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Starcraft 2D texture pack (Work in progress)

Discussion in 'Texture Packs' started by nisher16, Oct 19, 2011.


Should the knight class be a zealot or zergling?

  1. Zealot

  2. Zergling

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    No i think Geti changed things up somewhat since then.
  2. This is sick.​
  3. Grendell100

    Grendell100 Haxor

    Download link is bad.
  4. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    This topic is quite old and the OP hasnt even logged into forums in over a month.
  5. Grendell100

    Grendell100 Haxor

    I want to use this texture pack :(
  6. nisher16

    nisher16 Shipwright

    Sorry guys. I wanted to make this pack awesome but when the game got updated everything got messed up. Plus sience i reformatted my pc thinking th d/l link would stay good...........now that its broken i lost all my data.......If anyone still has my file i would appreciate a link so i could try to update this for the new game.

    ---update---- all that i lost was the backgrounds and such. Not a big deal. If anyone can help me set this up so it works in the new game i will update it and re release it so you guys can try it out!!!!

    EDIT by Noburu: Posts merged, please do not double post.
    </br>--- merged: May 29, 2012 6:30 PM ---</br>
    Thinking about starting this project back up. Today I am going to take a look at the new sprites (The new version of Kag has different sprite sheets then what I used previously). I read that I have to use the same colours for certain parts or both teams will end up with the same colours? I don't fully understand what this means but i will play around with it today and hopefully by the end of the day of will have a new working sprite sheet for you guy's to play around with. So if any of you know how to work the new sprite sheet I would appreciate any tips/advice that would stream line my work a little.
    aquasheep likes this.
  7. The-CrabSpy

    The-CrabSpy Shipwright

    I would love for this to be continued... I love starcraft!
  8. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Great job on starcraft texture's nisher16, I like the Zealot, i haven't played starcraft before, but with these texture's, you could make KAG a starcraft theme, really good job there bro. But I'm sorry for you loosing them.....Hope you get them back.