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[428]Tower critique?

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Archalieus, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. Archalieus

    Archalieus Builder Stabber

    Just realized I forgot to add the build number to the topic header. This is for Build [428].

    This tower is what i've come to use as my standard tower design from testing out various designs, though I still feel it can still be improved. I usually build this as a front-line tower during build phase if no one else takes up the spot.

    This is the normal view:

    This is an exposed view, as well as some of my design reasons.

    I haven't added in any spikes to my design, as i've come to distrust their usage in general, hence the lack of spikes in this tower. I use this design in games where my team has a balanced team composition.
    killatron46 likes this.
  2. CoD

    CoD Haxor

    Nice, archers have good cover as do catas. Good job.
  3. Bammboo

    Bammboo Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Maybe lower the door to get rid of the fall stun?
    Miauw62 likes this.
  4. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    The first door in the front could be a tad higher.
    That build takes 730 wood alone, but considering the new wood chopping system and that you build it during build phase, it shouldn't matter much.

    Although, a nicely placed bomb could easily bring the top of the tower down/wreck havoc.
    PS: The archer ports are not out of toss range :P
  5. Bunnyboy

    Bunnyboy Haxor

    Its a nice tower but I think its a-bit too high. I like the overhang and the archer spots are good but I can see people falling out. :rollseyes: (me)
  6. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    Already said, the door is too high. You dont want to be stunned when jumping out a tower, you could easily be killed if you'd do that.
    Other then that a nice tower, but mayby you could replace the doors on the team-side of your workshop to have a few trap-bridges, allowing for more workshops to be placed where your teammates need it.
  7. Archalieus

    Archalieus Builder Stabber

    Thanks for the comments!

    The door height is set so that a knight jumping and tossing a bomb will have a very hard time tossing it into range, although vaulting definitely shot-puts the bomb into range. My main reason for the height is because i've seen many good towers go down at the entrance due to bomb spam (I guess anything does in time anyway). I'll try to lower the height so that builders won't be stunned exiting the tower, but i'm not too worried about knights as I expect any good knight will parachute out of a tower. Strangely, i've yet to see any archers fall out of the overhang; i'll deliberately test this out myself.
  8. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I would add bridges over the top of the workshop for added stability, the bridges absorb bombs so then they won't be as much of a problem. You could do one of two things about the tower height, reduce it or build a small bridge out form it at 8 blocks off the ground.

    :door: lets pretend this is 11 blocks high (as your tower is)
    :castle_wall::bridge::bridge::bridge::bridge: That makes this 8 blocks high, no more stun! :p

    Still a sweet tower, and I agree with using more wood in buildings lately because of how easy it is to collect wood now, in fact wood is approximately 2x easier to gather now, because before the update 3 chops = 10, so each chop was ~3.33, now its 6.
  9. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    Be carefull what you wish.
    I build in wood ALOT now. Its just so much easier then digging for stone. Chop one tree, get full wood, build tower.
    Tough i get annoyed by wooden buildings in the buildphase, unless they have a clear function.
    (knight baiting, anybody?)
  10. Jumpout

    Jumpout Shopkeep Stealer

    Me likey, with the collective knowledge of everyone here this building has great potential