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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. X-rayCat

    X-rayCat Catapult Fodder

    Saw gold player mynameishi today and I also think he's hacker. He was moving fast, when I've freezed him and told that with his connection he isn't allowed to play here he stopped lagging :)

  2. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Banned most - they were reported by guards anyway.

    @ Harlekin - I didn't ban him. In this video I can't see anywhere player's name. You could at the end put as well my name.
  3. Matheusk0

    Matheusk0 Shopkeep Stealer

  4. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Aren't you guy who got banned for cheating?
  5. BByiff

    BByiff Shark Slayer

    Player Name(s):
    • [Aha] saphiros
    • Keygen
    • xXEthanXx
    What did they do?: Griefing
    • Saphiros griefed in a lot of servers. He has been blamming others when he does, He shot at people holding kegs with arrows, He killed Migrants when we told him not to. When people started vote kicking him out he explode a keg in the center tower saying,"[16:01:38] <[Aha] saphiros> asta la vista!" before leaving on his own. Possibly kick dodging. I have warned him.
    • xXEthanXx and Keygen griefed when the vote for map change didn't pass. Basically try forcing people into changing the map by griefing. [16:04:33] <Keygen> THE MAP IS OVER ANYWAY
      [16:04:33] <xXEthanXx> i'll stop griefing if u change map
    What Server?: ThrillerZombie

    What time?: PDT if that matters.
    • [15:34:31] - [16:01:38] Saphiros
    • [16:02:09] - [16:05:55] xXEthanXx and Keygen
    2012-06-14_00002.jpg 2012-06-14_00001.jpg

    Attached Files:

  6. Vattic

    Vattic Shopkeep Stealer

    1. Name: lord_nightmare
    2. What did the player do? destroying our own base.
    3. In what server? Not sure
    4. In what time? Just a few minutes ago
    5. Are you sure? Yes. You can see Hancock comes and repairs the blocks as he destroys them.
    screen-12-06-15-13-23-47.png screen-12-06-15-13-23-48.png screen-12-06-15-13-23-49.png

    1. Name: lordweegee
    2. What did the player do? destroying our own base.
    3. In what server? Not sure
    4. In what time? Couple of days ago.
    5. Are you sure? Yes.
    screen-12-06-01-22-32-32.png screen-12-06-01-22-32-40.png screen-12-06-01-22-32-41.png

    1. Name: Jaffa LzzGauzz
    2. What did the player do? destroying a captured tower with team mates on and around.
    3. In what server? Not sure
    4. In what time? Couple of days ago.
    5. Are you sure? Yes although he might have thought it was helping, not sure why he would, though.
    screen-12-06-09-23-33-26.png screen-12-06-09-23-33-27.png

    1. Name: Assasins300
    2. What did the player do? catapulting into our base.
    3. In what server? Not sure
    4. In what time? Couple of days ago.
    5. Are you sure? Yes. You can see some of the damage already done to the spike pit.
    screen-12-06-14-09-44-24.png screen-12-06-14-09-44-25.png
    1. Name: xX1337HeadshotzXx
    2. What did the player do? griefing, insulting others
    3. In what server? The Original Damn Small Server
    4. In what time? 12-06-16 17:38:51 CET
    5. Are you sure?
    [17:41:29] COLLAPSE by xX1337HeadshotzXx (size 60 blocks)
    [17:44:29] COLLAPSE by xX1337HeadshotzXx (size 28 blocks)
    [17:46:48] COLLAPSE by xX1337HeadshotzXx (size 37 blocks)
    [17:47:35] COLLAPSE by xX1337HeadshotzXx (size 54 blocks)

