively.

    In your dedicated_autostart.cfg:
    // autostart on dedicated server launch
    newWorld( "" );
    LoadMapCycle( "Scripts/mapcycle.cfg" );
    LoadMap( "" );
    print(`Config loaded from dedicated_autostart.gm`);
    And in your mapcycle.cfg:
    # KAG mapcycle;
    # put map generator files or png files here
    # eg. mapcycle = Maps/example1.png; Maps/example2.png; Scripts/generator_flat.cfg;
    mapcycle = Maps/FlagBall.png;
  5. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    I found this game mode extremely entertaining!

    All we need now are modded bombs that don't hurt blocks but people, (Or indestructible blocks) so then we can also bomb jump everything. :P

    Anyway, awesome game mode!