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pay by mobile..

Discussion in 'General Help' started by woross, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. woross

    woross Shopkeep Stealer

    Hello, I tried buying the game with my cellphone. (Using PayPal)
    But then, after I sent the SMS, it just said that it failed.
    Will I be charged?
  2. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    You shouldn't be charged considering the transaction failed?
    woross likes this.
  3. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Do you mean Zong payment?

    I tried to buy KAG by zong multiple times and Zong sent me multiple text messages to buy kag when I gave them my mobile phone number. Though, my phone provider didn't seem to support Zong :(, so I sent zong multiple text message I wanted to buy KAG, which didn't work. I didn't get an extra charge for these messages.
    You might get the normal charge for these messages, but I have an unlimited amount of text messages to normal phone numbers so that didn't cost me anything.
    woross likes this.
  4. woross

    woross Shopkeep Stealer

    Thank you, guys!
    </br>--- merged: Jun 21, 2012 12:27 PM ---</br>
    Okay, I wanna buy premium using a credit card (PayPal again.), but do i have to type my real billing adress? wont it just send me an email with the code?
  5. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    You should probably put in your real info, just in case.
    But yes, it does send you an email.
  6. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    Zong really works, i bought the Game trough Zong :D
  7. woross

    woross Shopkeep Stealer

    I have a bad phone operator xD