    [17:38:51] <xX1337HeadshotzXx> Shut up black shits
    [17:42:28] <xX1337HeadshotzXx> by sucking your dads cock
    [17:42:55] <bobbster> fuck u headshot u fucking griefer
    [17:43:24] <xX1337HeadshotzXx> gay prick, trying to fuck me
    [17:44:21] <bobbster> dstop it u dumbass
    [17:44:34] <SolariX> aargh
    [17:44:35] <xX1337HeadshotzXx> wooops i slipped
    [17:44:36] <bobbster> and there u go
    [17:44:56] <bobbster> right u s
    [17:45:02] <Aidenfrostz> why you dont kick the grieferż?ż?ż
    [17:45:09] <bobbster> u slipped twice of course
    [17:45:38] <xX1337HeadshotzXx> yes i indeed did
    [17:45:41] Unnamed player is now known as norill
    [17:45:58] <bobbster> caus i dont know how to report
    [17:46:12] <Zandis> Slipped for long enough to break five-six blocks behind the spawn tent, eh?
    [17:46:16] <bobbster> how do I report
    [17:46:29] <norill> report what?
    [17:46:48] <bobbster> THE GRIFER
    [17:46:51] <Aidenfrostz> pres tab, mark the cube at the right of they name and ban
    [17:47:06] <[Pro] DoopDeeDoo> 1337 headshot did it
    [17:47:07] <xX1337HeadshotzXx> haha i'd love to see you try
    [17:47:09] <norill> im admin, who griefed?
    [17:47:10] <[Pxl] dorian71996> that just kick no report
    [17:47:20] <bobbster> 1337 headshot
    [17:47:25] <Aidenfrostz> headshot
    [17:47:25] <[Pxl] dorian71996> yeah headshot
    [17:47:31] <[Pxl] dorian71996> and he his racist
    [17:47:42] <BlauweSmurf> WHO
    [17:47:56] <BlauweSmurf> WHO DDID THAT
    [17:47:58] <[Pxl] dorian71996> he make insult racist
    [17:48:01] <norill> headshot
    [17:48:04] <xX1337HeadshotzXx> Me
    [17:48:07] <bobbster> probably headshot
    [17:48:10] <BlauweSmurf> why
    [17:48:19] <norill> im gonna permaban him
    [17:48:20] <xX1337HeadshotzXx> To piss you guys off?
    [17:48:24] <DragonBlitzx> SLIDE
    [17:48:27] <xX1337HeadshotzXx> Have fun
    [17:48:32] <BlauweSmurf> just let us play the game
    [17:48:48] <BlauweSmurf> buy your own server and do it there
    [17:48:59] <bobbster> everyone vote him out
    [17:49:08] <BlauweSmurf> permaban him
    [17:49:14] <xX1337HeadshotzXx> Have fun trying
    [17:49:30] <bobbster> come on everyone plz vote him out
    [17:49:41] <xX1337HeadshotzXx> Stop being a whiney little bitch
    [17:50:06] <bobbster> stop pissing everone off for no damn reason!
    [17:50:20] <norill> ok, banned
    </br>--- merged: Jun 16, 2012 6:15 PM ---</br>
    Name: robinkooli
    What did the player do? pathetic speedhack worm
    In what server? The Original Damn Small Server
    In what time? 12-06-16 20:09:29 CET
    Are you sure?

    [20:09:29] <RCON> <[NMS] Airolf> kick robin be fairplay pliz
    [20:09:36] <RCON> <robinkooli> I DONT HACK
    [20:09:36] <RCON> <jusinAcademy> wow hacker was locked!
    [20:09:37] <RCON> <norill> enjoy your master server permaban
    [20:09:39] <RCON> <robinkooli> I PROMESS
    [20:09:53] <RCON> <robinkooli> I dont hack :(
    [20:10:01] <RCON> <[NMS] Airolf> you have fois 10 speed noob
    [20:10:05] <RCON> <robinkooli> I closed hack softare
    [20:10:26] <RCON> <Nananas> so you did...
    [20:10:27] /rcon /ban robinkooli -1
  7. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    I really prefer videos over screenshots. I don't know you that much and if I can trust you based on your words, logs, screenshots (which you could have framed....)
  8. next time i'll try to provide videos
  9. master-chief

    master-chief Arsonist

    user name: Bit
    clan tag {ahn} i think this is it.
    what he did: false ban
    where: forgot where but was on a moded server with players vs bots
    when: some where around 4:15 PM
    i was not running frapps at the time so i dont have any prof vary sry but it happened vary fast.
    i join in he startes kicking 2 to 3 people for griefing when i belive that it was him who griefed and like the itdits they are people instant kick
  10. ImAwesome

    ImAwesome Haxor

    @Everyone who said how you are not banning glitch abusers
    Beno112 who was using the fly glitch deleted his updaters so he can use it forever!
    He should be banned!
  11. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    I believe this was my server, but Bit does not have admin on it. If he was admin, however, I must find the corrupted admin who told him.
  12. Alright. A couple of days ago, on Lavalord's Unofficial Aus Server (non-Gold) around 10pm EST, Saturday night, there were a bunch of players who abused the votekick system.
    They were:

    _Cyprus (or something like that)

    They falsely accused a player of griefing, after they had griefed him (dropping rock blocks on his character), and when I objected, they suddenly logged in on different players and votekicked him and me.

    Cheesemaster66 and One like this.
  13. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    I have banned "KagIsTheWorstGame" permanently few days ago. Also, I doubt TerryDactyl would do something like that.
  14. Zwanek

    Zwanek Shopkeep Stealer

    What was the players name? - CHUJ Adrianosek (CHUJ is clan tag)
    What did the player do? - use speedhack
    In what server? - [PL] Max-Play [CTF]
    In what time? - 18.06.12 17:30 - 18:00 [GMT +1]
    Are you sure? - Yes, I recorded a video:

    youtube destroyed the quality, the nickname can be read when the cheater is not moving.

    Sorry for my English, it's not my native language ;)

    I still have a screen on which the cheater admits to using speedhack:
  15. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Player: King Masery
    Server Official MOLE server
    When: see log
    Action: Destroyed red team's tower, admitted to it. I perma banned him on the server.

    Log attached. Idk if this was his first offense or not. But he's probably someone to keep an eye on.

    PS: I saw the "Can I appeal?" question after kicking him, I forgot to /rcon the /kickid while on the console

    Attached Files:

  16. HERaLD

    HERaLD Shark Slayer

    Player name: onox1
    what did he do: accused the red team of hacking, then switched to red and began destroying structures.
    When did he do it: Friday 22nd (I think), 5:03 PM ish, south Australian time. Not sure what time it would be for Americans, probably near or past midnight though...


    He is circled in red, halfway through messing up our front tower. If you look to the right he ruined a building there too, no real loss as you had to walk in an ineffective U pattern to get through it, even before it was griefed. Down the bottom you can see onox1 going "lol" while I followed him, trying to get people to take 2 seconds to vote kick him... I don't have proof of this, but at one point he asked "how am I not kicked yet?".
  17. Kagesha

    Kagesha KAG Guard Tester

    Please make sure to provide sufficient evidence, videos are preferred (especially for speedhackers), although screenshots will do for most common cases (griefing/harrassment). Not only will this make sure the conduct violaters are punished but innocent users aren't wrongly banned. Try to follow the outline in the original post, and do not post unless you are reporting or providing additional evidence (screenshots/logs/videos, not just "i saw him griefing").
    JacKD likes this.
  18. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    What was the players name? TerryDactly
    What did the player do? - They all wrongfully accused people of greifing even people playing as archer or knight, like me. They would abuse the kick feature and ended up kicking a number of people including my-self. They also avoided getting kick by switching to and from spectator, all the while accusing more people of griefing or being griefers friends.
    In what server? Australian Unofficial server
    In what time? 10:10 PM AESDT
    Are you sure? While i do not have any evidence since my computer being a old mac is unable to take screenshots, I am 100% sure that it was these players, This is the second they have done this the first itme is reported in the post that i qouted.

    It was not the well known terrydactyl I think the player spelt it TerryDactly
  19. Same time, might I add?

    It might not necessarily be TerryDactyl, given he's a relatively well known contributor to the community, but someone imitating his name (perhaps with an alt code or similar name.)
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